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n r ~^~ <br />~~--i}~.~`~~' <br />Iroirrcec~ <br />~otrrcACELOANNO_ LZ3,843 <br />xiyow'u,t.a~rxtaY'ntESEt~tseN~s:Tt'at Thomas M. Atkins, Sr„ and Linda J. Atkins <br />Mortgagor, whettaer one or mote_in oesttodatation otthe soot a#' <br />Twenty Thousand and NoJ100 ------------------------------------------- <br />loaned io aid Iy The Equitable BuSdipg artd Loan Aaociatamr esf Gland Island, Nebrastaa, Mortgagee, upon ..200 shata of atbdc of <br />acid ASSOCSA170N, Certifieatt No. L 23, 843 , do fierelry grant, mavcy sad rrtgage tmto the said ASSOC-ATIOPi t)x folluweeg <br />desen"hed real estate, situated in hall Cotmty, Nebraska: <br />THE WESTERLY NINETY FEET (90'j OF LOT "A" IN BLOCK <br />ONE (7) IN BLAIN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />tergetlsrr with all ilre tertemeats, hereditaments and apptutenaatxts thereunto belonging, intlttdirtg attached floor wverings,. all window saeeos, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, avmirigs, hearing, air conditioning, and plumbing amd water eyuipttxnt and accesmries thereto, ptemps,stoxs, <br />eefrigenmrs, and other fixtwes and equipment stow or hereafter attached 4o ar used u-t wnnection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said rrmrtgsgor has agreed and does hereby sgrce that the mortgagor shat( and will pay alt taxes and assessments leritd or <br />asrossed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond securod hereby before the same shall bewme de~rtquent; to famish approved <br />irtsutance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S 2O , OOO. OO payable !a said ASSOCIATION and to delitsr to said <br />ASSSOCtATION the policies for said insurance; and oat [o wmmit or permit any was?e on or about said premises; <br />in case of detatdt in the- performance of any of the terms and eaaditions of this mortgage ar the bond secuued hereby, the mortgagee shalt, <br />ua s~ss~€td, be entitled Ea istdiate pc:.,,~s;;n:. of thz arortgag~6 premises and tier tmxtga~~r irezeiY a~igtts, transfers and sets over to the <br />mortgagee nit the rents„ revenues and inwme to be derived from ibe rrasrtgaged premises during such trrnc as the mortgage mdcbtedsxs shall rninin <br />urspaid: and the rtxiztgagee :3ta!! base the power to appoint any agent or agents tt may desire for the purpose of rapairisrg said premises zr~ renti[eg <br />the stmte and colkctiteg the rents, raxnt~s sad irt~_ama, and It trtay pay x?•s: of ~_yl i;_azxnrt ~!= >•zpset~, of .~,._irrsg %..:.~ pA::~, am: n„.:~:~ <br />cansmisv:;ns and expeersas incurred in tenting and rrtanagsog the same and at collectiecg rentals thcttfrom; the balance retnaiainl:, if amp, to be <br />ap~IZd €uwazd tin dischazee of said ctsartgage indebtttltY-n; tt~ss r~t~ of tht ztt~+rzTgt~ ~..m u !~ can:inr~ at v.:y ti„n d::rr~ ~ tr,:~,. : f;~- <br />s~taslt; ineap:ctivc of nay ten~mary wa:'vtr of flee sans. - - - - -~K - <br />tents, :~~srt, ~c upon t a Ca,~:~*,.-°,n,???;at is tbe ,:,;,; ,".'a,-,;=~-,;r ,ai3 ac}~y std irart o:t ur before itte mtarurity of sari shares by <br />payment; pay zaantltly to saw AS60C'lA7'fON of the seam stxrh'ret! in th Bund secured l~seiiy as intxt~t sad pri_-~{ nn sa:d . nn ;;r ~frs_ <br />11x Tvrenlieth day of z~ch and ev~ry month, until sand ban s fully paid; pay ail taxes and asxssmcnts levied against said premises and on thtz Mortgage <br />anal the tkntd secured thereby, bcfine delimyueney; famish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of 3 2O , OOO.OO payable <br />m said ASSOCIA`i{ON; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by ii paid for such taxes, assessmtais and insurance with interest at <br />the maximum legal tats thereon from chic of payrrrent alt of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no wasteon said premises; keep and wmply <br />with aIE the agrecraenu and wnditbns of the Bond for 5 2O , OOO. OOth;a day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and wmply <br />with .all t!x regtrgermet•.ss of the Coastitutimrs and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents shall become null and void, otherwise they <br />sbell renwio in full force anti ttmy be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION aftor failure fuc throe months to make any of said <br />payments oc be three ettonihs in arrears in waking said monody payments, oz to kelp and wmply with ilu agreements and wndifions of said Itund; <br />sad Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such tareclosure proueedings. <br />tf theta ~ nay clunge in ownership at the c+eai estate rmartgaged herein, by sate ur othecwiae, then life entire remaimistg iadebitdneas hereby <br />secreted shah, at the option of 7tse Equitsblt Bwldiag and Loan Aswciation oC Crand Islimd, Nebraska, 6ecorr,e istmtediately duo and pavable without <br />inrihu trotia, aesd the amoant- reatairtvtg due Bender said bond, amd any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shedt, from the <br />elate of estereite of nt#d optaci;~heu interest at the rtsaximmn legal rate, anti this rcasrtgage may then be foreclerntl to atiafy tht ar[toua[ due on said <br />Isetaal,artd any ntherbund for additional advaeroes, together whit al! antra paid by said The Eytsitabk Building and Loan Aasoriatioa of C,rand lslatrd, <br />Llebtaslta fur insuras:ec, taxes>~! watts, and atsstsasting extansitsn clmtgea, with znierest tt,ereon, from date of payment at the maximrem <br />rate,. <br />Aa psovidexf in,tite Bond secured heaby, whirr this rra,ngage mttutuss in effect the mxtgagee may tureaftec advance additiunai stuns to the <br />ttiakrers of said fttsrul; tliair eaa~ns ar successors in interest, wbicfe sttrsn shag be within the secunty of this mortgage the anee as the funds originally <br />tasgetted thetohy, tl~ tats} ampupt of psineipal debt oat to eaaxd at ary time the arigistal aenount of the mortgage. <br />- ~~ a st.f datrm - ~-~ ~~itYOiHGCr h. i3, iY.iv <br />• 7 __~'~. <br />Linda J. Atkins <br />s3'A Op NtA.Si{A, ~ ~t f .a+t, <br />,~, ~ ItAU_ € --- ~. =..>a ~ vtt . 'y of ,,~ rcuiii~. iycO , before roe, <br />its umsxrtag»ed, a Nobly Public in and for said Cwapiy, personally exma <br />Thomas M. Atkins, Sr., and Linda J. Atkins, eacft in his and her aww~it3ht, and as spouse <br />of each other are perarmsily'known to <br />ma to `ua the isMstir„fl puaon °s w3uxae manse i a rp affixed to the abo~ mstrun,ant as tiswtgagat S soil they wverau <br />Y <br />the rapf rnsarun?ersi ~ t~ ttiQ'i r t°~tary ~t ;mtd dxd. - <br />-~°t3T€F «~ -s q~, ~ tiorir".s.', :jai tz`rs elate situxtai t. <br />s C -- ip~ - <br />a `.. < , <br />•t- <br />- , ~ -~iut~rg'Pulnc~ <br />rEtam hs ~ ~ . <br />Bl <br />