<br />. T~71~A14.s;)? l§-IDEatIC U$Sr2~tA. BiLS~1- clrk~ U©r18 J,~~t18~~~,Q. 8- .
<br />- 29 $ ~ t$e ~r - - - ~'1 ~aY3d - aiY~ ~ ~'
<br />~~.':Fr - .. (hertxtt Batmsrcr ), and the~,R't-e, Firs, Biat~t7stai
<br />ilk of ,~rat)¢ I~1and , • Grad , island r: ,t~eisraska.... a ~p~stiarx orb sew a
<br />widar ehclaerosa~: ~iefiaYatska ..:. , ...:, whose addrecs ffi 202 ;West, Third:: .
<br />5+`~. X'~~ r.. ,~~ ~s3aTtd,, i+T~hrasxa ...............:............. cix~n deader`>). . ,
<br />K`kt;~t$-~s rat' es aitd~bted- to I.onder ~a the principal snm of Forty-two .s^hous tlti~d ........ , . .
<br />1 j 143 ¢.:- '^-y ..... _"--.. Dollars, which intlebtednesa is evidenced by Btmawer's no&e
<br />datard,~GtG~3@F. ~7,.: a:984.... , (heron "Note" },providing for monthly itesealltntaxts of prarxS~l attd #ntet~t,
<br />wtslt the bala~e txf the ems, if xto4 sooner paid, due and payab~ on....2+iov~4)~~ , ~.,.. ~E>.~Q.. , ,
<br />"Co Bacons co 1..aeder. (tt) the.repaymetxt of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, wide ittterssc thereon, the
<br />{~ytttetn-of'ag sX3eet , with interest thereon, ac)vanced in acsxxrdanee herewith to prattct the security of -this
<br />1;,atukthe pa'f of t~ covenants and agreetnents of Barrawer 3w_re#n cnntuiaed, aM (b} ttx repaprtteret
<br />t~:atry 6ttsrc advances; witfe interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lcndet pursuant to paragraph 2l hexeaf thereht_
<br />~Hogrotvtt d~ hereby maetgage. grant and convey to Lender-the following descnlred prapeety
<br />~ ~A~~'), ~ ...... 3-~, .... . ................... . :. Smote of Nebraska:
<br />I~at Eighteens 0313) , zn Block Three (3) ,
<br />Zn OIi3e Mill Subdivision, City of Grand
<br />Island,. !fall Cottnty, T•7ebraska.
<br />_ ~~~B West stagecoach Grand Psland
<br />w#F~stke~ of ...................ss..............................._.....,....__....,
<br />Aiebraakar b#3i tccwf-
<br />......... .................{hcreio'P~pertyr'},
<br />€siwrp,au ztq
<br />~~ &!1 the ;atx stixw _€n` hsacaftcr eri^c~1 u[x the ~uc~~et}, xscw a[1 trxents. rights,
<br />-._..,~,_A-r~. _ r~nrs~ rmzuxric~~ ~..,.,~t. .~ ~.a ..s. Ys._
<br />- - - ~ . - -----_ ---i-P}---. -M„-v~ -_,•._ ~ =,ga.,~c Ana -p<oins. water. water rEgixtx, us7ai water skrek. soil aTt
<br />iiettsu'r~ tt~ ar hereaattu att~sed ux tha ytaPerty, a!f of w#tce)f, i:x~-luding reptacxmments and additaxres therero, shall be
<br />sae~si t,~ ist at+d r ~ past of t~ ltr€sperFp ccwr~trtf by this )4+lortgrge; and alt et the foregoing, tagethrr vlsth said
<br />~;`-3~ f.~)tcdd ems: if t$#s Aluttg3}ge is vn a icas~hold) are he;cin.re<ferrec# to as the "PtuP'enY'.
<br />;~ tr ~cr suir~tot3 ~N art tr lafy ;d of €#s~ -state reb~ xouvcyed and ha, t#xe rig#tt to rtrixtgage,
<br />~„ts +wF =sxrrcp tae rropcs:,r, roar the. petty ~ ustti=ricnmfzrresC. anti that flFerr€~wr .ri3t +~~rrani and s#e#~ad
<br />x ~:ai~ :rm ;aa to :ue Pxt:~ srt ctaztat; and ;-axt~xt tsr any drs#aratuxns, s=assm~esxes or rtstrix:tts`seasts
<br />:.-' '... __~::_-_ . _r.~.-- :,. -~ in sat-usaxs~-e ~; firing __er`s aRtcrv~it itz the Pme*srty.
<br />
<br />