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<br />Address.-~zdAS9,...I.&l.r~zl _.Ids.-.bs°r.84.1.-.....---........
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<br />H~ftman and ielfna ~ WWf 'Nation !t=- oa4bI
<br />---- ............._Octaber...Z 7i.----- ------------...._----'g-- 84
<br />Against:--.....D -~_& EIIen_Ka--Lilienthai.,--
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<br />Aj/rantr, 8oberL_-P~Zek,..a'"lanager of Hope-_iumber_&-_Conerete -Company _ being Terse
<br />duly swtrrn, on his oath says that the foregoing itentieed account of wank, labor, skidd-._--_..-...._.___---___.-___----_---_--__---_-
<br />ntaterials, and improvements is true and correct: that came were done and performed and furnished by the undersigned
<br />for the said......ABV.e...L3,----&..F...L~..ex1...K.....~.?,lenthal.-... - --_... ...--- - --- --------------------
<br />2 q d... - ----°---.._.
<br />under a' --__-___.....~----- --°_°°--°°--- ----..... contract_..._...._._.. -- - ...,. -- ._... -- - ----- -----°...----- ... - ----°...._
<br />fortlet°-------maz~zial...~ternich~.d-------- -------------------of a ...---x~aiS~£S).~.~ ..............- ------------•--...------------------ '
<br />on the following tot, puce ar parcel of tand, vie:'.........JaQG..._10-,---1{2ritage,-_Acres. Stibdivisiona _ _
<br />..........-7.L--Gountys---Nebs~ka-------- --- ----- _ .. .. - - - ---...---
<br />,.. t:t ..,,,t sa.d con.:`art teas =aE~dt .sad labor and naatt°rwas ;urnsrnea rnd deliverea iherenndtr.-.----_-
<br />_......._..~3"C~fw...~....$c...~ifwil_~`ws.._A,.1.~.1.X57.~~.---_-------......_...__...-.-.. _-..._.......;tas the oumer of said prtntfses'
<br />That the Batt of the first item famished and delivered :extr.....-Septt;I46~x_.~.Qb.-- I.°r ~~3------.- ............. and the
<br />date of the last item uas-...Ill~~!..-9.~.._~.~~0......--------..__-----_.._...-_.._..... '
<br />fl~tont fwther stater that said lobar was performed on, and materials Wert furnished for, delivered at, and wed in ':
<br />said building or premises on and between the dates speetijeed.
<br />That tht prices charged Therefor are fair and reasonable, and that f7tere is now due an said account the sum of ~~
<br />.~11~_..:~2n.U.:ts3A~'1_.~s?.~C~~S.~SF.£i7....3~1.43....~:~.I~.~Q:'."`.--.~°.•-~_~-.•.-.--°-~.~'-.---.~.-•~-~...Do/Tars, that said°
<br />_...._.....kloppe-..LutnlZez_&..GAn~r~.~~--CQ?~~~Y- .......__...... ...- - _._.._..........___ ................_....- -•-------._..
<br />--.....-----•- .................°.---.--.---..................°.--......-----......-_. .......claims a lien on the said premises far the tuft ansount of
<br />seed accannt, to~vit: The sum of $.1<e447.r.1Q ..............._.....-.....__..-t;geuter with interest Jherean at the legal rate, '
<br />franc the..-_-.4Y.$........day of............_..I13~..y..°.°.°._...,=:~--------..._ ........................ 1g..~Q_..., and further octant says not. ~'
<br />....................E~d~'}?Jw...LLJtABER..&.:,GObiC~TE._CQL~fPA~YX...,... ---------...........----
<br />., - - .
<br />.ta+. .....-- ..... . +dan8ger-_ . .
<br />W 1r- ar<~, a a, +,yg Subscribed in my presexct and cram fo before rca,.~fnas .. . ~
<br />day of .......... /~t?..Ie.. ...- _._._ .. _.... /~,... 19_tJ~ _ . ,
<br />A..aR.-~ a.9-. »....~s.. ~~" f y uoiec.
<br />.~1"fATEi ~ ..............._..__._._..._..._,.. -.... ._ _...._...._ ? Enkxxuci on nu:nenwl index :unei tiled her r,xi:n#
<br />i ~.
<br />Y ..._ ..............__..._......._._..__..... .. ...._. .. -... I m t?se Rcgist~r <;f thuds Of&eu of Eaid County .fee
<br />.,-.-.._.~-..,...__ti~ at....... ....-___._-__-.__._.___-_., 15._. _.-._. ai... ....._......-.. _ ocSOaiE end..... rainui.°na ,11..
<br />e~-tssaarled to I3not_.....__._._...___......__crt... .. ..._.. .. __ at ~sae_ .. -
<br />If`" I Det,u:y
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