<br />. _ c~ -
<br />'t~~-->~ ~tea+ed ntw tBia ~ ~~f' '-~, or t,~`. ,~,~a ~ L ~.± ~'
<br />14~:t~andbet+axm 6Iilliam A. Shaffer and Slittor K. Shaffer, husband" and wife,
<br />ihereieaiter referred to as taottgagor) aad the Adt#tiaistretor of the Small Bay Adoin~tratioa, an r;meq of tha
<br />Goaerttme~t oi.the.I7CCited:Staus of America (Itereitzahez referred #o as atortgagee}, tr}no tsaiataitta an oboe and
<br />glaaoufbeauoaeatFmmpire State &uiIdirtg, 19th and Farttam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102,
<br />~ that. fot t~ ot>o~ratimt Miter"stated, rtteipt of trhieh is hmebq _the
<br />'_~+ ~~'T mOi$+6a+ e~ eRam4 ~ and caaTey tmto tha moetpdee, his atteeraaora and attri~a, aII
<br />ai the folbnitag;deaesibed propeety sitestal acrd` is the CamtT of Hall
<br />State"oi ReBraska,
<br />i t_ F~r 4. t_.rPl
<br />- ~,.. ,,~,.~ ~„~, al~k w~ (2}, Fleasant 'view inird addition to the
<br />O,i.tg:-af- Grand Island., Hall Cot€uty, Nebraska.
<br />To~ethar rvth anti ittelttdiatt aN baiidsoga, all fixtnrea fttelndirtg but-not limited to all plnmhiayt, IreEtinft, iighb
<br />ing, ventilating, rti~rigerating, itreitceratiryt, air con3itio:ring apparatus,, and e{evator~ Ethe mortgagor herrhy
<br />rlcelasinga+itia immtcnde~ that the-ilKttts herein eniern;rate.! >ha11 he-~leent~d €fl-have been i,erntanently in=
<br />~tslir~a.aa.perttrft~te-rraelty~},an`ialliss}trorew.esniasutw..or hereafter-.exi:;tittg therton; tt~ie her~Iitamenta anti
<br />appurtertgr,rtg „~ti atl nt-tec-riglas therettntaltetongiat~i an in an*,rwise appertainin>;, and the rrver~;ian and re-
<br />vesy,i[,ns, rrnwinder and rrrnainder., all rights r!f redentpzion, and thr rrnts, iswnes, aad profits of the altovr
<br />~r~xiihe~i yrteyerty f pra,ytted, hoxevrr, that the morigattor shall he rntitled'to the poa~eanion of raid property
<br />an[3 rn rieiire t rnd retaic the rents, issues, and jirofitz until ilefatilt hereunder}; Tri have and to hold the name
<br />:sacs t`.z s :~zxrr Ord-t:~.br1e-r'e~,ors itt in!-rrst vi-the utisriga~er forever in fee simple trr swahotiter t~state<
<br />iE-any, as ~s Mated la~reiti:
<br />i,t ,n,..t a c.weaimu roar lee. is iasrisiw eaiaed'7rou °paaaeased of ana has rim right o aeil'awd eottfey call
<br />rra~
<br />preltexip; tbat tlm +ame is frtre~fram all eacnmbrrttadc.exsapt ae hertinabove reeater3;-aad that he htreby--binds
<br />hinnel( aad hit surcryypat in iotertat W warraat acrd defend toe tits aforesaid.the€e#o aad every part thereof agaiasi
<br />'Thoslaiaae~ of alt pertgrs ~3twafoaver:
<br />,.. `l"E#ia in4tr.u+~nt is given to xEttre the payttt~ent of a prea~iaenry Hats dated -- ..~ -
<br />ia; theNrie.~rpaiar+ro>_€d~'1ft;8Ci0.(14 .$ied~y k'i.Iliam,-d. :ilxaffer axxi E-lindr K, Shaffer, h~~si3etnd
<br />;erf;Jt:i4it~x tltt~?a lrrsa_
<br />