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<br />~~
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<br />,ya'ta. t>~ ..d ~a ;~ti ~. 5~ a.~ ,c 7;i~2ri~2G`~'~c cr.~~ 19~ v
<br />19 t-f..~6Y and bestveea JZpSAIIC g. UMMEl, AP7D JAN}iT A. UHMEL, husband: agd wife
<br />(Ixreiaafter refemd to ae Ciortgager} and the Administramr of the Smsll Bttsiiteas Administrapum, m Jt~y of the
<br />Goaxrtiment of ifie iJnited Sates of'Atnerica (hereinafter referred m as mortgagee), who msiatoim as o~ee•aad
<br />~`O0 °f ° `t Empire State Bld
<br />g., 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska fi8102
<br />~tr[~ss~{.~~t~,ta~C, -for the ~t deratian 6eteinskcr stated, reraipt o~ wltie6 u fint!b~ ;~
<br />-~'~ "~~'A'S ~~~'i-aEW i~'Y{tt+ Yt~, aIId-Cf~YEf UIITO tb6 m0}tgf6lQ,. ~iY.WCL ~dl{'j/:., p]d-,
<br />of tlse folla«iaa dtxtxibed Property sitttJtted a~ being is the County of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />A part of Lot Lwe1Ve (12}, Vantinets Subdivision to the City of Grand island,
<br />ball County, Nebraska, more particularlq described as follows: Cotirmnnring at
<br />the northwest corner of said Lot 12 and running easterlq along aad'tipon the
<br />north side of Lot 12 a distance of 1$4 feet, rntming thence southerly to a
<br />point on the south line of said-Lot 12 which is 463 1(2 feet-west of the south-
<br />east corner of said Lot 12, nxnnt~no thence west, along and upon the south
<br />line of said Lot 12, a distance of 1$3.5 feat to the southwest corner of said
<br />Lot l2, amrl running thence north along rand. npon.,the west side of said Lot 12,
<br />a distance of 132 feet to the point of beginniug, excepting therefrom a tract
<br />of lead more particttlarlq described in Warranty Deed recorded in Book 165,
<br />Page 102, in the )legister of Deeds Office in Ha11 Countq, Nebraska.
<br />-1'ugrthrr ritiJ as.! fusit~lin„ all buii:iirtiia, aL' fis<tarrt inciitdinit i>nt not iimiteei to ail CriunebinR, heslina, Cikht-
<br />it>,e+ vrntilitrJg, rrfriCterais;J.r~, iarineratint;., air cr+r:eCitinnin~ .+iriraratu,, :rnd rtrvator. (the rnorigaKur Itrrehv
<br />+iecCeriJJa that it i inttnded that ifie ilem..herein rnun2rratrrC ,bali 1>r .{reruret ±u base herJ; }>crrnanentiy~ in-
<br />•tsiled a. iwrt of tiJr reach }, and alt imyruveneent. nur+ ur hrrreiter exi>uin~ thrrrun: the herediiameni.~ anri
<br />atJCxJrienanrv=~ ant! a!C niher ria)Ra !hereunto iJelon~irJg„ or in env xirae aC>i,rriaining, anri the revrrinn and re-
<br />verioJa., rrmaindrr and ren,ninrlen, aA right- ut redernplir,n, and the rent., is=ue., and prxrfit. of the ahoy
<br />+ir^r`riQr'd. pr(gferty (prJwideri, itn++rver, that thr rnurt~a_ur ,hall }H. ,.,,ti!(e,i to she iru-.r..iun ul ,aicl irrutrrrt
<br />anti t$ erriitJ~t snd,~sain rile reat~ iE.3uz~, sari t+ra=-i;.:Jr+il +ieiauii iseretrrrder). Tn ieavr nnri uJ hold the same
<br />eJnte tix rgas~ aitd t#Jr ~.tuAFe..sury in intcrr~t of eCir .nartrP [oravsrr in {'x¢~cnp}a or .:~~#t cr¢her e.~tie.
<br />it any. a» is xtsteJl haJ+rin,
<br />'-gahpr-esarv(iaftnW-[Fart its Js'Lw#tt11r +ieued-lnd n_~.d.~ .+t ~.,.i i._o +J.e maL.._ __n _-~ _ _
<br />- __ __ ___- -_- -- ...c .q,wr-+a wet, anQ CVIfYdy Wit
<br />property', Snit tt«a. awns is trtx tr+iatt ail e+atiJ~btsnrrs except as herranabove retired; sad that he~h"ere4y hirirL
<br />hitataeif-sat! bttJnrs Jn tA3Rtdt la +rarrant arxi defend tb6 iitie afoFCaatd t}rrret0 and Cvery part tltereaf attains[
<br />tlsa r iJf all pplaor ae3lesasa~aver.
<br />7'hia in,truatent a Given to ;a?r:ur.: tilt payment ui s prvwistr>rr nnte ,iatrtE i'
<br />:a 3~ yrri, suaJ of f 21,1.( aetl !J; .i ixxliy F i?tane; and .Tsnt:t ,1. nn~el' -
<br />.:i t_?~zit ==t thttPvrs
<br />~~ ,~ r,.: e.~=:sr r ,.,i.:.:.pwr... b. ..,.
<br />