RIIECNANiG'S LIEN ~~'~o ~ ~~ ~ t`3 ~ ~ ~ Huftman and Feftai 3 #inlf. Mannn, lie. tx3861 ~-
<br />Lien cdeirned bqr ...--_...---------~Ctober.2'r,----....._._.. $~ '
<br />J ----- ---Eg-------- .
<br />...Iir~~f~..' us~,es._.$r .SdiTtCre~t:..-~~muan3r_.._. Ag~nst:..~~J ~r Q R ~ _A . a fft q R i C~,.,3-_$Te.~t£
<br />325 North Elm Street'~~ 9~b-- Soiit~i""Curie -"-"-"
<br />t[ddrer:. -- --gaud-Ls:.aud.,_.IdE.. bB$~i..__ __.. -..,_.....---- ---...~.rs~ -- s.1.a.~ttl.>...tN..~..6.$841-------- ---
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<br />Rffia»a', Rc~~P;t.-.PtrS.ilek.s...M~.izs1$.~~'._o Ha-ppe_-Lui?~ber- ~ Concrete Com~anv-.----, being hrsr
<br />_ drip sworn, on his aaEh says tkat the forcgaimg itrrocited account of :~xors. Gibar, svild._-..._..-___.-
<br />- j nW#ariais, and imyravernenis is true arsd Garrett: tkat same Wert lane and {~erfvrmed and f.irnished b_y tke undersigned
<br />' ~,crtcrl a ~.~ d- ou r~tn-S
<br />fer tke sasd-----------._. ---- `-_..-.-_Csx...._..._,paA....-_....~s?<....._..~...+fR,.~,. ~
<br />~ 9»der 6~ .--...._61R 4.L:.--.._._..._.........._ .............. CDntratl_........_............._....--......-.-......_......-.-.-.
<br />tortke~.._....,.-.,tnat~rais, fuinished - ---- - .,; a _ _residence
<br />_.._.
<br />' an the fvfvrunisg fa#, d+iei. ~. ar jrorted of land, zn-. ...._$~-.p~~ -fit LOL !z l,ldi255enT S '.
<br />C e T t A i +' Ss Z i s- ,
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<br />'~; - ~'kar at tme :tit .maca .'rmtraet erns Rrad~e ryed da~ar sand maEmad,s ,~nr»i„skull anal defim~ered tk~w^ennder.-_-__.--
<br />.~ward..F~~...r~~.~..~,d~iun Stone.
<br />--- --- - - -- ~- 1 .. _ll ..._ r.('was the onrnes of said prenksts'
<br />' ~'R1.~ •"+t.. Taal-....«F.,rQ... ~ep. 7> act- I.°4t..-...o..swscxer~
<br />~_. _.. - -
<br />FkaE tht data of tke ~rst ite»t fur»isked and detivered i{vs......_...~UXgll&.~.._.~,~.o-...~ygC...-.__ ..............- and tke
<br />_ ~ date of the last item :cae......_.SE{q.tearher..5..,._Z~.$4__...-. -. --_-- _....... ._..---. ..._.---.... _........
<br />.$.,~artt frrtker stctes tlwt said lobar Baas perfarrurd o», and materials zaere furnished for, delivered at, and wsed in
<br />j said bri~ding ar ~renasses a» end uelzt~een tke dates sl+eeifred.
<br />- T'katt the prices charged tkerefor are fair and reaso»ai>!e, and tFwt t.sere is haze due on said arcornt the sum of '
<br />_..~~.X:!~d3---i't3,ix~a`3.Xe~- ~~~~µ -311t~-. fl9(If)1~~~~..~~-.._....,....~,...~~.~.,°~-..°.~-.~~?odtars, than said°
<br />..Ha ~..Luyn]aer---&..Csznsix~-~.e.-.i.4:np~n -,
<br />{~Il ~ .,}r._ -- _ >xaims a lirn r-n the said premuea f+~r tka ,*u:! amarnt of
<br />;aid atsa'r»»t, to-iii: Tkc su»t of ~_%.`~~~..~~. - .........together zaitk interert thereon at #ke legal sate, -'
<br />Kraus tits.......-.~.~T........day a}... ~&~~~~!!~?er..........-'r z 8Q and further a nt sa
<br />.. -~`_.-......._._.-----..._. 9._-......-. ffsa ys not.
<br />_~_...__. - ..... .. _ I'Z'E:_I.7~~;E~t~& C:DNCRE`I'E COMPANY
<br />~xkFA>V 'i#1Sti 5'.~~bt Raitied~ ~~ -- -- -_... -
<br />rs. ti a; ~ fly. .. ,~'~>.~~ -~..~/' % ~.... -
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<br />~~ 5»bsrrtbrd i» ~}~ j»-asentz a»d ;'~:~rr» to bef~a'~r this_._. -~ ......._...
<br />dap of -~- ---_....._. . t5!-t !1_. - . ,. -„Cy - ~ , zq..~.Q...
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<br />:=~ ie+rs3ae sirs isse ensmti<~vc+s) ~ ~~"otary Pxbiic.
<br />- 3£'.k'2'I' Q~',,.._ ... ........ .... ........... t FnirrrNt >xu nuexx.•re.~?I indrz and fiErd fFxr rr~}>;d
<br />....... _ .. ; ~ t. t'„unt..• the
<br />(i]r -._-...-_- _._.....-.. __. ..._ ~n stw ?eg,:gter t T3cea!+ t~tiite a, said
<br />- ........ ----_.e3~g e$.... _.. ..... _ _..._. -...... __,... 1~..-__ .a0. .__.. _. __....._ -c'ctueyc azxl.... xninu`,es ?.5..
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