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MORTGAGE ~tj°.o fi~fn231 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L23, 839 <br />IaaowAL[.MENSVTti~sEFxESENTS:That Larry M. Decker and Kathryn M. Decker: each in his and <br />her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether rsae rn [[tote _in wrtdderation of the win of <br />Twenty-Six Thousand Two Hundred and No/100----------------------------- ---,,,,,,,ne <br />loaned to said rtsortgagor by The Equitable Betdding attd Loan Association of Grand lahttd, Nebnslta, Mortgagee, ups 262 shares of atodc of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifigte No. L 23,839 , do hereby grant, canvry rind mortgage unto the said dSSOC[ATION the foBowiog <br />described rdl estate, situated is Hall County, Ntbraska: <br />FRACTIONAL LOT FOURTEEN (14) IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK SEVENTEEN {17j <br />IN ASHTON PLACE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />EXCEPT A TRACT DEEDED TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISL?LND, MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED IN THE DEED RECORDED IN GOOK 115 PAGE 361, IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the ttnerr,ents, hercditamentz and appuncnances thereunto belonging, including at[achtd fluor wvs;ritegt, all window scrtens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnrrtgs, treatutg, air cwndrlwarng, and plumbing and water tquiptnen[ and acwssories [hereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other futures and eyuipment now or fiercatter attached to ur used m conr,ectwn with said real estate. <br />And whereas [he said mortgagor E,as agreed and does htreby agree that the mortgagor shall and wiB pay aU taxes and assessrttents levied or <br />assessed upon said premises a~ upon this mortgage and the bond secu~ed'tb~r~byDbefure the satt,e shall become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />inaruana upon the buildings on said premtscs situatrd,m the sum of S b LL UU payab{e to sxrd ASSOCIATION and to Seliver to said <br />ASSIX'fATION the policies far said insurance; and mu to armmrt or perm[[ any waste tin err about said prermses; <br />En <~asc of default in the ptrfortnancc of any of Iht terms and conditions tit [hrs nxrrtgage ur the txrnd secured hereby, [he rnortgagtt shall, <br />on derttand, br en4ltkd to in:tstediate pc~stion of tfe mortgagzd prr:mn>'s sad ehr mortgagnr hzreby asttgns. transirrs and sets ovzr to the <br />rttartgagtt all the reins, revenues and rnmtnr W be derivtd from the nwrtgaged prerrhsrs dos in}} such loin: as the rncsrtgrge rndebttdtxsa m'isll remain <br />unpakl; and the rrtrxtgagee shall ha r the power to appcrmt any agent or agents it ntav desire fiat €hc purpasr o', repairing said premises grid rrntirrg <br />zbt same and axslket it a the ants, rrv~nur-s end inrunte, and it mray Er=y our .tl .a=d ues~tttr aU sxf~n~s of ?r~i ~ :~1 prrm~= a?d r=t~t~.~ <br />axr[nmistion& and expanses incurred en rtntmg and nwnaging the santr and ui cotkcluttg rentals thestttom; the balsnr,:. retrtaining, if any, to rte <br />app4td [reward the skiscFtargr of sand :rutngagr rrtdrbtrdness; these right:.,f the rm,rtvaprr may M e.xerc!ded at a_v t.