<br />>a~r.ACe LoAx rto. L z3, 8ts<5
<br />KpiOAYAl~.YL-7vBY'iFeSEPRLr48trLS:Tbst David H. McKee] and Josephine M. McNeel, each in his
<br />and her awn right, and as spouse of each other; and Betty J. McNee7, an unmarried woman,
<br />Liortgagoa, sMtber one ~ more, ®wddaaaim dtbe s» d
<br />Tidenty-three Thousand Five Hundred and No/700 -----------------------------------
<br />leuted m aid ~ by 7'be Ecpitsbic tag and [.amt As>ot~tiar of C.raod islmd, Nebraaks, tdrtrepyse, upta 235 shtoes daodt d
<br />sed AS59ClAT~1< Cr~"~te No. L 23, 8~,5 , do hereby gram, Wnvey a~ mortgage mw the acid A3SOCLw7iO/': rite foBaariag
<br />desrazbed rr~ erss7e, tilasded is Lla@ Ctusaty, ldelxadra:
<br />HAtI COONTY, NfBRnSKk.
<br />togarbrr wNte aH cite tctseseeu. hereditaracnia and appeutertutces therermta Wig. incitxi:na attarird floor mver+ng,-all w®doa atx~s.
<br />srdados shames, biie~,, susem sirtdows, awnings. hratit~, ass cmdi[ionictg,and pturnbirtg and wattr cgtri~ent and atxraorin therrta, pr®pa, stoves,
<br />scfr~rators, aaat r t{ter fcx2tuxa cart ee}t[iprner+t rmw n: heruf[er attadsed to w twed in connettian with mid [eat relate.
<br />Antt wtxrea.: ttx ssd mortgaEor rtes agtruf and does hereby ogre tt:3t the a[artgagw shalt sad will ~.y sil taus acrd assemneats leried w
<br />assrised Mort saxi pamtses ud upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby 6cfarc the same s7uli )ttcorne dtlitnquertt; to ftvrtish approvrtl
<br />aace xapoa [:x b,rddrag3 on said prcatises si[tmred in tt[e sum of S 2 ~, 50D. OD payable to said ASSOGlAT16N and to dsintr to said
<br />ASSOCtATIOh ifx pnlxars for said v[nerusce: and not to cammii m pertmt any waac on or about said prtmiaes:
<br />in c~ of ar£atslt ra tht pxrfaasnarttz of any of [:~ arms atxi crosdrttans of tEns rncuig~ as the insad secured hereby. tix ttxsrtg~ee shall,
<br />cru demaalt. tx eatitttd tc rsnrnediats posxsmon of rice nantgagnf Qremirs and the ntongagvr hersGY assiEw, [rans(tts a~ sets over to the
<br />:xut~e ail [Ise :era, tev¢ntars sad income [a be dezivtd from [hc mnrlgagrd prcrtdses during sucG tyre as ttre mortgage iodebtedruaa strait remain
<br />aapaid; aced the mat r~ gee drop hoe rise pwror w appumt arty a,[~nt cu agent rt rttay drme for rte purpose of re{rsrivg said prettsses msd rtnfi~
<br />ttte same sad en#keciag the react, rexoues a~ inwm, sad it may pay out of sad inwtne ad cxpenxa of repairug said premitet oral
<br />c.x-..~e ate: ey-~,~` 3 a>v--rmrd ~. rcuthsg azHU# ran-raging t:~ ~trsr arm of w;ir3issg rentau ticeret~n; the baiana reavining, 4f a[!Y, two be
<br />r~ud t~ d~cltalgr of tad ?xiolt~ggs its~rbtedtr£s: ttux rgh4c of ttg ;rcuec *~ay ~ r•zetcisd a! say tis~ dwitio ti'c exhtence of sttcdt
<br />. i=~F is ~ _..i~~-:Fry ~~ of t~ mess.
