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<br />~, t-a-.met:taHtcs_~feN_cr~„~e,~~.$a.., e~~~ ~ ~ ~,, S 8~ ter, ~~.
<br />bibn ctahned by: .........._..._---..__.f9.Yr.-4------•----._.._...----------19-r~--
<br />.•-----..-..-._.-..»_-.----.,At1o flt~-_..•--._.._._....._.._.-.._ againat:__3ohn_3 and Niirxa_N Lessi9___---_----•
<br />.tddress~_~?'~.a Irfsh_Aer+es _----,-----_r._»__.---_.. ._707 E 19-_•
<br />State- o f...... NE$I~ASKA__• _ '
<br />- ss.
<br />----.........~i~LL..--- °------ County
<br />`4~t'- •----•--_._...._._--------•-----•--------------------Angela_Ott ------------ ---------------------------------------- being jerst
<br />duly sworn. an his oath says that the foregoing itemised account of work, labor, skili ....................--..°-.....-..-.--..-----------
<br />matarialr, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and performed and furnished by th¢ undersigned
<br />far the said----------------------•------~5?X..CSItIS.tL7.tC.t7.4A..~S~)Dll1X---_.-._....- - --- ---.........._... .._ .......................---------------
<br />under a= .-_...------ord~ ---- rontratt._------------------- ----------
<br />- for rha'_._...--------i.~raYetaertt~..re;tair_-------------- ---°f a -----rPSallentfdl--home------..------.
<br />an the foriowing lot, pp~-ece or parcel of rand, vis:•.....-~.QZ...~._t~.._Ci1.'/~...~S.~3A~.,-..$~.Sfl._.~Sti~l--A-S.---.--.--..--•---°------
<br />"• '' to;; 4, ~ioeic Y, Avrris Addition in the Cit- of Grano island ~taii
<br />Courtly, ~i'raska
<br />_.-----°......_.........__. - ° - ....._......._..-.r-...__---------------------
<br />---._._..--- ------ i - -- -
<br />- -- -- --
<br />---------------------
<br />- ~ Thot a*. tb-a ti.xe said cantraet ;as:s °xads :srd ~.shar and tnatar4eds ;:e:x~hed and dam: fired tot _nder:.........._..-.......
<br />,'. --.~.__...sf4hlt..3_.3JiE~-.~.1Atd..I'~..~.@SSI$--..---.....--°-.-----°•-----.._ ..............................-.....-was the owner of said pra+xites° -
<br />.
<br />:; ._-_....._._:~h.::.~~ti"ttt~.on.~..the..~Dn:tzatinx~. nn.:s,~i.d-.Guf.3sti.n8_and_.a~tzn9.-__....------------------
<br />f,~, s,Tlk+t the data of th+s-first2aborfurushad and delivered ze+ar....-...._~U~X-.-f..+...f.~~Q..-__...._-._...._..........._..... and the
<br />of the last A~.l~rtaas ...............2:..~ ~a_.J.9~1.......-- -- - -- -• ..-,.................._._...-- -°------ - -- -°-.....°- -
<br />^~~ A$iaat f=+rtllt~t"staEd~tha3 saidlabor mss performed on, and materials were furnished for, delivered at, and used to
<br />~¢-brikt~g or..pramites`on and berwsea tke dates specified.
<br />,e};l F7uFt Fhe ~lslcat. clta'gied therafas-are fair and raasonoble, and that these is now due on said account the sum of
<br />j'.:._....,.F.~.tX~~__._-...':.-_---=.r._.r..-'---._-:..-.-_-°-'._Q--=...-.._--..'...c...-.-.-..-_•~---°-:.Dollars, that said"
<br />-.....,_...._~~0 ~t~_.. _._._,-......._.._......_ ............................ _rlainu a trap on the said premises far the Jolt amount of
<br />~~ i t>ud.aetosust, ts>-exit: The sure of +..~.QQ» ..............................._----......together with interest thereon at the regal rata,
<br />fratx the.....-. 15 .........day of_......~~?t~~??-'.-.--_---...... r Q....-, and farther af(rant says•+sot.
<br />~..-. fem.
<br />................ .. ...................hn......~ ...... ...............
<br />- - Gf_77Ef2AC-tvpTABtAI .._.._ .......................°.
<br />..,. .
<br />,: -- STATE GrMn- J'ubsceibed irf nsy presence and surorn to- before me this.. C' .~~'•~
<br />`~ Ccramrss~0a Ekes ( ...... .........
<br />,-.
<br />2&. 4~3. day of ---...~`.L~~i..~i:.".a.c.~:u:......._.-.... ~S( Z
<br />1 .....~j~_~jn.~.. _ .. .
<br />._...~ ~.. .~+5.w
<br />{ Ssa r;verge aide for-%natructuntgj .~.-..-.... Notar~Pubtrr.
<br />SPATE; ~_'-,. .. _...,_ .... .............._..,-. %.ntered ors notnericRl itxtez and fled £or record
<br />in the Rogiaiar at 7Jeeds O[fice ert said {;Hoary the
<br />~' .... ..ti dock akai.. .._.... .. -minutes .._. ..... rv9„
<br />i ~ b1Y t~.~t40.~f.,......- ...,.,.__...... .... a~,. .... .. ,. __..... _. ..... st pogo.,.... .,.._..........._ .__ _...
<br />~. - - .. - - Yteg. <ri Ik-.da
<br />- $1^-. - -. pernty
<br />