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~°-~tt(r~3`~~J <br />MORTCAC,E <br />- ---~fDarr.ACE1r~a.~NO-_ L23,845 <br />xrlotrAa.t,MENBVTtI~sE>=ItFSENrs:chat „oho 3, C;ay`ot~ ar;d 2amela E. Clayton, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />orty-three Thousand and No/ i0C Mortgagor'whetlr'roneo"'_~`'_t°_`_°_t~"~~3Of u"~"°9f <br />---- -----.-------- ---"------ ---- DOLLARS <br />ksatted to said mortgagor by The Equitabk Bui-ding and I<wt Asmcvation of (:rand lsiand, Nebraska, Mortgegtz, upon 430 des of uot9t of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifit~tz No. L23,846 , d° tterzby grant, convzy and rnortgagz tmio the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described rea! ertafz, situated in Hall Cnunty, Nebraska <br />LOT TEN (10) IN `dALLEY 1:IEi•! THIRD SUBDIVISION, <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NL"oRASKA. <br />together wtth ail the tenttrrrnu, heredaaments and appurtertarces thereunto ixeiungmg, utcludtng attached noor wverings, ali window screens, <br />w~nd°w shades, bonds, storm windows, awnings, heating, arr wndiliuamg, and plumbing and water equipment snd accxssoties thereto, p'etttps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other fiztums and equipment now or hereafter attached to ur used m connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgag°r has agreed and does hereby agree that the murt;,agor shall and will pav all Paxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said oretrtises and upon this rtwrtgage and the nund secured thereb.• bafore the ;ante <haii bec°me deiiuquen[; to fttrnislt approved <br />ittsurana upon the buildings nn said premraes situated in the sum of S 43 , DGD. DD payable [u satd ASSOCIATION and to deliver [o said <br />ASSOCIATION the puhctes for card insurance; and not to wmmrt or perms any waste un ur about said premises: <br />Sn case of d+a€auEt m the pcr(orrrurree of any of tt[z terms and conilrtrens n1 tttmt uxsr[gage or the bond secued hereby, Le s7nre~eP ~h~tt <br />rm d>;artaflJ, fz cttCa[teu eu :rss_rre°tate F-.nsa:on +:t the ;n;rtgagcd pser;nse; ,rJ ;hc ,nurepagur hereby assigns, transfers and szts over to the <br />m°t'tga-gta sEi the rents, revcnr;es xad :na+me to he derived C:c:m the nxrrgaged prenrnses c9urmt such time xs the mortgage mdebtzdness shad remain <br />ttnp~~;S: and she ni:n tgagee sl~ii have [hc pow~or ea appoint any sgent or ~agantx .; may dasase r;>c ^te purFwse of ;epaumg satd premises and retnsng <br />thz ~[.fz _ t ..ra3&'•rg':T :~trs -n,=,-~•a- s ~ _..- - an ; xprncr~ ut .e.~it>ng ~izi p mt«s a!td nesxssaty <br />ago nusuvns tx: expenses sncmteJ rn r*;: ntr xnJ nta ,a'~re a. J -. - L~--s (; €_t- - f '>~,_..r,m, t7~ „ .;.tna:ni;.g, if a„y, [o be <br />.•o„, <br />:t,mt.rl f ,war+_ .as d,s*•t ~.gz ,r a,~t ..x„~ .re <br />r . _ ... .:; ...:_ s : o:;;,r.E ;; ~u¢:y h; 2a~sc;~:-J at a.+y a.ns during she eacn~terrce of sucb <br />t#.au1t, ea re=pes~sve ut a::y to nspe,: arp >n e;t the ssm~ <br />. ~ b ""` -. -"'~ - Fun t - '~- -- -~- R,-. y a~ ha - -efaav - ;d an + ur i+eturc the maturdy ut s~sd shares by <br />t'~# xlat Z5' t' S ? 4a,+ 4S4 - 1- t - ,%y- _ - g ~,,.. - - - - y - - - - p .. nal s:ud ttfan .:ri [Ir betore <br />t:rt ,.+a,tR;ss,+ay us Taut anu every ntontn, oral tastt ua.: ;, +ullt f+asJ, t e} ~fi taxes >n~ „see - .en+> fcv;cJ ~bauut vtd prstntses ar.J •rr. tkus Mortgage <br />attd ilte Bond seemed thereby, beEurr delsnqurncy, Cwntsfr aopruveJ rnutarxx~ up.u; i.