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I~f® A(~~ <br />'~S gags made sad apiued inn t}tis 10th d" e1 of October / <br />1980 ,bgsad between ROBERT L. SIEMERS AND BETTY J. SZEMERS, husband and wife <br />thereieafter referred to as stortgagar) and the Administrator of the Small Beuiaea Admiaistratioa, as agettey of the <br />Goverttmmt of the binned Stelae of America (hereitufter referred to ae mortgagee), who maiatsins an o6ce attd <br />phtee of htooinen at Et¢pire State Bldg. , 19th & Farttam Streets, Omaha, NE 68102 <br />~tt7stlE8t7i, that for the eaasiderati~- hereinafter stated, receipt of which is herby s~mrledged, the <br />itsottgagor does hereby martga~e, ee}l, Rraay ataigtt, and convey lento the atortgagee, hie snetxaoota and aasigoe, aN <br />of the folkwiag denerihed property siznated anal htsia~ in the Canty of }}ALL <br />States of NEBRASKA <br />TRACT OF LA::D COYL°RISL.G A PAP.T OF TEE NORTH F,ALF OF TH.~ NORTPiviST <br />Q}TARTER (N 1/2 NW I/4) AND PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER <br />(NW 1/4 NE 1/4) OF SECTION THIRTY-ONE, TOWNSHIP TWELVE (12) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) <br />WEST of THE 6'TH P.M., HALL COUNTY NEBRASKA AND Z~RE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS <br />Pt7LLOW5 <br />BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NiJ2 NW1/4; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG <br />AND UPON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID N1/2NW1/4 A DISTANCE OF O:vTE THOUSAND SEtsEN HUNDRED <br />EIG}iTY-THIti:E E1783.0) FEET; THENCE S 1° 09' W A DISTANCE OF TI~~E HUNDRED SEVENTY-'£WO <br />(372) FEET; T}?ENCE N 88° 57' E 9 DISTANCE OF SIX }HR~DRED SEVEtv'TY-EIGHT AND TWO TENTHS <br />(b78.2) FEET; THENCE S ago 31' E A DISTANCE OF SLR{ HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE AND SEVEN TENTHS <br />(bb5.7} FEET; THENCE S 82° 23' E A DISTANCE OF THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-SEVEP7 AND SIX <br />TEIv'THS (387.6} FEET; THENCE S 64° 52' E A DISTANCE OF EIGHTY-NINE AND FOUR TENTHS <br />{89.4) FEET; THENCE S 89° O1'_E A DISTANCE OF FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT AND <br />Fi7RTY-TWO HUNDRIDTHS (428.42} FEET TU A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID NW1/4 NEl/4; <br />THENCE 50° 29' E ALONG AND UPON 1'H_E vPAST LLn7E OF SAID NW1/4 NE1/4 A DISTANCE <br />OF THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT (338) FEET TO THE SO~~AST COR*~'ER 4F SAID NW1/4 NE1/4; <br />THENCE 5 890 40' W ALONG AND UPON THE SgL'TH LINE OI^' SALD NW1/4 NEl/4 A DISTANCE OF ONE <br />HUNTTRED FIFTY SIX ANll SEVENTY-FIVE HUNDREDTHS (156.75) FEET; THENCE N 43° 24' W A <br />D?STA.1tCE OF TWO HIINDRED FIFTY-EZG}iT At~D THIRTY-7'}}Tr:EE }}UNDREDTHS (258.33} FEET; T}}ENCE <br />N 7''° ?3' W A DISTANCE OF SEVEN }11P:+FD?iE?~ i'.HIRTY-FIVE :~:'-sT° T}~..183`Y--TWO HUNAP,EDT'FIS (135,32) <br />FE~i; '}HsivCE N 33~ 40' W A DISTANCE OF FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO AND NINETY-EIGHT <br />tiL~suic~virw 042.5$) FEET; 31lEivCE S 83° 52' wit 11IS'TAsNCL OF ONc HU'R`D}iED FIFTY-TWO <br />Alin iivs~b-F`IVE ku'Y~f~Ei7I-HS (152.?5) FEE'P; T}tENCE S 520 47' ?;• A DISTANCE OF EIGHT <br />HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE ANDFI.VE TENTHS (875.5} FEET; THENCE S 89° 32' W A DISTANCE OF <br />ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE AND FIVE TENTHS (189.5),FEET; THENCE N b9° 37' W A DISTANCE OF <br />SIX HUNDRED TWO AND SIXTY-FOUR HUNDREDTHS (b02.64) FEET; THENCE S o9° 34' W A DISTANCE <br />OF EIGHT HUNDRED 57XTY-FIVE AND SEVEN THENTHS (865.7} FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY <br />LINE OF SAID N1/2 NW1/4; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG AND UPON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID <br />N1/2 NW1/4 A DISTANCE OF ONE THOUSAND SIXTY-NINE AND FORTY-FIVE HUNDREDTHS (].064.45}FEET <br />TO THE POINT OIt BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 46.7 ACRES MORE OR LESS <br />Ttsaether wills sad iaduding all huildings, al} fixtures in~eludittg but not limited to all ptumbinp„ heating, light- <br />ing, vetililatinQ, refriF,eralin~, incinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby <br />declaring, that ii is intended that the itxms herein enutnecatrd .ha}I he dreme3 io have barn permaaenily in. <br />+ta}Ied as part of cite realty), and all impravcmenia new or hereafter existing thereon; t};e heraditaments and <br />eppuricnanres and all other riF,hts thereunto beion~ityt, or in anywise appertainiua, and -the rav:ersion anJ r+e- <br />versions, remainder and remainthn:, all right: of redemption, and the rents, issues, amt profits of the above <br />described gretsarty { ptnvided, however, iht:t the mortgagor shall be entitled io the ga3ytsniozs of Bald preparty <br />and to collect and retain the canto, issues,, sad israfits unt::! default hereunder). To have aad to hold the flame <br />unto the nwriRapre and the surer»sars in iniere,t of the mortgagee forever in tee *imple or such other estate, <br />if any, as is stated herein. <br />The taorsgsgar eoveaaau that he is lawfaAy seised and possessed of ~ hre the right to Bell and twavay said <br />propbaty; rhea the same is flee Cron all rncnmhranam eicept as hertitsabove recited; and that he hereby biada <br />hlttsseSf anti his staeeeesop in inttzes! to warrant aad defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />fhe maims aC all pct'rwru whexttaasver. _ <br />This instrurnent ia}•s'ven w secure the payment of a rg, omisaory uatr daiedt~-1.~.cE-2,.'/='- -'y<#~'~ ~-'~~~ <br />~ tl~ twimripa} slier "f $ ?,840.00 ,signed by R°bsrt L. S3.c~ers stxd }tatty J. Si~aers <br />:~ ~hzif = } thely ^~ <br />,,e., r,u:.~ 43: I3-~;tF r+*•Na. LIA4ai. a:e S}4w~,f. <br />