=~~ ~~~' ~~~F~
<br />iJxIFO1tM ~aYENAxTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows
<br />3. Payment of PrtesFpai aatf In#ere•,t. Bo.*rnwer shall pre-mpt#t' pay v.~hen due the principal of and irizrzst an trr
<br />i»delstedness evidettctd by the Nate, grepaymenE acid late charges as provided sn the Naie. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Fe.iure Advances secured by this ?4lortgage.
<br />2, FtmtTa far Foes itad lax~tssee. Subject to applicable law ar to a w;-itien waiver by Linder. Borrawtr shalt pay
<br />to Linder on the day monthly instaltrtttnts of ptindpal and intirxst are payable under the Nvie, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a earl( fherc'vn `Funds"i equal to onr-twelfth of the tizarig taxes artd assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Mortgagt, and gt'otmd rents on the Propetty, if any. Pius ore-twelfth of yearly premium ins(xliments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus otx-twelfth of yearly premium insialiments for mortgage insurance. i# say, ail as reasonably estimated iniriali}• and tram
<br />tithe to tithe by L.endet on the basis of assessments and bills and reawnabie estimates thereof.
<br />The Furls stall 6e held in an in:titutiap tht deposits nr accounts at' which arc insured or gttaranieed by s Fedzral or
<br />state agency iincittding Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxis, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may hat charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing card account.
<br />or verif}ting and compiling said assessments and bins, unless Lender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Barow•er and Ixnder may agree in writing ai ehe time of rxecutinn of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrowr., and unless such agreerttem is made or applicable law
<br />tequitea such interest to lx gold, (.ender shalt not ta. required m pay Bn-rawer any interest or earnings on the Funds. tender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit io the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addisianal secunty for the sums secured
<br />by this :Mortgage.
<br />ff [be amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the fuutre monthly installments of Funds payable prior m
<br />the due (totes of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground ants, shaEi excted the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />asaeaartteats, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fail due, such excess shall be. at Borrower"s aptron, crther
<br />promptly repaid w Borrower or credited to Borrower an monthly instalimea[s of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />(told by Lender shall not tae su8icient to pay [axes, asstssmen (s, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borratver slat' pay to Lender any amount neczssar• to make up the deficiency within 3(3 days from the data notice is mailed
<br />lvy t.ttader to Borrower requesting payment thereet.
<br />Upon pxymept in full of alt sums secured by this Mortgage. Linder shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />(told by fsndtr. If under paragraph I& hcreoi fF.e Property x sold ur nc~ Property n otherwise acquired by Lender, (.ender
<br />shall apply, no Eater than immediately prior to [ht soli of cite Properly ar its acgwsrtion by I-ender, cry Funds held by
<br />Lander at tL,c bate of appiieation as a credit against the sums secure<; hq thn Mortgage.
<br />3. Applict8itm of Pnymateta. Unless applicable Iau~ prcrv'ides athzrwise. ;all payments recen~ed by Lender under the
<br />Nrtte and patagtapits 1 and 2 hereof shall be app!rzd by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 heztaf, then io tnttrest payahlt on the Note. then to the prnncipal ai the Note, and then to interest and
<br />principal an any Futn€e Advances.
<br />4. C6atgss: 13e>~. Barrowtr shall pay all taxes. assessments and rther :harges, tints anal impasiuens attributable to
<br />the Property which may attain a pstority over this !+Sortgagc, and leasehold paymepis ar ground reins. if any, m ihi manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. it not paid in such manner. b} Borrnwer making payment, whet. due, directly to the
<br />payee thtnaf. Borrower shall promptly furnish t+? Leader ate notices of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower shalt make pat•mtnt dirutiy. Borrower than promptly fumuh ut Ixnder receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pnnnty over this )1origege~. provided, that Borrower :hail ^ot be
<br />rsquired [a dtst'ttarge any vuctt lieu so sang as Borrower <,hai! agrer in wriunz [o the payment of the „hhgatton secured by
<br />such lien in a manner actcptatiEe to Ixndez, or shall in go«t faith contest such lien hy- or defend erttereemrnt nt such lien in,
<br />legal prect$di~€ what? dp-era±t _~ prs -_n[ the cnfcrceinc,,....- ,.._ ......... ......_,.,,. :....,_ Pry ter..- -,. .-- -ate thereat.
<br />S. iflarird laauraaee. t3urrawtir shat{ keep the tmpravements now ex rsun~g c,r hereattcr rrcc;ed an the Propen}• insured
<br />argainsi ions by fire, hazards included within the term 'extended .-overage". and v.i<h other hazards a+ i.zndrr may reuuirt
<br />a.:d iu six-: amounts artd far acct, pcnads as i ender rnav_ rcuu~.rc-_ rrerided, chat i.et:Jer ~Itatl n+,'; -r«t;•trc ±hai :he amutmt of
<br />such E.yersgz z=ciir2 that amaut:t of - rays required ° ; tar t c ;::ms ect.rr-d by t-.t .i-crtgan
<br />Itxc insutarrct tattoo= providing rite rnstuancz shoji ht chosen nv "ty?rro+ve? s~ih,t?•t i=. _ coal by ! =n;tct Jvidid.
<br />(hat such :tpOrova! shall no[ be unreasnnxh{v wit!.hefd 411 ~u h.• „t ,t,..
<br />- __ pr:+nra„:ins .;.•..n.,.~,,...~.. ,,.-a„..,..n• „~ „ ,.,.t.,.,~.
