~. ~.. ,
<br />. ,t
<br />~ S2-A-P. e`kl- E57ATc AtvRTGA.GE-:With Tax Clause? ~:; Ftev~srd i~?S2j Tae Fiatmu: Gezrnt &apptY Hrr~.x, a.i., ,En. 2te?•s -...
<br />I: ~tivs :?3,I., f F]ti F;t" `f`4I: Sr- °7:FSE*=TS: 'i'ha± George H. 'f~?nning and Evelyn `r:. :-;arming, (h'nsiland ~ Y7iff
<br />ci Ha 1.1 +.:Lnt}. -.ter: state of Nebraska " in rnnsideratirn of =he sum of
<br />~ ~ t)ne T?~ttwrsard Seven Hundred Thirty-Six sad 50/100----------------------------- IittLL_1RS 's --
<br />i in hand pai?3. tic heFrhW- ^if,LT. sF:ci f`(}ti YF,'Y ;into The Gramd Island Fit32nCe Compat+.y - -
<br />Ha12 Nebraska
<br />- of C,wnty, :`vtaie ci ,- file folf~wing deecrihtt3 peemises eitvated
<br />- Hal i. aebraslca
<br />r'.~ in Cr,utsty. and 'state cf . to-wiz:
<br />4
<br />A Traci of Land Consisting of All c€ Lot Gne (1};
<br />~~ The South Fifteen Feet (SIS'} e€ Lot Iwo (2}; The
<br />y,;~ North Eighty Eight and Three Tenths Feet of the West
<br />One Hundred Thirteen Feet (N88.3' W113.0') of Lot Tiro {
<br />l2); and the Scuth Eleven and Severn Tenths Feet o€
<br />The West One Hundred Thirteen Feet (511.7` W113.0'}
<br />i of Lot T!,ree (3), A11 ir. Fairacres 4airy Subdivision
<br />City of Grand 7s7and, Hal?. County, Netsraska. f ;_
<br />'S'hsr :rt~,w~itsern s:wrm: Gi w*'mvCy ht~•rbr nn stznlute kitty to [ee srmple. :rcludtnl; znli the rights rt1' homestead and dower.
<br />7'L¢ .3 A~-F ANn 'F42 i-It)I, is the trr=nttsaa ai>t rv. rfcscrihed, wrth alt the ap,~urtenances khereunio !xrlongiag, unto tlx %^frf ',
<br />m<lrttzXrn'i.sl ;:n.7 Lrt isis. lies ur their h,=sra .md n>isi4-ne f„reve r, pr<,=. tcicv :efwaya, and these presents are upon the ezpress
<br />;<rnt:ii.;n th:et :: ch.~ ,aid mrr:.s:agorlsi, hip. he-r •rr elicit hairs. ?~-xr~a:utoc4, er!mansairx+uirs i,r auaigns shalt paY er csuse leer be
<br />patsi i„ tht• •_ah? nu;i t~asrr-t.r!_ e.v, h;-e •,r t.^.,yr he; ns.:.-xafuxnra. eiL ~+'zistruf.o•.~ ur a~eXna. chv principal sum of 3
<br />t,ayabie;~.t•-,t~„+~:,.t-,xtk. 't'wenty-roar (2;) install.~ents of $90.b7 ;Wade nonthly with the first
<br />payment beginnin,.. tiavc~ber , i9!t0 :and the ast payment clue October _
<br />1a."9iF't i33 '~F+diEl~ti,: ~=: Ka :iWfl['-i[ is"ifFl
<br />Rrxi~3r C~'i'+ R+Snf'yi~c v7.?K7G th iL~~¢
<br />~_t'.L`rl• ):,.c i sera.'. v`r th4r~r
<br />~---
