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tdQR7'CACE +!'-i <br />Alt1RTGAG$ IRAN NO. 23 .~44 <br />Subject to <br />it~Y?oA1lIdE#itt'tTtiBSEpltFSBPffS:7tut Duane A. Fredrick and Noreen J, Fredrick, each in <br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />-- -- ------------M-orig~or,whettietone w rrwce, is ou>®detetaa d iLa a~ of . <br />7hi~ Thousand and NoJ100 -------- _______ _ ,,,,~, ~~ <br />lrenni to saw tnortgaBvr by Ths Equetabk BuBdieg and Loan Asaxeation of Grand [staid, Nebradra, 7Nortga~ee, irpvtx , 300 stores of tittrdco+ <br />raid ASSOCtAT10At, Certifiate No. L 23 8 , do ~~Y gnn+, convey and mvrtpege wtio tiw said ASSOCIA7ICN~1 ilea fo)tiiw3~ <br />deatxibed seat e~arts, situated in ball County, Ffbbrasira: <br />THE 'rIESTERLY FIFTY FEET !W 50') OF LOT ELEVEN <br />(11) AND THE EASTERLY FOUR FEET (E 4') OF LOT <br />Tt;ELVE (l2), BLOCK SEVENTEEN (17), ASHTON PLACE, <br />AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OFuRANC ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Sulaje(a to prior martgaae to the mortgagee herein, in the principal amount of Twenty <br />Thousand Seven Hundred %20,700.00) dated July 7, i972. <br />together with zB the tcaements, Mrsditarrstats and appurtenances thereunto hetanging, inducting attached floor wverings, aB window sereevs, <br />window sirades, bands, storm windows, awrritrg, haring, ai: conditioning, and pitunbing and water eyuipment and accssx,ries thereto,putnps,stovcs, <br />isfrigeratora,and other [ixtrsra and equipment craw or hereafter attached to or usect in connection with said rest estate. <br />And whereas ttx said mortgagor tus agrced and dots hereby agree that iht murtgagw shall and will pay ail taxes and mats kvkd yr <br />assesud upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond sctured thercbv before the same shall became delinquerst; m famish approved <br />instrrana upon the buadings vn said preutires situated.en the sum of 5 3Q , QOD. QO payable to said ASSUCIATlON and to dslever to seal <br />AS,SOCtAT[ON Ehc policies for said insurance; and not to atmmit m permit any wa=_te on or atwut said premises; <br />in rise of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of then mortgage or the bond secnttd hsrtby, iht murtgagss atati, <br />on ~mand, be entitled xv imrtxctiatc possession of the rm,rigagect prerroscs and the mrxtgagnr hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />r~:+~ee:, wit ti.-.^. routs, revnrxs a..d i3 ~€€et w t~ dtt9ved team -.s tr~etgagtct prtruises durirng such time as xhe mortgage indzbtetiners shag remain <br />unpaed; atxd the nxrrtgagte shill have the power to appoint any agent or agents et raey desert iur ifx Yurp>se of ;epaireng said premises and renting <br />4he sarise and mllsctiug the rents, revsnrres arxd inmate, and it may pay vat of said enctxnc a!i expenses of repairing said prerviaes and netxsasry <br />cntr~ttissitrsss wad expen~s incurred in ranting and maaaoiao the sarce anal c-f ~=~dir~ «n:.a's il>;refrvnr t:-v rerrY.fai:a, :: any. to bz <br />aptdsd tvvattd the disdraarhe of raid rrwrxgage indebtedvcss; ihssc rigists ui tix mortgagee v,ay be axerciatd ar any titxx deicing the eaistattce of sudt <br />dE~~ui~t, irrtapscrie2 of any temporary waiver o[ the sates- <br />Thest CRssenis, hnwever, art upon the Conditicm, i'hat if Iht said Mortgagor shalt repay swot loan un ur before ihs malwity of said shares by <br />paynte_nx; pay avinr_ry tv s•,+.d Fw C2A-~?C)N of itzt s',,,:, sptcifxd u: K: ~;,;; stwra i arcby as u:irrtsa a::.i prisvrpas va said Iowa, an or befsze <br />tfx'I'wentieth daY of each and e~xry an,nth, until said tun,: ,s fully paid; pay ;,ll ta_xee anct asp;vaen;3 :tvvv ?