<br />UramaxM Covsuen'ts. Bornawer sell Lender covenant and agrce as follows:
<br />4. 1-aymetat eN Piihtlpil said Ia/iteat. Borrower shall proroptiy pay when due the principal of and interest on tht
<br />indebtedness evidetxced by the Note, prepaymenE seed late charges az provided in the Note, and the principal of and ftrterest
<br />an any Furor's Advances soured by this Mortgage.
<br />& 1Rt~ tar ?sacs sad Iait:ianssi. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by I,eneler, Bornower shag pay
<br />to Lendu on the day tttanthly ittsfafttrtents of principal and ]merest are payable under the Note, omit the Note is paid in full,
<br />a stem (berets "Fu-nd~") equal to istwtwelhh of the }reel} taxes and asssastrtents which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents an the )'roperty, if any, plus ono-twelfth of yearly premium instaltrnents for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installrnertts for mortgage insurance, if any, all ns reasonably estitttated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lander on the basis of assessments and bills and reaaonabte estimates thtteof.
<br />The Futxds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />slats agency (including Lrnder if Lender is stn.h an itesutmion). Lender shat! apply the Funds to pay said taxis, assessments,
<br />irsuratxe premiums and ground rents, lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Fends, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying attd compiling said a me and bills, unless header pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lendtt may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on ilte Ftrrtds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable taw
<br />regtdrss such interest to be paid, L.ernfsr shad not be required to pay Harrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shat! glue to Harrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />ptupme for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Mortp}tge.
<br />If the amount of the Funds brad by Lender, logethei with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, irmurance premiums and ground renu, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxis,
<br />axsessntsnts, insurance premiums oral ground rents as they fall due, sus:h excess shsH be, at Borrower's optinn, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited tv Borrower an monthly instaflments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />h~ ry fe,~r sh°~!f ^^.,.r.'a^•-.,.~,.t to poy •ex p ms and graaad tents as [hxy faN dt[c,
<br />w, .r wa'rncitia, mstrranC2 wniii
<br />Harrower shelf pay to Candle any amount necessary m make up the deficiency within 30 day's from the date notice is mailed
<br />by under to Horrosvtt requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payr~nt in fiifl of all sums uctrred 6y this Mortgage, lxnder xhall prompt!} refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by lender. if under paragraph t$ hereof the Property is sold or the property is atherwisc acquired by lender, Linder
<br />sitaik apply, no Inter than imrttediately prior [o the sale of the Froperty of its acquiatuon hp Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the rims of applitataon as a credit against the sums sutured by ihss Mortgage.
<br />a. Apgkfcaiion d 1Paytne~s, Unless applicable law provides atherwfse. all paymetts received by lender under the
<br />Note attd paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender lint rn tsa,ry~ment of amounts payable to Lender by BOCrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, !fun to interest payable on the 'vote, then to tYte principal of the Nutt, and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advanizs.
<br />i. Ch>argts; Lleas. Bamtwer shall pay all taxis, usessments and other charges, fines and smpasitions attnbu[ablc to
<br />the .°:°ar;..rty which may attain a priority over this Mortgage. and leasehold payments yr grasmi rents, if any. in chi manmr
<br />ptnsided leader paragraph 2 hereof or, rf not paid m such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, Jrroctly to the
<br />payce thiteof. Barrawer shat) prvmptty furnish to Lender alt notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in ttu event
<br />Borrower shall make payment directly. Harrower shall promptly hinush to [.ender receipts evsd<ncsng such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly Discharge any lien which hex pnonty over thrx Mortgage: provtJed, that Borrower shalt not !se
<br />regtdrsd to Disrhar*r~ env sorb lien sa lung as ~rrawu shalt agrr€ in ~.*r:ling «? ?hr pxyrrtent _.t ,he t+L+ftgatiarn sr~.-urrd by
<br />sttt;h lien in a manr~r arceptabLr to l.utder. ar shall in goad faith romcst s[u h lien by, or defend enfvn:ement of such lien ro,
<br />legal prareedings whir<ir operate to prevent the enfarcemint vi [he hen or forfermrr of the Property vt any pan thereof.
<br />g, 4~laiard Imunns~e. Bvrnvwrr shelf kip the tmpms^ements new existing or heriatur as,:te1 ort the Property msursd
<br />a..gatust tc~ !ay Este, fsa2asds tttchuiid wrthtn the term "extended soverag~', altd sr,£~h csthsr ts~ds >~ 1?'-tl!t~r =tag relutrs
<br />amt to sxh anwunts and tvr stack per:ads as Lender may ceauire; providiD, that f.ertDCr shalt asst rryutre that the amaun[ at
<br />s; W.h ,: - ~_ tc~.a -°~ i - ~, ~£ :cyrf,;~d t pay the . :€::~~ ~!:::~ ~ _
<br />Tart; irsauratti:e carrier pravidirtg [rte insurance shall be chasm by Borrower urbfert :u'approvai isy l,rmier, prowled,
<br />t at s -': ~r of E~f ~ ~ .~~, t.:.rr~x>?a~ty 'nith.`,t<td, Aft plant-vi s .fin u3 -a- c F :i--_ ~+afi ~e pa?u ._ - iagnes
<br />mxsxr~ r~rc+~r ~~~ra~: ~ tsrr,~~t ~, :f t+.~i p3tei in rah rnanrt~r, by ~-r£~~t €tn~ p-a,~'°~€. "tf=IT: •~r, `='!r~'i#y~'-r- ttti
<br />insuratxe earrrer.
