~~-~ E~c- ~~~~ ~+I~~~~E
<br />tt~ ,.a ~~ elei. tr-- ~ dy ar /~~~ u r...--
<br />19~ batmen Fred B. Tarry and Marian R. Terry, husband and wife,:
<br />(bereeinafter referred to as tnortga6or) and the Administrator of the Small strainer Admietistratiaa, an egenep of the
<br />Goverrtmmt at the United Staten of Amerira (hereinafter rofernd to as mor•tgagoe}, who tseiutains as olliee aad
<br />P~~atEmpire State Building, 14th and Farnam Streets, Otnaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />~ettutise~re, tbu f~ the eoadderatioa btmeinafter eteted, receipt of whidt u hereby _the
<br />rFSart does hetebw mertaa~e, +GII, ltrant, assign, and Gonrep unto the mottsage~e, his nacGesaors and anibtttr_ttU
<br />of the folfowius ti'ruiLed property aiteated and bteiry! in rfre Comte of gall
<br />State Nebraska
<br />F.aaC ~ of ,Cats 15, ,and 17, Block,l, University Place Addition
<br />to the City of Grand 'island, Nebraska, also known as 240 North
<br />Custer, f:rand Island, Nebraska.
<br />To~rther u~ilh and inrl..dhF~ a_li t~..:t.~;,.~..~ nit batnrex inrludir:~ !rut nu« li;ri:-rd :a a!! i.1ur.::,ir:.~, hea:i:.K, li~i::-
<br />inq veNFtilatinK, n°frigrratintw, inrinrratint;, air cnuditiunitF}; upparutun, uxnl rlrcntur. (the murtpaKur hrrri„
<br />declaring that it i. intended that the iirnt„ herein rnnmrratrd hall !rr deemed to hnvc leecn prrnranrntly in-
<br />.tnlied u. part of tfrc rrulty },and uli ir+tprnvrmrnis. nuH ,rr he•n•ai1rr r+tiwtin~ thereon: the hereditament. uud
<br />nppurierratFer= noel alt atlrrr ri;;}tix t}xcrrunin I;rlon~in#:, ax in an}i~iba' apprrtaininy;, uud the revrr.~iwF and re.
<br />voroiuttn, retnaimler anel rrtuuinalerw, a!i riRLte of Fredcnrptiun, uml the rents., 'Fames, end pruGth of the alnFVe
<br />dG~eribed propGrEy (pruvitiGd, havar'r'er, lhBt lhP »turipuN;nr.itai! Iw eniiiied in the pu+.+r+nion ui maid prolsa•rtp
<br />anJ t~,~~e~+ arw,t ?~'~--'~ '?t;°~ -.._-~ a~=t ~..~.~ -.e ,~ E-~,,, ~ .~,ar...-- ...
<br />_.. - - - ;~°.. - - - - -r3. Tai bare ern. €<r i:u..8 iae ~a:a
<br />unt.:.hs* rttr>y~i ~ ;u-icra-. 5nv~rd,:ure in nt~t'eat of tF«r nturt~ee I'uxever in fee +:inznllr or +urir ulhrr cstatu-
<br />_-
<br />if any, sFti it: atatr}tl herein,
<br />~ttitts sforteaRat' oovenapts lhat ha is latrfullf oGGiaed_ aed nmsarua~d ai snd has the xig6x to ~L! a,.d ...,.,:>sY ~.;~
<br />prapoKy: that tb4 wmG » fine tram all enetembrsmxe except ss hereiaabove, rGeited; and that ha heeeby binds
<br />~hYix~nwy~lfa~twd~t/hita auc~.etnearE ~in`~in'~terr~at,ta vrarrant and +YGFGnd the title afarcttuid thereto and every part thereof agaittat
<br />YR4 W W !,# peraone WlsWa¢uL''GYGr.
<br />Tbis inntrumxu! is given to t+erure the payment of s prootiswry note dated %L'~+'r ~~ ~ ,
<br />in thp_priecigal tu~tt of 4 15,~Oa,.00 ,eigxd by Fred E. ferry ~nd Marne.^. R. !'eery, ltu3taand srd ,
<br />~t~i*~a}f ai thetuselves.
<br />mr xa.=a umx tr-ist r>.,tou, r r:==.o. ..~« ne,Ft.=..
<br />