~-,~ mid ,•y,•su;i~.; as+1 r4: tb.;s tnor; <br />and the Bond secwed thereby, {afore dehnyuency; furnish approved itxsuraru;c upon the buildings thereon m Ute sum of $ 30 , ODD. 00 payable <br />to said. ASSIX;IAT(UN; repay io said ASS()GIATlUN upon demand at3 motxy by it paid fur such taxes, assessmsn:s slat inswance with uiteresE at <br />xtx nwximum legal raze thereon from dale of payment an of whidt Mortgagor hereby agttcs to pay; permit no waste on -said ptsmises;ktep and mmpiy <br />with alt the agreements and conditions of the Hond for S 3D ,000. QQ this day given by the surd Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATIUN, and wmply <br />with a!I the requirercents of the ('onstitutivn and By-Laws of said ASSOCiAT101V; tixn abase presents shah become nu13 and void, orherwise they <br />shad! remain ifl tali [ores and naay be forocYrrsed at thn uptian of the said A55UC1A370N a;ier ;2ilws for three rrwnths to make any o[ said <br />payments ur bs three months in arrears in making said rnvnthty payments, ur tv keep and wmp{y wuh the agreements anJ conditions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agroes tv have a rcrtinr appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings. <br />iF there is any change in ownership of the cast estate rnorigaged herein, by sate or otherwise, then i}x entire remaining inrlebtcdness hereby <br />secured sttaB, at the opikm of The Lyuitabk Budding and Loan Assrxiatien of Grand ls3xvd, Nebraska, Uemine irturrsdiatriy claw and payable without <br />fwther notic¢, and the amgwu retrtahing due under said isvnd, and any vtistr bond for any additional adnnces atade therewder; shag, from the <br />date of exorcise of raid optioxt, bar interest at the rrutximwn legal cart, and this rtwrlgpge may i,'un be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said <br />tand,arsd any other bond for additional advances, together with at{ sums peed by said The 6lquitabk 8uiiding acct Loan Association of Grand Islanct, <br />Nebraska for htswanrz, texas and assesurents, and abxracteng exteusiwt drargts, with interest ttxrmn, from date of payment at the maximum <br />isgal rate. <br />As provider/ in the $ustd secured heretsp, wtia{e this mortgage rcnta:ns m effect the mortg.~,get n,ay hereafter advansx sdctitivrtal sums w the <br />rrmlters of-swot 73c,nd, thtu assigris ur sucrzssvrs in iute:ur, which sums shall be wi[izin rite secwtty of this rrturtgage ila: same as the funds origuta{ly <br />rxcvred tturaby, the tvtaI antutiai of principal deb[ nut W extxed at zny tirve the original amount of this mortgage. <br />°~~J1ted th;s 4t~Jl day of November A. n., tv 80 <br />.,_ ! r'~ n <br />tle.A. Fre~4~~ Est` ,t- --- <br />Ntt~en J. F~cz~iCk'.-` <br />S?'ATE t7F NE$RASiCA, ~ $. Un this da ~ of 19 . betfoet rrx, <br />cG4;NTr cif: ItALI. 4th y November b0 <br />r iht ussdtrsigned, a .Nuury public m utd for syd County, pcrsvrtaliy carne <br />Duane A, Fredrick and Noreen J. Fredrick, each in his weld Far own right, and as spouse of <br />eaClt other wtio d re personalty knvwr. iv <br />me rrr #re the irisntieai ps€svnS whose name S d re affusd to the abuvs yrtslu:reni asjn:.rtgagur S and they severalty <br />a~itnask~gd tlx said insiresntnz to by their- voluata:y a::t sect cited. <br />~#TNt~u ny hand and Notarial Sea; xhe date afuresa 3. ~.- . /' <br />FAY €~omr[waion espirea ~- t <br />j ~~ . =~ sirs . <br />mnsarnt ~, ~.: a r z. -~ sie ra.ks3 `.vntary t+sbiic ~ . <br />{ ,s-}c 4! ~!- lt{ <br />~t*ar 4+v .tee F `F:.. Y.-.; 1.,.~ <br />