rs2 AREAL ESTATE M4RT6AGE-(WFiit Tax Ctatrse) lien, 78 - kktltaaan aa9 Fdtott b Yfelf, walioa, lle, 6&d6
<br />xxow aLL ~x a~ rHSSE i?RE$ENT3: Thai Stabix, A Partnership ~~ ~~~~
<br />of Halt Cavtnky,andStateof Nebraska ,ia~ideraiinnoithatFt'a>ataE~" '.
<br />Seventy Thousand and npJ1Ct0-----_---- ~
<br />in hand paid, do herebp SELL and Co*1vEV onto The First National flank-of Grand Isl~asidt i~ _
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />of Hail cint„t ,stare pt Nebraska ~ ~_
<br />Y tLc toitwrmg deset~ed pr:+d-~-- -"r- _ _ -. `.
<br />in Hall County. and State of Nebraska , ~~; q:. ! _
<br />tj ,1
<br />t
<br />Lot Twenty-One (21), Block One tl) in Brentwood Subdivision, Citg of ~ 1
<br />Grand Island, Ha21 County, Nebraska
<br />}~}
<br />_ 8I "i.._
<br />4 { -
<br />1~
<br />1 °
<br />The intenlaon being 2n convey hernby an absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. ~ -
<br />"f't) Ha~rE nM1ll TO HALL €he Premises aMrve deuriitiE.d, ail she appurtena»ce3 thereunto bielangirtg, unto the~tta~r -
<br />mnrigageeLs) and to hns, her nr fheir heirs and assigns forevtrr, prrrvideri always, and these presents are upon the
<br />ezPteae
<br />cat:ciitian tlhat if the card nixazigagor{s), 1-,i.5, her rr their heiru, executors, a+lminixtralors or assigns shall pay ar catrse to ba
<br />paid iss 'thee aaaid rnartz'ageeka), his. har pr their hems, ezecuLars, adminitctrators ar assigns, the princkptd sum of $ 7~ , ~ ~~ • QD ~ _-
<br />Payskdr acs fplbws, to wit:
<br />Principal plus accrued interest at 24§ due and payable May 4, 19$1.
<br />wiEh iaterest aca.~arci€nK €c the !enx,r anxl et'i+rl +,! fhr mciHE'uyu rs wrttGrn Prrnaisspty note taearinq even date whit these Preaa=nta
<br />atrtd shall. tray skl fazes sad a~izaa.mrnir lrvtc+l ulx~r. saal re-s1 -mot, ir, s_..== aii ntl;er fazes. !__-ieF ,or;ti' aust~-;.eras leciar, uib~n this
<br />rnc.rigage air €he nose which this nxrria!ake - it+en n, =,rrure- 7>,efore the snnre i=;,~y~,„, deli»quent, oral k?ep LhE Mrikdinga as
<br />fir.-~ - rrxl fr.r .b;.. our. ,,, c ? ~ , 0'J 2 . f~ ^ Iona, if ara
<br />- y.. lrayubie is the said nrert-gageP, t!w_n these Presents
<br />to he vpn7, tf r ~isr.• t,a be and r<maus an Lull force.
<br />tT fS Fkf}.'I lS E;f€ -'.Gfi.t;~i> flt 'i lest t; fhr• a.2ad, matrtt;agar shall fedf '6o poy such kazea or procure such i?aruranrs-, the;
<br />wld rctarigaa,w may rise trcir tnxeE sn4 pnx•ure satrh i;asurs»cr. ;i;kl t}ae xum w, adrant-ed, with intereac at Sixteen pet
<br />cent. shall 6e rPatd [ay said mcsetgagar. anJ this rnarit;aice siaall stand a-t xcc-urtty im the saune. (2J That a failure tp paY any {
<br />of laud maaey. anther PrincrFral nr mta~rrst, •xtxn the same t,ecomes due, or a failure to comply with any cf the fategpirlg~
<br />agreerrmnfs, shall cause. the w}a,rle aura of money herein secured to br•crme doe unc! col/ectiWo at once ai the option of the,
<br />trwttgeaGe.
<br />Sigraarf this 3 say of NOVember 19 8{}"
<br />in prtT,~tKe of Stabix, P. Partnership
<br />__..
<br />~.__~y -all ar~ers
<br />.' ~-4 _ __
<br />of 5 fiixen, nn, Partner
<br />~~~
<br />1 M .. ~ ...... '
<br />~~ va Partner __,
<br />S"FATE t1F ..... *7>b.>•3sk~ ....... .... (.aunty at ;ia 1.1 .
<br />` ? The fEtragnttfg izL+trua - e~ ne{inuwk+tlg~tl 6eCvrr rrtr. ?dpvember 3.. ty 80
<br />r~ ~ .f
<br />' { [rgx „R1,i7+~S}~pt3..' .~,~~3;?>rl -, Partner anc7 Theodore I.. ~tava , Partner nn hehallE
<br /># ~ , :~ €
<br />," of 5tabixr ro;art~}ii¢ ` ~,
<br />~" - ;~~jtf- may(,/
<br />t
<br />~+ ¢~'~"~~ Siena re aI eretsn T;tktng AcStntrwledgrttanf
<br />_ -•., : , '
<br />My Ct~tlBnssi #,tes. :;` iJptary . i`~)?171.i-".
<br />",~.
<br />C#F' ~g~~A. '4'irie
<br />) ~~ ~~...... -. _ - - -.. Entkr«d en numencai indez and filed Lnr retvnit
<br />sa.
<br />,_ t_".pup;y ... - in ihe+ l?sgister pf 3)r.,rla Oftioe of raid ['rruatY thy:
<br />- _ .iay of., iii at.. .. ...a'ciock atxl- .. n>inutrs . 41.,:
<br />.- - f2~,n ..4 Lam::
<br />- ~3y' - tJelnrty
<br />4
<br />