^.r b;;;;dntgs tts:re.en m t;;~ sum ut 4 J 3 ,tit%() . (JU payable <br />to said ASS(k:lAT10N; repay to said ASS(X'tAl'ION apon denunJ aJi nx+vy hr +~ paJ tu; ,u.:t; taxes, nsSeaJiite°[s anJ msurarcz wt[h tnteresi at <br />the nsaxsmunt itgal rate thereon fr°m Jate of pay ntent sit of wha.:it t.1nr tgag:rr hr~eby agree, to pay, pet rtt:t nc+ waste un satd ptemtses. i:cep and mntply <br />wstlr aEl the agreerrtents a[!d conditions of the Bond tar ~ d ~ ,:~00 ,,{ rim ;wv ~,; en ny t e ~ Mortgagor io 5aJ lSSUt'[ATION, end rxmply <br />w~atls all the rey°trgneais of iltz tJOnsUtutmn and Gy-Caws of sam Aar{}L. AF}<~~. ;? eo thex 1, +. ws ;hall bew;r •• n-r I anJ vad, u[berwtse they <br />shall remain in full forz and racy be to 1-still at r .;[ Ur u,J Sxf3t iA fltJh -fee t'aJwe tnr :nrze nwn0ts to make any of .~+td <br />payments or be their; a;mtths m a, tears ar rr ~ ktng sell twn.n.y Cm ~ w „>, + a ,, esJ a,;J c r pt. with tae agteentcros and conJ;[tuns ul satd }cond. <br />aril Mortgagor agree, to have a recarvcr apptrmteJ fortnwttn in >uc:ta furcci.:»4... p uic-e-du?ga. <br />If ttxre is any changz N uwners6ip of ttte teal r..tate mortgage-J hstesr,, ha ufe ,::.;ihzswtsx, thin the r:nt;rr rematnmg ;ndehtedness .hereby <br />scctued dull, at tlx uptitn[ ul 7`he I~gintable Budsiing and Lcau ,? ssucsatrur: ,>C (;r nJ tst?n.t, ti,t,ta,;; n.. e d'ue a==-:d payab;e wtihuut <br />Curt_he, n°tisx, and the antount- rctnaiatng due under satd bonJ, tna guy ,.Um bn rd fm a q -JJnro:[at aJvartws tnaEde jihereundzr; s!taL, Crum the <br />Jatc of exerc~iae of said °pti°n, bear interest at the mars,-rtunt sgat rnsr._ and [hss rn.u t¢abe s.ur then be iurcdaned to s^rsisfy rite amount due un saad <br />bottd,gnd any other bond for addit°nal advarxxs, k~eihr: with adl sums pa.J hp sssd Foe Cgwtabte Building anJ L oan Assu6iauw of G:a;td Island, <br />Idca>:aLka E°2 iasatan~, taxes and assessments, and 2bst:acting extztaur ;:';a: gca, ;vstK ,;, serest titewvn, frou; date u! payncen[ at th? auztmum <br />kgai raze. - <br />-' As pmvtded m tyre Bond ser:med hereby, while thts :nurtgagc rentauts ;n eClect the mortgagee rosy hereafter adranrx additional sums to the <br />^takryrs of said Bond, their assign; nr successors vn ntterCSi, wtuch sums »iut! he wrihn efm xe¢uty ut this mortgage [ire acme as the funds urigtnally <br />sscautd thereby, tliz total areratmt of prutcigal debt not to exaad at um erne the mrgs;ta ansoum ai [hs ,teutgage. <br />'. :ia!`J ti;a SL?t., day+sf PtC Vetibe r' f7 <br />/ : `: z$D <br />~'; k <br />r/ ~ <br />tit...-+--- t '•t t ~ r, <br />- .~=3.1~__~___ <br />Palneta E. Clayton <br />S7A97; DS• NEBRASKA, ( __ <br />Ci}1?riTr' Flit MALL 3 ~. t5n trio 7th . ,lay ++i '•!p ve!abe Y 19 x,.Ci . beY'o2 toe, <br />t;:.. unuersrgncd, .r fantary t'ubl;c w and ;ur sar 1 C~om+ty, persc:naliy carne <br />,IOhn R. Clayton ar.d Ramela E. Ciayten, e;cn in %,-, a,~d her ~,wn right, ,na as spoue ;;= <br />L~i+C?-! bt;?E_'f Ghu <lt°P~i P~rvrna<ly krnv:n to <br />n>a to bC t[56 a:3enncal pe:tea; ~ w-bur n,;rtsr 3 if ri? attlxud =u t;;4 „buvr uuirtiuxr,ri x; o:~rth;Fyo; S ;.nu '-~Cj ,csv~ra:!Y <br />ai'-li'2etw°:t~ _i Ems' ?,a.'~` l.s~k:;5.,.333 ; 4 ._- t i IC ? 5" s ~ .3r - i ,-,~~-.. - . <br />nr a:-`v--$~s _ ~ T.,y t.(` 1,-_.3;'(a[L:E .sra++.~c ,.i.- <br />;a tyres sr i €: . r: _ ..- ~ _. ~ -~ y°i •v Ycf~tt: <br />t <br />