<br />ASf insurance poliacn sad rinewak tftireaf skull be in lam! ac.:ep[at+lr to LrnJrt aoD stroll un."iudr ,+ ,tanDarJ ntortgagr
<br />ela[tse in favor of and in farm acceptable is i.etrd¢r. lender shad have the nght to hold the fa>hcico and renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrower €half promptly turasisft to Linder a{t renrvvai twures and all receipts of Isatd premiums. in the error of loss.
<br />Bar..*owir shall give ptontpt tatHisx to the sttsurancx carrier and Lender. t.tndrt ma} make pr;x~t .d Icsss rt not male promptly
<br />by Harrower.
<br />L!nlpa Cinder and Borrower o[hervise agree in writing, insurance prv.:crds shall br al'rpttrD to :e>toratinn ,sr repair of
<br />the Prvprxty Jamagsd, pravtded stab oestorauan ur rrprsir a ecotrarnically fiasrbte slut chi security of this 141artgagr i+
<br />not thresh} impa;rrD. tf s[r-h remurativo or repair is not ccanamicallt teasrhic or rf the sccunty of tins Mvctgagr wntild
<br />bs [mpnisid, tits rnxuran;x pracrxds shall be appliuf to the sums secnrrD try this Martgagc, with the ixs:esa, it any, paid
<br />tv Borrower. If the Pmpert}' is akrandattsd by Hvrrvwir, or it Horrawer faits to respanD tv t.r.ndrr wrthru 3l1 days from Ehr
<br />dale rwticr i~. martial b} f.tndir u> Bcntawer titer chi utsuraixtr carnet ++tfers to sruir ., claim fur snsurancr fsenrfi;s, l.en+irr
<br />u authorized to collect and aPpl}' the insurarce proceeds at lruDcr's optinn euhcr [o rishrranau or repair of chi Proprrt}
<br />or to the xucsu accrued try this Mortgage.
<br />L'nirtn lettifer ate Borrower atherwtsi agree ur waling, any sw:h apphcatran .ef pnkerDx w prru;:rpai sitcitY oat extenD
<br />or pt+stpans chi dire date of the nsnnthty installments rcfi[red a+ m paragraphs 1 and_ hzrrof ur r:hangr the aniuuut of
<br />strr)r nistaHtninr. It utxiru paragraph Ice hereof the: Propiriy is acyuuetl h} lxoder, alt nght, role and interest at Harrower
<br />in slat to any inxurarue pd[riea erred tit atxi to the prswceds thereof tesulnng from damage «+ the Property poor to the sate
<br />ar acyuisitivn shall pass tv Lender w the extent of the aunts sieuriD h}' this !sfvtfgagr smrnediateiy prior w suet; sail yr
<br />~a#sit='~.
<br />6. P°rs~~„a aa~d !«rrtrafi~aRei at Nrepirty; feasrttalds; C'isudatnittiums; F'lannsd Unit ITs.rlopnrra'~. Horraw+;r
<br />shalt keep the Prepare} in good rrpau and shsH ua4 cismmit waste or permat impaucturtt or Drterbtatiun of the Property
<br />and shall caraigly with the provisivus cv{' say tease rt this Mortgage as tin a lsasrhotd. !r this Mortgage ix oa ,+ unit in u
<br />eanctanrinium rx a pia::cud unit tkvrlopmrnt, Borrower shall prrtorru all of Aarrvwer's oMigutians under ttK Jecl:uatnnr
<br />ar e-ovw_stants creziting vt govzxni[tg itsr sandaminium er planneJ emit development, the by-laws and rigulxtians of the
<br />c mDomi,ntum or ptanocd unit development, and cvnstiwuu Dixumruts. 11 a cundonnnium or planned unit development
<br />rides is ratacutiD b}` Bart'ox~et and re><otded togithir with tfrix Mnrigagi, the s:ovenagts auJ agrermcnts tit sorb tiilet
<br />«taalt he irtcotparatss~ iota and shat! amend ateJ supplrmcat the uvvertnnts and agtceu=ittts of this Martgagc as d dri ricEet
<br />wars a part hereof.
<br />7. Prateidtas of [xitar'a 5ecttiky, It Biscruwcr tail to prr«nm the rnvenants anal agrrsttrenta rontarnrd in !his
<br />Murtga~, ai if arty a:tiotr ae precseDing is canutteruiJ which matrriatiy atfrcts lenders mtrrest in the P=oprrty.
<br />iacludit[g, but [star limited ta, ittrrtrint dirtnain, ittwivmrr, aisle, rntvnesttent, or arrangrnunts of pnxrrdings mvotving :+
<br />tusnkrupt ar diculsnr, then l.ertdcr at heudir's t+ptswn, upon notice to Htrrruwet. may make such appeara[tces, dsstaurs_ such
<br />slams and take s[tch stilton as is necessary :o oratoxt-l.cndir's tntcrest, iust[uttng, §ut oat tintitrD t~+. Jrshur+xn=.cnt e,t
<br />rsa~rraaMi xstartsey's fists attd entry upon the Isropirrt to make repair. !t t.Ynskr r y irrD tnor[gaRc in.u=an,c es s
<br />euaa[tittc+st of rnakittg the ban secured h}. [his Mortgage. &>rmwt;r sfaaif !*ay the prrmmnts [ryuaid to maintain such
<br />i°.astt;a in aMasY u»tai web urge ac [hi requiretartni for inch +nsnlarat tsrititrtatas u+ +rYOrdanre wtSh H+.:rrawer', and
<br />