<br />pravit~l under Sr:tragraph 2 l:ereat ur, rf hat paid in such rnantxr. h}' Hin'rcowtr looking payment. when: dui, dir~tly to the
<br />itss:llaztie c~t'ti~r.
<br />All ittsuranec policies and rettewaiS thereof shall be tr. form ;i,;:epta6lc to Let ter and shalt include „ +randard mortgage
<br />deuce to favor of and in form acceptable to (coder. Lx cadet shah have tbi r9gtu nr Hold the policres ..nd r nrwais thtreol'.
<br />atfd Borrower shall prrunp:ly furnish to Lender ail renew ai nauce~s and af! rt-cetpu of peed premium+, In the event of loc.,
<br />Bartowef shall give prompt notice io the insunm'r carnrr and Lender. I ender ma} make proof of !ass it rot malt promptly
<br />by Barrowtr.
<br />iln}ex~ Lt;ndrz and 8orrawir atherw;si agree .n .hrisirig, insurance proceeds shah be applied to re:taration or repair of
<br />the Property damaged, pravided such resiarauon or repair :, ecvnarmcefiy teastbk and thz security of (hie Mortgage rs
<br />not [txreby impaired. E# such rzstoratn+n or repau is not r:.onomtoafiy tesssibic at it the srxunty of this `+larsgage would
<br />6e itnpatrcd, the insuratme p€oetids shall ht applied to the swm secured h}' this Martgxge, +vnh the ezciss, if any, paid
<br />to Harrower. ff the Property is abatxtantd 6} Farrower, or .t Borrower [alts io resptmd In Lendu wrthtn 3ti days front the
<br />dote noWCe is mailed by I.tnder to Borrnwer that the insurance tattler otfer+ to seine a claim for insuran r bzocfits, Lender
<br />is aatttortzsvri to cal2ect and apply rite insurance. pick.icds ac Lsnder~s option esther to rrsrorauoa or repair of the Property
<br />or to the Bums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />i!rkss Lender and Batrawtr otherwise agree ir. +: clung, an} sui:h application of prxeeds to pnncipai shall not emend
<br />ar px~-tpoitt the deu date of the monthly instalimrnts rtttrred t~* lit paragraphs and ,hereof or change the amount ei
<br />suet( mtttatirnents. if [order paragraph E$ hereof the Property is acquucd ny Leinser. alE rrghe, title and imrresf of iorrower
<br />in acid ca any tnsuran:'e polfcies and rzt and «r the prattedt tlttrea2 resuhtng from damage to ttte Property p€ior to the cafe
<br />or acstuiutian shall pass to header to the es[ent of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately pour m such safe w
<br />asxuizittcstt.
<br />~t'-r4 aaad ~ pi i'raperty; L.easehattki; €=niadpxaintums; planned ituit tltvitapments. 8orrow+:r
<br />s{~li xcep .Its Pr+aer in good repair and shall not wminii caste or perm;! tm,+xatrrrsrnt .,c drx«.rinratien or the property'
<br />cad Shat: c::mpiy with thz pro-risiuns of any least if this ~taeegage ., tin a ieasehoid, if this Mortgage is an .r amt in :i
<br />ctamttttum ar a gtanued amt dcvrieptsiat, Horrowtt rhaii perform ail of Born?wer's oLdigauons u;edrr the declarauan
<br />ct covenants ereattng ar grverning the condomun um or gianntd ;chit development, the by-laws and regulations of the
<br />candomiuum nr pNinnwf unit divtk+pttttM, and cansti4utn2 dncumtms. if a ccxidaminium ar planned amt dc+eh>pmem
<br />ridix is txmc;uttd by Hcsrower clad rccnzded wrgttixr with this M:+rtgag,:, ihi covenants and agrecmtnts Rt .rich ridrr
<br />shat( t9e irxxrrpora6ed into artd shalt amend xrxi vppEentent thz caycnantn and azreements of thss Murtsauc a4 ,r r5= r.J~r
<br />vetre a part hertstf. --- e _ -- - -- _ - - - - - -- ~° - -- --- ----
<br />~`. Pere sd fate~e'a-Sezvtt#g. li Borrowri fail t,3 pirrvrm ihi covenants auil agr+-xments contained :r, rhts
<br />)k#grtgag~ at # ao,y aeitr3tt ar glue.-odttut i; rommeaced x :till aeatiriatty affzcts t~eoitzr's :nteeest in the Prapzny,
<br />iat};lstditrg, hint r«at titnited ta, e-tn4t~nt. ciitnsrtst. utsotvrnc}.:v+dr eefc~rctnrent_ or arrar;gcmtuts or pr.xeedings invalarng a
<br />traakr'apt or dgitvtetit, thin IRtpdrr at txndzr'x option, atom outlet t:o Horr.rwer. nac;y incite sup: is apC=urancas. d:shurse start:
<br />atat# tike ouch actksn as :s t~a',-issar} e++ pr otrrt ter•.dzi s :n.i'r?st. :.icsu:lr:eft, Eat n:at ern+r!ed t, d,shuixtntcnt , ,
<br />ta»I~ au~,m~}•.'S ` a+td et?trv ~ may. iz~ Pt n n:~k. ,. - - •~
<br />•~caetann of nt;~tnn tax Starr sat+.~ut' !`5 ?:... was -, to ,-,-.. _. ~:,as. e - x ~-ye r- ~- - P,agg in r n ~ a a
<br />"emiixaat- tit eft~t trrtt:i sti+:f:. tui~ as ttte fey+itetrtcnt ivr 4u,;i, •;n a:r anxr termrrva~-.cs :az -!4dantr - r;q Bor r,_ =r s .±nd
<br />