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80-~.OC+~'3Q8 <br />1~IflItTGAGE <br />T~iIS=Af01£TGAGH iatr~e tie......... , 4th ... ... _ ..... day of .... ,Sovember, _ . _ , ... _ .. " . <br />2S$~.., betweentheMortgeg4r,HAROLD, K., .LUNBERR`f .A4iE7, BEi~d I TR J, , , (.4J,NS~3,~RRY,. huSbarsf..and. yrs fe <br />................... ...............(harem "Borrower»), and the Mortgagee, Home Federal <br />3aviggs-and Iman fissr~iat3on, a txtrgoration orgatvzed and ezistiag tinder the laws of The United Statva of <br />America; wh~eaddr~sis-222 9etttlt igcust8treet, Grand Isiattd, Nebraska Iherem'.Lender••y. <br />Wxeseas, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of ;: rt1BTY. F.I.V,E .THOUSANt~ .AND. N01.lAO . <br />~_~~ <br />-- • ----"".""~----' Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Bormwer's note <br />dated. November $, . 1480_ ..... , .therein "Note"), providing for monthly instalimeirts of principal and interest, <br />tvitfi the baianee o€ the- indebtedness, if not saoner paid, dtie and payable on.... ,1.anuat'y..1.,:.1.98 i ........ . <br />'I'o35erzrne to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payrnem of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and-the-performance of the covenants and agreemenu of Borrower herein contained, and (b) *.he repayment <br />ofany futare advaitees, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />`~uttup.~dYa>xes"), Bormwer does hereby martgege, Brent and convey to Lander the fpilowing described property <br />'ideated iu £'atiaty of .............. HAIL ............. , ........., State of Nebraska: <br />THE EASTERLY FORTY FOUR AND FIFTEEN HUNDREDTHS FEET (E44.15') OF LOT ONE (1) AND TFiE <br />rFES'f6REr'P'' TH A RTY Fi VE FEET (35') OF LOT TWO f 2) BLOCK ONE (I) PLEASANT V 1 ESV TH t RD <br />ADDITI6N TO T}fE C1TY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />4I5 =ast °'~ - <br />wirwh,ims the address of ................~:.... ;~,i.~t~srl., . , , .. , . , ....., ..... Gr~n¢. l S.I~Rd ........., <br />€stteetl taty3 <br />.Nebsesica _66801_ • _ . (heman "Property Address"); <br />TrxceTx.: tit alt rite iave3raenta raw o[ hereafter ererAed on tl~ property, and aU easements. rsghts, <br />`-- ---- rCkRS, soya, rnitierai, oil and gas rig'nts arxi pra~tts. water, ware[ rights, and were[ stock, and atl <br />hXEu3navr or iteageaftcr attached to the property, all of which,-including replacements and additions thereto, shah be <br />dixt; td be and setttaz[i.a par; of the property covered by this Mortgage; and ail of the foregoing, tagcther with said <br />)~rix~etty. (ar the iea4e~ld eetate if thi6 Mortgage is ona iwsshold} are herein refer[ed to as the "Property". <br />Bsirrea?er c~svatta%ta 1t Iorrower is lat~ftdiy seised of the estate henahy amvcyed and ha.c the right to mortgage, <br />Lit: timed txas~y,the Property, tl~t-tht Property is iitieitcambcred, and that 13arrawcr will warrant artd Defend <br />gs~+ta(iy,e(re tithe to tke.Aropat4Y all tiaima end dettsands, subject to any drelaraeions, ear,enients or r~trlctiatts <br />in ~ of f~ iti covar~ge in any title imurat~ pniu:y irxsttring Lender's interest tR the Protxrty. <br />- _ -l #a4 fmx7fr~•d€75-~.ii11U11-f7~iC 1IIM Hlttt~kEMI <br />