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~4_.t~~~~~~ <br />LfORT'C,AGE <br />reortTCACEUtANrur. L 23 $4I <br />Subject to L~~7;~18~ <br />LriNNOOwAiLL~.f$V'L~Lrst:riLFSF'H~L`S:Ttnt Gary L. Ethertan, a single person <br />Six Thousand and No/100 ____-- ~Ort~Ot'whcthuorreormae,mamadffiert~o! <br />-------------------- ------------------°---------- LiotLAtis <br />laaoed to raid raoragagir by 7'he Fquitabk SuiSdiag and t.uan Associatitm of Crarrd island, Nebradta, Mortgagee, upon 60 shag of #odt of <br />said ASSOC[A7lON, Certifwte No. L 23,$41 , do hereby grant, cons+ey and arortgge unto the sstd A °S,OCIAT[ON the foBo~ <br />dambatl real ,tstats, situated m Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FOUR (4) IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN WEST BEL AIR FOURTH ADDITION <br />TO THE CITY DF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Subject to prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount of Thirty-four <br />Thousand Four f{undred ($34,400.00) dated August 27, 1975. <br />together with aB ttte tenements, Ixreditarrrents and appurtenances thereunto txlorwmg, indudirtg attadxd floor coversngs,. all window acretns, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awning, heating, air wrditioning, amt plwabing and watsr egttipmertt and accessories whereto, purtrpa;strner, <br />refri~rators, wall other irxtures and eyuipmcmt reuw or 6ercafter atitadr<cl to or used in cannection with said real estate- <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dues hereby ogee that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asaesstnents kvied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before th< sxme sttal3 became delinquent; to furrtiah approved <br />insurarte upon the buildings on said premiss situated ir, the sum oC S 6 , DDD, DD payable to sod ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the pohcits for said insurance: and not to camm:t ar p<rmit an~~ waste nr. c,r about sad premises; <br />Fn case of default in [fie ptrformaete of any of Iht teeter aztd conditions of [leis mortgage or the bond secured h<reby, [ht mortgagee shall, <br />an dar[tand, tat enttitd in immediate pcasasiion of the arxrigagcd prrm+~rs and the mart~vr hereby as: ores, tnssfsrs and <sts over is ±~ <br />mortgagee ail the rents, rerenuex and inevrrx to tx derived from the mcntgpt,~cd prentists during such time as the rrirtrtgage indebtedntss shall remain <br />tmpaut; and the etwrtgagee atsatl have [h< pavxr ro appoint any agent ur agents r! rreay dcsirc Cor the pmpoxe of repairing swirl premises std renting <br />rho same and cotketutg tine reins, reventxz and income, std it rruy pay out of sent h?cx,me ail expetrxs of repairing slid prerniaex and necessary <br />cororrdssivns and eapanscs inraured in eratiog wall ma[tagityw tht sartte and vi co}itcttag rentals th»refrvm: the balarrm renraiuing, if any, to 6t <br />applied toward Litt d;sehsr~gt of said :rsorigage indebredarss; these rigr'rta of tts ,~,urtgat,~« stay bt exerctsad ai army tilts altuirtg fief exisitaee of such <br />dcfauit, utuapcctive of any imnpurary watver of [hc same. <br />T hest pmts, bn;rtv~r- are S, t~ - -~`if;aa, T,:at tf the swill Maeteagat sn.u -- r „ ecivrr i- < tnasarity ai said snares by <br />payment„ pay monthly to saiai ASSOCIATION of the aunt st[ea'ilied in the Iiund secweedehereby as ,nteresl and prinapal on sold loan, un or b<fort <br />the Twentieth day of oath well every mvmh, until said Ivan is fully paid: Pay all taxes and assassarents ievsd agattrst slid prertvx<s wall an tars Mortgage <br />and [ht Bond su-[tred thereby, b<fvre dclinyettnep; fumist[ approved insurance upon the buildings thcrwn d the sum of 3 6 , DDD , DD payable <br />to seal ASSOCIATION; rspay to sad ASSIX'lA7YCiN upon demand aft rrnxtey by ,t pan! for such taxes, asstsstrxttts and insurance with interest at <br />the maximum kgat rate therwn from dart oC payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees w pay, pernut nv waste vn sold premises; keep well vmpiy <br />whir aB the egeements amt [wnditwns ui the Bond for b ~ , ODD. DO tttas day gtv<n by the swell Moe [gager to rant ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with all tape requiretnen[a of the Constitution acrd By-Laws of said ASSCd.'IA"f10N: then these presents shall bacnms nuU and voed, otlurwist [hey <br />shall remain in full fora weed may be fortdvsed at the option of the xxa2 ASSIX'IATtUN suet failure tar three months to rnakt any of said <br />payments yr he three mamhs in arrears ht malting card rwnthfy payrtteutx, ur tv keep and wmpiy wtih flee ageements and conditions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appainted forthwrth in such foroctowre proceedings. <br />tf three is any chart}~t in ownership of the rest estate murtg2ged herrht, by sak or otherwise, [hen the tntire rercutining indebtedne~ hereby <br />secuued shag, at the optiurt oC The Lquitahk Building and Laatt Assceiation of C,rurd lsiand, N<braska, ber:vrne intnsdiattly doe and payabk without <br />tarihxr nariEe, rrs"r =.`a antvuni st>~inU.g du< astdar still band, a. 1 say rthat Surd far any additional advattctx mad} thru:urrr'ter, shalt, from ttte <br />data of raercise of said optan, bear-iNtreat at fix maagnum kgal rate, and this rroxtgag< mty then be foredos<d to satisfy the axnou¢t dtee on said <br />boesd,and any viper bartd for additjagal adrazrces, together with all s[ur~ {rod by said Tht tiytuubk Buildir~ artd t.aan Association of {;ratd }stand, <br />Nahiaslta fm i[tsrwrartCe, taxes sad 35resurents, and etbsttax:ting exunsion charges, wdh interest tlsr<on, from date of pay.-rtent at the rraxtmtrm <br />tegal.rate, <br />As provided d the Boud severed hereby, whik this rmxtgage rtueams m effaci flea mvrtgagte may ixrcafur advance additional sums to the <br />makera~ acid ikutd, Elsie ar~ux of iucctasurs in initrast, wftich swwts ahaB be witftirt t}x security of this mortgage tFx saint as tht funds origierxiLy <br />secured ~t eby, the total-amount of principal deb[ not to excasvd at any titer tht origins} antvunt of this nwngage. <br />f'ibw 3rd. a~y„t 4ovem6~r ._t, ,a rl) <br />~r~, . <br />~- <br />"~i~T _ er~on "--~-------_ <br />5fAT1;fl: N`r.BRA,SBA,~ sx. ihtthis "3rd. :~ayvf !r'OVetf7ber ~„ 2~ _laefvr<,r>s_ <br />Cf}ittiT'! OF LLALI ~ ~ -- - ----- <br />ttx uud<rsrgned, a Notazy Pssbiic m ud fur sad L"vunty, p<ra:rnaSly cans <br />nary L. Etherton, a single aersvn <br />rp¢ to bs tl>+ d<atis•.•al pctsvn wtax^ sWnac' ? S afttxtd to the atxryr uz.:rutr:rna as ururtgagv <br />adtmc,ww3adgs6 the said itt5trts~ardt t+x be h f 9- `.'-:nsiuntary act and decd. <br />yYLT'NL axU harut wall h+oi~rial Sb~ t~ dots aierc~u9 _ <br />:, <br />tre.asat ai - <br />+s tv i j paratrratty knrrwn tv <br />r and '~~ ~,>4Jk2fdii~ <br />__ `~:` <br />_. ~ 4<.tan F:elstic~ <br />