<br />Ttrlar prEartltl, }IawevCd. ale data! tlX L'artdi[inrt, i~trat d the aaaL L/ottga~)r s[~ repgy ~ leap ..n nr fuf`ue tl~~ nalyrj[e of ~1d d~~r~ by
<br />payas:.nt: FsY etoaibLY to sad A3-'+C~A-~tJ'i of tke strn ;pitted m t~ 33rsmi ~vreEt t[zlrby as irrtrrrst and prulopai on said Coen. on or before
<br />t~ T~~~~d~~ of =~°~.,. ~~.. ~p ~~s[h.....,:s ~ '~ is f;~Y tom: s`~'i aiF canna arts's .tirta xvFd agair~[ said pertirnss and nr. this Ffort
<br />a+d the Bond smered tisercby, btfwe delinquency: frunesh approved irrwranrx ttpan thr boddmga ttxretm in the sum o(§ 23 , SDD. 00 payable
<br />to said A.SSOC[AT'ttlpf; repay to said ASSOC`IATttNI npun dclrtaod all nwnry by it peal flu such tares, asseaarxnts nod insurance wuh interest at
<br />ttx trtaaimum regal rate tbcrtwn from dart of paymnt ail of whirls Adwtgagm hereby egret w pay: permit no wane oo said premiers: keep acrd wmply
<br />wilh ail the ageemats sad asrrditions ssf the kiortd fur S 23 , 5D0. DO thn day given by cite Bald Mwagagut to said ASSQCtATLON, and comply
<br />with all the raqui:eraents of the i~oraaitotian acrd Byd.aws o!' sad ASSLX'tATION; thin thrae preamts shaft became nuU and voi[l, otherwise they
<br />obeli rcurabt in full twee and [nay be fwrxlaaed at the option of t}u mid ASSOCtATlt7N aftp failure far three months to make any vi .said
<br />paymnta or br ittrce nrnlths in arreus m nukrog said montGly payrcents, or W leap and twmpiy with ttts agtcenrents and wnditiaas of said Band:
<br />sad Atwtgagos agreca is has- a rr,xiver appvittiad fwtitsith io aw:h farech>surr pruceedir~s.
<br />if there is any ctrattge in owaerdtip of the tad estate msrrtgagad herein, by sett ar otherwise, then ttx entire remaimtlg i~deMr:dttess lrtteby
<br />sarttntl strati, at the aptma of The 8titdraGk Bnitding aed Loan Aaarciatitrn of Gtaod tsimd,Nebtasita,become ittrmediatsly due and payable wititvot
<br />fttr+.~ t+~t>Ge, and the araaustt rcmaiomg doe ursder said Goad., acrd any other G!sod fw any addaianal adt3nszs ~s hers te;. s!~i. f*um L~
<br />data of etpabe of said uptios, bar irattea[ a[ the rrttsimson k-gti sets, aced Lhia mortga8e may ttxa ice foreclosed to sandy the amarurl due ors said
<br />bood,and arty attrex twad fat atid"rtiona! advaaaea, togetGec with ail swna paid by sad The Fquiubte Bea7diag aml Lam Aataoshtioa of Cn[d Island.
<br />A~brardca far eawumra+, rearm smd asett®ae4, and abriraciiag aatensim drat, with intaresi tiltttwn, Irom date of payment at tits maai>matm
<br />~ tart.
<br />As provided ®- t~ 8oad seszrred ixrdsy, stale this nar:tRsgt remains in offea tlx nmrtgagee may t~teatZer adtaatae atlditiomi wins to the
<br />tsaatrvs of aid Beard, t~ir migat w suoaeaars ~ interest, rrpjth west sht!! 6e wittdn scat sectuity of this rtlmtgage tin same n ttx toads origitnBy
<br />t ad eltaehy, tht total aouwrst of pritlcspd debt cot to eaaesd H any rim thr wigugt arnuunt of this rtrorigage.
<br />/;~ L3alad t3fb ## ~~ } day of ArOY@>Et38r A. lJ., t9'3~
<br />f T ~, ~~ /i~/3 - 4~ r~
<br />v~ ,_ >~ 7F~~` Getty cNee T
<br />. ~ ~„
<br />%,°~op3ttne M..MC7 .
<br />SfA7$!LtF EFLtARA~#A, ~ $ ~ L.Mt stirs cjt?t, dsY of ffaveNber t 4+Jq , txfun me.,
<br />,-.~ ~: tr.r t
<br />s...........r =..,f... t'
<br />the undenigoed, a Notary i'trtdic m and fix said Coolrty, pezssesllX uvme
<br />QaviCt ~'. F~N+ee7 and .Josephine M, s4cNee7, r-ach in iris and net cwa ra~itL, ant! asuse of
<br />a,tawo to
<br />each other; and Betty ;. l~.t~ee7, an unmarried wr.,man, are l"r
<br />to tea rho idagaasi pawtr ,'; wGwv aaaas s are affsssd !ts the ahsrsg asatrutreent fs arxtEaytor S and they scvarally
<br />the s:;d matrumaa ua ea ' ht? i r aa~arruy au sad dmnf,
<br />+rf l'AfF tuY cooed and Natariti s~ she dare afatasard. - ~,. _ " _ ~ ~
<br />3dy C,tasaa~aspru aap®ree ' ~ .~ - .~ '~~ -.
<br />.,. ._... _ .".'g'Z-1
<br />-.• V`'r,~4ary L'oGlie
<br />w.YaAr as _ -_ __. __
<br />. e.~t
<br />