<br />ran: ~~~~-~ -
<br />ai Yr -.:_«-+ . sreirrrX try tha• a=n• - - r3€ec-t ui cite tno#7spC1`raVrr:i[iKn p'mv7irttrry niau bean
<br />rig a en date with these prwants
<br />- >nr.- _t ~>s - tazs ._W..:-a.,-, s,,. i+.. n ssni rrai cvta:c•, arsti ati nt7ra+r Iss s, is-vyiw end r,._r.a-.csn.wtats i.•u-ti,1 upns+ ii~riz
<br />_ mortXagc• err slier rwe e+h;rti thaw n!-,rtrat:=r ry Xrven tr, b.<v re. Ix$ore the same i,cavntex deGni7uent, pnrui $eep tia~ buddings oa
<br />_ i sazd i+rrnai-~ xnaurni tr.r t't:r ~vm „i :, _'• _~~+, q() fuss, sf anp. irayatyla to Ehe aaril rnortgaRee, then Lhee.• presenter -
<br />t[f hF 5tlh-i_'?L'F1tiW ld!'- !r> ~~ ]f5s3 remntn trf fats t~+Fl'b
<br />- fY' S5 FLiitTliE{t ,~{gtEI: L7 ?ll 'i'itat tf thr scud mortgs F<.r shxdi fad t<r trey sireh taxis nx prec-urv such lase: ante, the
<br />_- i ~srd mxnrtgsg.-e snap tsy- ==veh faxc-a nail isrorurn avrh msvranr<e, a~,zd ehe swn eaa ,_daa9s-ed. v,it]t int~resi ut
<br />cent, sisiEl !ti+ rn<I.:Firi by >sui mortgagor. and flits mortgage ehali sLind ss srauritp ¢or the samo. ti't) That a ¢siiura to pay eny ~~
<br />of .=t..e+d miney, .~tt nt~r s, .na2pe! c;r tat<-rest; u,her. flit, came lice ovtse due, +:- ¢;riiurr. vt xwnplp wilt zny u¢ the tnreguiaA
<br />- :aFravrnere'.s, shat= cauu. r'i±e whair.- sum ,;, n.,,nry hercr+i =Ycured ta> irecuma due and cT>iiaotih[e ai once ai ilia option of the
<br />m ttg~ee. ~y~t}~ _
<br />3cgnev: this :f~'"~t~daY "f r~ { ~''y ,~~
<br />r -
<br />In re .-are e<~ /''~ T L / ~ °~I
<br />sr
<br />~~ *7ebraslra _ ~ t{a t t
<br />mt:s-rte: a awtsr: t•ue?=s `uaiidw55` ics said ~..,vnty, ~+ernwiailY arm::; .
<br />z ~at3•?s-, sri-'{a he Las ~>s T.c-n ~,r~ t._+r. r.s ~w}yS sign ~ :ham f r „~;re z~p{a,-na_ni rn;.'. rcict~oi-slc-dged the- e-srivttrrcr .
<br />to ??r - n, Fsr•- err t~rtr 3v. rx' i a ri rxxl.
<br />'~FrFl nr ian,a~ at ,~
<br />~~~~ i~~
<br />'' A", -
<br />m• .+~.~ .~I .~~ ~, ~/ -~- ,ry°'- tom:
<br />- .,e ,~`"'~.:,.fz ,-. .,,...-.Y~ .~. r~.!_:. ,!.l`--_:C _.~ !:oterp t`u'r,itc.
<br />E;t~.-.: a ..
<br />.. . tab i:.l.
<br />a+'K: rki'~r.12(I -,: iI'fivi, ..
<br />r.~. E.ntcre:i +m reurtFricai i±td~-s ar~i fiiwe{ 3<,F r.«.~n,
<br />in f; rt I:t-g15t£r .,t Cit'Y.~(!s U?TiCa Ud EaJd C~SritFE(Y Lht' _
<br />ktl .~. .. .1 l'{tX'R alai tnsrlnx C5 ia..
<br />:ri ^_ r
<br />E it'S'a.3
<br />