- - - _ ,__
<br />_ ~: __.,,
<br />~a->Hriec~arttc~s r.~a ~ t~.rz:~.. t n_, 5~~., _~_ ..~ ~ , ~..
<br />:; ; ~~=
<br />Lieat rtrrinted bp;
<br />--~I~ t~Oaibxitak...~I.x~tX.~..c-o-.. x?G --_----"----._.....
<br />P. 0. Box 5 8
<br />rlddrrts•.. Grat7d.-_I s lait....,.._NE._.. x$801.----'.... --
<br />J~~"--'-' --
<br />7-17-80
<br />~~_~~ntract for_all__labor_and_mat2r-
<br />- - -----
<br />serial far electrical wiring of resi
<br />nce_locaCed-at ~l4 West 10th. Grand
<br />---------------------------
<br />i
<br />----------- ~ °----?r-------------------------------------------
<br />,:
<br />,;
<br />--
<br />'debraslca
<br />btate crf_~-..._........_...----------~
<br />Fall ss.
<br />..__-.---'--- -'--...-'-....-...._ CouniY
<br />A~t¢ntr Robert G_.- aallum, president of Mettenbrink Electric, Znc.
<br />- ---'-'--. - .._.--~ - - ~--- - ---~----_..-, heiny first
<br />! duty sworn, on his oat}: saps that the joreq¢ing itemised ¢rcaunt of u¢rh, iabar, s''ii?.- _
<br />f inaleriats, and irr.Qravsments is trtec and correct: tkal same ewers acne and ; erJa-mrt sr a rrisl ~ r, • tfac nneersigred
<br />}er =.ke sa:v...-.-_Janice M. i:inp_and_ Gerald :~ . GQx
<br />_ _ _ ..
<br />::rider ¢i.-..JIa~{.... .. ..-...---. .-...-.- conLmcA .._...._.. - .. _
<br />jar Ff~e"' ... ..'~', 1.,~'ir.~?i7..tir.~.~. i~7~.~.1.t1~ .. ........ .........-.- _o! c, - t'_L', S.l EleiiC C. ----.- - -
<br />an ittc ;ailoariav7 lat. nteee ar parses uF ?:. r.J, c iiiE w2S terl~f [' L~~sf d'eeL ;S+7~V ) Ct L.Ot .. -.....-_
<br />_....
<br />.__~.~~;~~..:..~_._.,~^ .~.._~..,..+:r1~;i~ty ~- t., t~~1..,. in ~:zts.~el w°:heeler`s Addition
<br />? _.,...tc~...the__Ci..y....:,~..Gra:.xd---is.Iaxid.,...;3e.t~rasica_ _. _ ._...- _
<br />1 __ -
<br />. _.__.
<br />_. _. _..
<br />~ That at th txnta ,atd santrart k~as rn¢da and labor ¢nd rnaterutls nanisiaad rind dc(tzered thercirnder _---_-__ .-
<br />~an~:ce ~ r ink,, aid Gerald I' ox were
<br />_ _.-
<br />~ .. - ......._..... _ -x'41+.e c~wrar of s¢id ,,etuise;=
<br />haL,.,Cex Gonstruc.Cion,,..,Inc,, was l'he contractor on said residence and
<br />WY. .~. _ . __ _ -..
<br />-.. - ....
<br />r _. _____ -._..._
<br />? ._:~.C.~.1.~.tie...~.0.','~-_:E~73+~.--OwA.~2~ .._.-..-.
<br />t ~ _...... ._.. ..._. __ _ .
<br />s `''~.. _ ...._...
<br />%'itut ilte data ci iiGe first itzm {tarnished and deliaared -'• Jt} } L3, 19&0
<br />..as-.
<br />e tember 1 _94fl ..l- ,rzd rliP
<br />`date of thr. last iterx zv¢s'~-. Q........, g ~ '
<br />~i~.¢>ub furtker states that said labor rear her-[arrned nn, rnd x_¢terioPs ;mere furrrisiFd-for, :fe<<^.•ered at, c;nd resed in
<br />said barildi~ag ar ,bremisas an and bet¢vaen the dates sPecifiad.
<br />T,tat the ,prices ckargsd €herajor pare fair and reason:whiz°, ctnd €ha; r/r_r~ i, ni-~r: r-1¢a ;;,s recd arc~~aenE tye sunx of
<br />Thre~__Thousana_-Nine Hun¢rac~ Sixt••_rL.o and 3???0*.~--aaa--_________.
<br />- - - ._ - ~ - -- .__ " _ .__ ... _........ -.' idars. f
<br />- ..- hat s:*.d'
<br />-..... ..-__.. .._...--. i7t..tt.~TibYlnh. GZeCrr1C lnC.
<br />.. .., ..... .. -- . - .........,. _clatn, r n rrr hF 'aid x5 --tries •s for ire BEd an .. t ..
<br />' satd actonnt, to-udt: Thar stars o 3, 962 37 f
<br />} ~_. __ ~yetn r i.h iris-> t there at .lee gul ~at..
<br />i }rara t1xe.,....1.~~~'a....day a}--..----~'rpt.,mber
<br />t~€rmmrat *~rsta .. . .. r ...~..- ~zn~: i'irtt~ *jxant ,<r;r nr;.
<br />~~~ a 'ie LrEi'u lt3
<br />Gpr730ratlOn - - - -- -
<br />__ y.
<br />. ~7 t:'.ff' ~ i'Pt. S:t Ct~RC
<br />5'~;.iL `ir:~•,srri?:ad ra .rrs rreses+sC cna r:z ::> : e r~ ee rn, .
<br />.. _... : e:..
<br />,r,. ., s
<br />. -- '%:r ~-. - -.
<br />P3ovember 6v~'i
<br />against:-_Janicp__M-,--_Kiz~..~-Gerald r . Gax
<br />_Si4 West i0th Grand Island NE 5801:
<br />Cr.
<br />----: i i
<br />------------------ j
<br />.;.-------"'-r-----
<br />~ >~ ~-
<br />°~ reierse „~.~: ,. ri•~t~_, ~ ~ a z~waaty _ ..._ - ..
<br />- 4Rr 4t~w.t ,R'~~ ..
<br />