<br />dd0lETGAGE
<br />~ 3c;~,c`.~ to~ird tab. X3,:342
<br />~~~~~~~~ ~ F,o6ert ~,. Silan><s, Jr., a singwe person
<br />b4tsrtptgar, *e tine « tsetse, in cowsaderuina d the a~ taf
<br />Forty-six Thousalu~ Four Hundred and tY'ai1G0 ----------------------- -------- Dt~iUtts
<br />ia~wad w acid aataxtgsAor by Yle F.quitabk seed t.aan waocatiw, of Grand Lsiand, Nebra~a, tr@rni~x. opam 464 ref sods ~'
<br />ASs(lCtwTROtr, cartifSntc tin. L 23.842 . do haaebq pant, ~Y sad :.surtgye uAto We said ASSOCSATIOta tlae fo0o~sts
<br />deaer¢lfed rd estate, sR;aaed ifl flag Cottntq, Nebraska:
<br />LcT TWQ (2j iY $LGCK T:rO c2} i!+)
<br />"CCJ"(TRY CL:iB SU$$I'lISICY", $EING
<br />"~1RT13WEST ~t!ARTER ; E'~Nt~l;~ } vF
<br />SE%T?G*{ T:rlEHTY-cirarii (23} IM1d
<br />riiaNSri I P EiEVE?a (i 1 ~i#~R T n, RA~tGE
<br />~i~tE (9} +;EST GF THE SIXTH P.t~l,
<br />aog~tlaer with alt the trrrrrnerets. hereditattxnts asad apptuirnancas ;farrsamto befongrnt;, irxitrdiarg ztiadsed flour settings, aIi wiatdaw arrrem,
<br />wow mss, bintd-., storm setaduws, a,rr~_ tratt.~. ar: -•urdi¢iurti:ee„ unS {.-'¢rmhiag and wrier egraipmrnt ar3 ac+.'es'sories ttterr.o, pumps, a[oyn.
<br />refrtgt:as:,rs, asd orfaas itttarrs aaxd errvrpment taow ar hereafter aC.aeitad to ur tact? to .+zntfrctx;n w~:th said real estate..
<br />Aaui wiaereas the ssr3 anurtga¢itr tans agreed artd does hereby agree ttu[ tiu rinse tgggar sbal2 and w:22 pay afi L'3xra seed aaxss~nta levied at
<br />asresaed ,epos saaid prtasanta ad trpcm Liss mtxtgagr a:r_t tau ~.rn:l ~ca~ed ,rtrrebv before '~ saaatz shat' hetrtrtre defirnltxnt; to €taraaish approved
<br />anatvatsrx agrrt the buildings oar rant prrmaas stttated•rre ttu stem-,rf 5 46 , 4Jr{'i. a8 psyablr to sz~ ASSiiCtATIt'1N grad to deliver ro said
<br />ASSLltlA 2"#f}?+i toe pirFir;rax tae said rnwrais.:a. and neat to wmmtt cs peramt srp waste ere <rr aixtut raid premases.
<br />do oast ,ef deZsadt m tha peafstrrnancc of any o tiu [erttt4 and ,sxa:tWra of ahta :=•xrra~rgt ur else bratsd secured hereby. tha raor[¢aeee shall,
<br />ctn ~tatartd, b€ ~Cu ~, im~ttsata r'=~~rtr of tax INUrtarS'ed prrmisrs and ire atrtrtgagor hrrelsy asstprs. traosfraa seed cats over co ins
<br />maerigagrta~~ aH kN ester€. rtrvraurs a ~ r~ ,tne n_ br dtassed £r:rtn true r3aripagal pcrnrcrs asaurg suti± torte ss sera murtgago vtdebtedacss s`tatl re,-tmin
<br />trrrpard',; ataet the mat#tgagra s'zu`d tiatc tit power to appttmt asv agent as amts a ,nay dares ¢~ctr 'hr purpose al repairing saaid ¢rrmtsea and renting
<br />!s^rx 3rd k-~ ~ . ~• e=~-~ ~. - :,..~-,~ ~ ~y ~s. - me --tk,riss « rrpttiraig Baru prrrr»sa sw nr¢rtuy
<br />rRtCrlBeas'Ya6aa u:B cas?stss ,. ~-~r,:d ~ :-r,r;~ ate =u.rtear.~ -hv saturt rx __.;a,.r[reg .en+a~ '~nfrrtm, 53!e bsEV~~ r>_n~,~[tir~. as}. is w
<br />z ;~. - -- .. ~`s'~~a". -•s:y ~ -....~........ _. , ..,,....a.. ittg ;°~ erisr~..~ ut auuh
<br />~ia~'F., ireta- t :u ~sy acen~ mry w:ts~ of €. n ~tr~.