-~ durmr t}tr rxstrn~ of se ~h <br />dtEault, irresp<ctivr oY zry trnz}x,rzry waiv-ez of I he satrre. <br />Thtar prt°~°.uts, however, opt::: Esr C;;rd on, Tfa. ;. s-atd Mc:rgag:;:.s}taEl reyav =aril }r, 7 .. _ _ -__ , :e,ty o. said stiare> by <br />payrrxut: pay ttwnrhly to said ASS{7('lATH)N uCti E,e >ur:e =sullied in the [kind securers hr.tby as mrerestr an5a azfn~naE on said Iran, tin or b;*{nee <br />the Twentieth day of each and esery r:wnth, tints[ >aiil foau is fully paid; }ray all }apes and as~f nitnis leveed agamsi aid premises and tin this Mortgagt <br />anJ the Bond szctued thereby, betere dehnquenuy, funush approved msmance upcm the bwidmgs thereon m the sum tit S 26 , 2DD. DD payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all nwncy by rt yard for such texts, assrssrnents anil insurance with interest at <br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment art of which Mongagur hereby agrees m pay, permit no waste on assd premises: keep and uontply <br />with all rho agreements and conditions of the Ikrnd :or S 26r, 2Q ~9p f tus day given by the said Mortgagor [u s-ttd ASS(7taATION, and wmply <br />with all the requhensonts of the Conttitution and Bylaws u sate IATION; thin these pmsents shad become nuU and void, otherwise they <br />shall rentaht in fuU force and may bt foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOC'.1A1'ION afar fadure for three rnmuhs to make any of said <br />payrr,ertts rn be three nront:hs m arrears u, making said monthly payments, ur to kezp and wrnpiy with the a}y:entents and conditions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees 10 bass a rttxivxr appointed forthwith rn such FotecWswc pru+:rrdir,gs. <br />if tlxre is any change in ownership of the real estate tm~rtgaged herein, by ale ur uthcrwtsr, thin the enure remaining mdebtednesa iu[eby <br />secured shall, at the option of The Equitable Buil4ing and Loan Aastrciatiun of Grand Island, Nebraska, becottu imrtxdiately due and payable without <br />further»tkstice, amt the attwunt rtrnainmg due under said bond, and any other bond lur auy additional advancxs made therttmdtr, shag, from tht <br />date of exercise of said option, bear uttetcst at the maximum 1 Aga; rate, and this nwrtgagr ntay thin be fnracicrnd to satisfy [)x antuunt due on attid <br />bond; ai~tl any other bomt for additotal udvanca;s, together with alE sums pa,d by card 'fhe E.yuitabk Bmidhtg and Loan Association of Grand Istaxd, <br />Ntbr (or msuratwe, taxes sad-asar;srttents, sins abttsacung rxtrnswn clwrgra, with tnmtrst thervvrn, from date of payment at the utaximurit <br />legs! ia,~. <br />4s prnvidtd itt the Byrd secured htrrtry, while tius mortgage rcntains m erfrct ttte mortgtrgrr rosy heroaRar advance additional srsma to the <br />rtsaitteR~Itf sa}d Bund, [brie assignsau suzr:rsxaxz in interest, whtclt suits shall tx wuhrn the security of this nwrtgage the same as the funds originally <br />ter-ueastghereby, the total armsuM Uf' principal debt nut to exr.•ted at any trrteA the original arrwunt al this nwrtgage. <br />iza <br />L~"ed this 4,'- day .rf 'JO.w~'?r .s ii. ;g°f1 <br />i <br />Fes! r <br />f 7.'-' - to ,-~}~'_. <br />Kathry M. Dec~ker~ -~`--~~~ <br />STA`fl Ol: NEBRASKA, ~ z_ ~.~ l`.. ~` ~ ~a~ <br />COitNTY OF IiAt.t. ~ a. ..,. ...R _- ~,..--- Eay r, _ti..._ . r ~_-- - ~ „ .. ..~a-.a,.~.- , <br />Larry M. Decker and Kathryn M. Decker, u,e undeeargtttd,a Notary l'srbtic in and for sand county. (xrsrrtudly eartta <br />each in his and her awn right and as spouse of each other, u.},,, are perar,nattyknowna, <br />tract ru art ttrc tdent,eai petsr+n 5 w'huse names are uifixed lu the strove instrrnurnt as murtgaqut ' and tht'y stvtraEly <br />r~tivzwE:da-qd the s~ iras4rur~nt r,. }±i t hn i }° ,~,}untary =:;t ara~t dc4::#. <br />7T"tt~ T `u ~. yyy~~~r seaE '-~ tin z ai.,,t~ut. ? <br />- ~', t L'r~f ~ ~ <br />nxy i-ayasHi~ss. c3~.-~F s. _~~ a. _,..: - ' i / <br />ttrtgelwrttam-twn.+aattwa. ~, hVr,IatYfrUE)IIC <br />Nt+Faq ar ... ~~~ V <br />at9 4aR?Pf: t~ Etn~r. [IS- tit!! <br />