<br />3. The martlFager eovertants sttd aFreea that if fte ah:ll fail to pay acid indtbledaeas ar ana part themt~s$yep ;.,
<br />t or ~hsll fait to perform any covrrtant ar a~reernenT of tbk inetrumem or the proir:ikorw nnse secured herdpy~ the -
<br />~tT indebtedness hercbr eecurcd aitail immediately b¢rQlr)e dur,_paySbk. sad rolkxtib6e witbrztt noti,eei. it_t#ae
<br />apHnn of !hr mort~a~er or aeaiRne, rcRordkaa of maturity, and the m'nrt~aRrr or hia aesipaa ttsay before or after miry ~ -
<br />a~asid property without appraise®mnt {the mortitagar haY'tnt5 yr=ivrd and aaaiXnrd to the mnriga{ere aif ti~#tb~of~, -
<br />ytfttraiaement t : ~ " - net -
<br />- _:i d
<br />_ i t ~ at judicial salt puneuant So the provinione of 2g l.`.~.f:. ~tlt}I { a? : or
<br />(tt } at the option of the mortgagee, either by auction or by aolieitation of sealed lrids,'f~ the Itighaat end'
<br />best bid caaplyiug with the teressa of sak and manner of parmeat aptzi6ed in the pubiWied notice erf ak, 5xN
<br />~ivin~ taut wreke' rwtirr of the Time, terms, and plate of rueh'esle, bq ailvcrtiaetoevt not leas ihm ottee
<br />during cock of Paid tsar xerka in a newspaper published or distribeted ~ the county in which said pneperitt
<br />• m strafed, all other notice being beaeby watvrd by eha nwrt6eEor Land acid mortgagee, or any paAtan ~
<br />behalf of acid taartgagce, may bid with the unpaid itrdebtedttsaa evidenced bg aid torte). Said ask dtall !se
<br />held at or on the proprrtr to be sold or at the Federap, county, or rift tourehouae for tpte county in which the
<br />property is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to a:mate for and ott beitait o! the tttortgaRar a~ to
<br />deliver to ihr purrhaaer at such awls a w€&tent canstvatsex of said property, whteh eoeveyattex shall contain
<br />reeiah a• to the happening of the default upon which the exeeutiott of the power of ask herein ~aatnd
<br />dtp~; sad the said mortgagor hereby eoanititutes and appoints the motigagee ~ ant agent or sttotnaey of the
<br />me. flu agent and stlorney itt fact of said mortgagor to make such reeitab atad to auente said
<br />egnveganee attd hereby rnveman4 asd agmes that the recitals ao made shall be elfectta! to bar all equity or
<br />right of rtdrraptian, honsrattead. dower, and alp at.her rzrmptiana of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />czprraaly waived and conveyed to Ifine mattgagee, or
<br />t trt t lake any other appropriate xrtion purarraat to etate or F"rdera! statute tither let crate or Federal
<br />eoart or atbcrwiae for tpte deapasitiott of the property.
<br />In the want of a sale as hrrninrhove pracidcd, the mortga[ar ar any pcrsou in paseeaaion under the ntortgattor shall
<br />rhea become sad !te tenants haldint aver sad eJtall forthwith deliver fwaaessiav to the parchaeer ai each sale or be
<br />atmmarily dispoaaeaerd, in anordancv with tilt provisiuna +:€ law app}irahle to Irnanta holding over. The power
<br />and agency hereby granted art coupled with an +nterrat and art irrevocable by death or othervrix, amt are Rranted
<br />sa cumviativr w the remedlxa Car r:oilsctiaa e~ said indsbtedtrcae proaided by law.
<br />#. The pre::sc$nf,lt~arakc of raid frrapeity in aererdaac with the prsmdin~ psragrsp~ shall be applied Etst
<br />t4 pay t~ rants asrf €apz~c acs of said aa+a, Llw c~tpra irt~vrr~ iw t3a tbwtgafrtc far rise purpaac of proteshag ar ttta~
<br />raining aas+f proprttr, end rea;aonablr attomrvi €ree: rrrrnrdly, to pnv ilsn indebted nets secured hereby: and thirdi_y,
<br />to pay aa! aurpltse ar rtiv4at to the person or prrautro let;aplr rntitkd therettz
<br />5. fa tba ettasa said Rka+aartY u sold at a iudicap faroe8o--- scot er p~raua>at to Ll~ poser of ~L t~-:ai„=6-va
<br />granted, sad tftc proasrda arc tort srt~ieieat to pas the total indrbts~dnaaa aezured by tltia iaatrs:~sst and svidsnrad 1>Y
<br />acid prvmieeosy note the uwrtgagae Witt Ae ssiiiled to 4 defteieuzy jridgtttanst far the amavat of the de~•ieru.~y witltoat
<br />rogrd to apsetnaae.
<br />t+. In the treat the. t:wrigagae fai& to pnv au± Federal, state, nr !s>cal tan asttesawent, incamr taz ur other ux liea,
<br />rhaagr, ter, ar athrr rzpenrc charged against the yro€xrtt~, the ntnriKa~rr is hereby nuthorirxd at hia option to pay
<br />the aortas. Atty wens ao paid by the mortgagee eitatl be added to nerd beeanre a part of the, princiteal amaturt of the
<br />irsdeblednvaa rvidsuMxl by .aid twit, subjea:e ui t}ee earru terana and conditiwu+. 1€ the murtgrgar chalk pay and
<br />darhasgr the indebtedaraA evicknrrd b. =aid pranstssory note, and ahalp pay such sours and shall discborge all lazes
<br />and liana and the teats, teen, and rzpetaes of corking, enfarcittg, and executing thin rnortgage. then this mort,~ags
<br />afeall' ~ ra3t~lsid tttid antyarttfi+red.
<br />T, Tlvt eavenaata lsrraia cantaised shalt bind and tlse beaeftta and ad.antagea stalk inure to the roapestive tato•
<br />aaasara+otad ~a of the panties krereta, R=haatevmr utard, t#te ssagttiar number shall inclade the phtral, the plarsl tha
<br />w~kr, ttaid tl~ taa at ang a!'~ shall include all Readers.
<br />8. `fo xaiver ad ray r#vr~uani Iserein ar of the obligati+st+ aerated hcre#y altall at atty time thereafter bs held
<br />to ~ a wgivr;S of ilta terttts here of ar of tha note attsurcd }rsrcp>v.
<br />~. ~ ~ with tteaiaa 101.1 fdf of the Ralea and Regulations of tlx Stuall 8uainw Adminiatratiaa (i3
<br />t:.dr.$. i6i.t{d}}. tlga ~aataraat is ttt 6e reasfrued sad atsfarecd is accardonse with ap•~liaahk FtvJtsrai Lw.
<br />l~ '~' ri+rel' t5teer'aa, seder, or j+sd~.rat haldieyy any preriaion ar portion of this instrvmrat invalid ar un•
<br />tdtaR:imf is rmy way impair ar preclude the ru(orcrnscn! at the rmrriairsg pravjaioaw ar pariiattta of
<br />tltga
<br />a~ ~~- ~ _a._ss ... - - -
<br />