<br />7~ax rr~ - -~rv~- -.. err .~ ~~,,~-x:;i. t ~.z - ;ri zY.,rtg~:x sr h, 'r-p^Y - to ioan ~ r before the maturity ur sard sdsares oy
<br />t~Y49-YL!' ~' ! .: l4'a~'t ': Te#i4 .: arm ~: ~~ T_ ~t.~ z,°:.-~.::~ .. ~ m~eF .it51 `ri ~.ti.#~r i un ~tG reran. iJn ur belOle
<br />YirE !(sent ~-`r Osy ~ c'adt Ai6' eseii .iRlArli, tb'2Cl[ TLtt ~lln ei (lltdY *y~a{t[, paY dil FII.~"e3 alit aSY55ntr:it4 irV:rrj ayJialBi Stiti preintarS find UC {lSS MQftgg~e
<br />crud the Idmad se yersd :hrtrtn, before cfc`s;a~;>ency. ftunrsh approved rmurance u;rsq t!u oruidiatgs Ltursun to t4ta sum of $ Q6 , 4d1~}. v~ paYabk
<br />ds said AS,S94:tATICNv', repap to satd A.1S9{'IA'd'lt)N W~°n darrsaxd ail t~,=nry by ;t pard for gat-,t-rt taus. axseeswrrmnts and snsuratce wiL§ interest at
<br />tits ttstxinttrm fags( rate tiserraa from date u€ payment adl ad' whxh daan~agu# hereby agrxs to pay. puma as warts an said premises; keep and wmp[y
<br />u7tlt rid ilpt ~ertrtrrsts xrui amsfatwns of tiu Hose:! tur 5 46 ,4~~. ~a revs ,laY gaven by ttx astd 5der: gsgor to at3 a$5tX'dA~FFON, aztd atmp{y.
<br />vine( ati t.'ar rrlerisrnacats st tl~ tonstrtueacau and Hy-Laws of saki ~,SOC'L4:`lt}4 . Hera t$rsa presents shaiI bew*_m nail and void, u¢hrrwise they
<br />sdult zetaaan to Tudl fercr seed may he it;rrdose+f at the option of tsu sa.~ .AS5tJCfATtON al tea Carfare far there months :o make anv of satd
<br />paypr~rstx to be free murehs an arrtasr tin nskiasg satd =seastlady payrrten~. ,h rv keep anti comp}y- wtth tree apceanants and cundittcns of rasa Bond.
<br />aa$ Alcxtga~:,r agrees tii hat{=are,-xrver appurnt rd iexFhwith is sa.;h <utn.ioswe prur:edivrg£
<br />tl e4ara a any cnsage rn owarrraitgr,?f tM :tai estate :rxutgatgrd hrrcia, by sak of utfaeswase, than the entire remaining irtdebtedrtesa hereby
<br />ses.-ut'.d slaa0, at tlrt uptitten rti ihr Eyt¢cia§k ddttildiiag sad L.t~n A.ur-.,¢stwn of (,Hard dslared: Veb rhr.~ ~r it.,,re,.IY d, ix ,~Ysht, weal ::at
<br />EtRtdset sweet, ~ tls aatw;¢siar :;srt'.:Stit3~'t d~ a~Sar ;eaud bated. and ary otfxt boats for any additwnal advarx~rs made theretattkr, steel!, ferret !tie
<br />lass of aaeteise of rind optima., bear irtterest n i15e rnaairnum 3hpi nir, sad thrs nxsngage may then be €orcdosed to mte>k'y the amount dtx un sakl
<br />bcued,arnsd arty other bawd Pot sdrlitiureat at#vutare, together wath aid stets. paxf by said She EWaritabie Building and Loan Assteusatiun of t:ra:td lslrnd,
<br />ita~ica€ur,taxry aisrt;~a+~ra, as~i ahsttac#tng rxtrrcva:r. charges, wire, ;;,tarrxt thereon, tium data of fragment a? the maxamtam
<br />~'
<br />ma {~uvirbd m tf?e @ctnd xrcur«I hereday. ,vhda eltn nxxtg~ reatmma .n a€3a:a rite nuxtgegee stay hereafter Trance adstntunad z.ttrss to the
<br />raUdara +tf »~ ~unad. tdteit aa~aa st+ ata~,xscas m interest. wdtactt stain .siwil 'ae vnihtn the w.xvtay of tdva mortgage the xatrte u t#x funds artganalty
<br />sre't~ud =lera2r}'= tdle tsaim atsgwn# uF prusctgs{ tM•xt nut [~, etrceer: at any trra tree vrrg:rai aarwunt .;i this rmortgage.
<br />~~
<br />~~ ~tF ,=iia~~ ca ar ~ ' ~..~ eL t=~r6~P 3. r, to ~{F
<br />~r~ ati 5, ,
<br />a~~tx~le?r-ta~tc 4• ~
<br />::~.:xx^t tLal,L ~ ,x ~, ~ a e~.
<br />=aY Cf ~'i 0`J~35$:E'F' ;4LSL3 ,brfL`[e me,
<br />errs sactersigtezd, a 4r,isrY p+atrlht tr. and far satd Cetterty, prr~nalfy anu
<br />~;ob~rt $. Sl~.aPtks, ter., a sin~Te person
<br />rqa rx: ~ tbs :$ar (scat paratat wfysaac tt~t~ - . S - ":: ~x('Cxsrd to tdrr sdscvr .zs,. uxnattt as art,.:tom.;
<br />~-`-- -~3 t '~n.:..: ,~„R Y~ .-. ~,tS -`vt=lstrnier:-tom'-T~u timed.
<br />~' +'l<-a~ ~' : ass: ~Sy:~~? i::~~~ Fats aC+.;€ .
<br />Wit: .._-; ~,~ .' .- -
<br />~a-ata as - "
<br />whr~ ,
<br />parsitaaaliy kFMSwn ref
<br />arr.( '?~ aaitl4
<br />_°- - - ~ 'lt~ert} Pz3i5f~ ~-
<br />