IIEYR7GAGl~'"~-'" ~ f E?'~~ `? "~
<br />>KOx~cAC~LOaxttto. L 23.844
<br />fs~I~wAU.rr~av'nr~serJtssraters:rna[ William A. Shrtffer and Elinor K. Shaffer, each in
<br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />lMortgasor, wlserAu owe or strrtu, io vvta~im art' Ibv ~ of-.
<br />Twelve Thousand Two Hundred and No/100 ----------------------------- ---- ~~
<br />tvmled to raid martggor by the F-q~abk 8t~dirrg and Lon, Aavd:tlon or cram Islud, Nebraata, ttttnrtgagee, upon . i 22 >~~ tt~c pt-
<br />aaid ASSt7C[AtZON, Cestifiata No. 123,840 , do MrebY gent. convey wad mortgtge wttn tit said ~ASSOCIAtIOIV~ the. fr~viR6-
<br />dtscatbad teat ta[ate. nitrated in Na11 Coaaty. Nebraska: -
<br />tts®ttMr with aLr the lerrertxn :, Mredidmenta and apptutettances thereunto txlonging, mciudirrg attached floor cuverirtgs,. alt wimlow screens,
<br />window sltstka, blinds. storm windpws, awnirt(Q, Mating, air conditioning, and plumbutg amt water equipmtt and aaxaories thereto, ptrmps,4nvea,
<br />rsfr~ra-rots, asxd otMr ftxfwes and equipment rww ar Mreafter attarJted to or tend in cauntctiorr wth sairf real estate.
<br />Aod whersaa iM said rrnrtgagor has aged artd does hereby agrte that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asseaarseats levied or
<br />aasssed up:,tn said pretnisss wad open then mortgage went the bond secured ttwYebv beforo :M same shall become delinyrrent; to famish approved
<br />irsuranct upon tM buddirrgs on said premvaes aituatrd in the sum of b 1 Z , ZOO.OO payable to sod ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSO(IA"riON tM polieims iw said icwugna; and not to n,mmn ar permrt any waste on ur about said pren»sns;
<br />In ~ of dtravlt in ttre periarrrranta of any at the ternn and avnddwns of thrs mmtgsgt rrr 2ht hand seeuxd hereby, the mnrtgagte stall,
<br />tfn ~kt'nt: ?~ e[~xt<4d 4a u~ttiiau plr~-aerxn of !ha :*to~t,,~sg-d frsmrs~ ward tits nnrrrgrr :xrtby sins, tr~snsfers sad rats uvtr to tits
<br />mxltlgss alt tht rents, rxreauts arrd incoriu to be denved from the rtwrtgagmd {v~ettants dutittK such titrre as the nwrtgage tndebtednwt drab remain
<br />tunpaul: and the racvigngte stta0 here tttt Amer to apprrint any atttnt ur agenn tt may desire Cnr tM purpwm vC repairing said proarisas and renting
<br />tlrt erne sent W11eiYbrg iM tents. rsvenuaz and ntcutat, and it rmy pay nut :>F' saal itu;,rare alt sapattsna eC ranair#rtg, r4td prsrtdsea and vs~~cy
<br />axrutrsilainna and c~z{~ttas irtc-.cored ter taming amt r~ the same end aY' cal'6,ctinp rentals Ihtrot'rrxm', tlu haiareee ranuinln6, ii any, to be
<br />dsad,tuwald tNs dla~iargv of said nxxtgagc indsbiedrsea; tirtse rtg![ta of iltr nutrtpa~@rn may Ire exernxap(ar auy ttiate dn~ire II>c eaiatsesa of ash
<br />dsrauitl, itrespeeaere of way ttmptuarY sryiver of [he same.
<br />'F' t'a° a `...-.,~.~r ,rs n~ir a;rt"rt_aur Hat it alts aid trsrr ax v wit r;palt .aia'E lean un ar t~rz:s firs . «IVrtry c: =~dsham by
<br />pay rsta~~n[~; tray raenthly to ram! ASSt](:JATION rzF iM ..wn spaified rn tht llapl rtrurW lrere'bY as inteces4 arvJ prmttpat on sou! kart, un vt lr„furv
<br />tht Tv'%~ttieth day a nac}t xad rwnty morth, uuntit seal N~trt Ir ftdly peat; toy ati texts anti asusamtnn Isvicd against said prantises wd vn ttris Mvttgags
<br />am! the bavxt aertured IMrrby, before dttir+quancy; fwnah appruvsd irwaan,~ upon tM buddings ttttreun rn the sum ut S 1 2 , ZOO. OO payable
<br />w said ASu-OCIATEON; repay w said AJSOCtA7'ION opal denund ail rrwnay by it paid fur xuch rues, asseaatnents and it[surarux with inttreu at
<br />tare maximum legaY rate thaetm f tam chin n(payrrrtnt all of which Martgagtsr hereby agars to pay; permit no waste on said promises; keep and comply
<br />vrit}r aN IM agraYmtnis and rwrtditrone of the t#vtd fvr S 1 Z , ZOO. OO tAis day gismo Ray IM sail Mortgagor to said ASSt'1CtAT10N, artd comply
<br />with alt IM ra}gixameata crf tM Cans[ittr4ittn and by-Carves of wear ASSO('.tA'fION; truer truss prtstnts shalt bxut[u avb and void, nttt6rwfre they
<br />dxall eeaain re ftlU {error amt may tat fuaeelwet at tba option of the and ASSOL'IATION after f'ailwe fur three months to Hake any of end
<br />psYtnemz xx be tRva months in airman at nukury said mxm[hly payttxnts, or to keep and comply with [hs agreetsxeua and wnditions of said [bnd;
<br />amt Mortgdor aqua to have a rsceiax appointed forthwitfr m w it loreclrrsurs p[rtCeeslutgs.
<br />If [hare ra any change is owaetahpJ f the real elate trwrtgsgerl trersin, by Batt or otMrwise, theo the tntire rtaaining irnlebtedrtea Mreby
<br />sa.uraal ahn8, a[ the optirNt of TM Fquitaisk buiidag amt Loan Association of Grand lslaad, Nebraska. txwrme intrnediatety Sue and payable without
<br />fta[.:.r nat;.~, artd the war,-a,[tt ratnsin+rk dos-- vtvisr said twru2, end ar,y uihtr frond iur any additional advames made thereunder, shall, frtmt rive
<br />dart of axersep err said nptwnt;l~ intereu at ttra rnaxuvwn kpl rats, and thin rrwrtgaga may thin be forarlosed to atidy tM amount due en said
<br />bond, altd way tstkar bowl fvr addisa»ul advaaont, togetlur with alt sums paid by paid "fM Eytdiabk bailtting and Loan Aawvia[am of craad Ialwtd,
<br />Irk#raska for isaataac~, taua.add a~^--~.;a, oral ahetrauirtg tx[easaut charges, with inisrau tharwn, fmm dais of paymtn4 a[ [M martinmm
<br />lttgat rata,
<br />As ptoridsd ia~tba board sazwsd twtby, while this nau[gaga :ertwma in rffect the rtwrtgagte may hereafror advanam additamai xuau to [M
<br />a c$ saiA $ewd, tEuit ast~a w zttuessuts in iu[trest. whtJt zoom stall bt wi[hvt tht x~tcurity of this nwrtgags the nme as iM i'uo~ origirallY
<br />aM1 1 tMraby, the [oU} asouunt of ~ dehe nu to axocut at way time tM original anruuns or t![k nwn~ga.
<br />"~ t ~I~t, ~;~ 0ctrl4zer A,13.,t'~ 50
<br />r,.
<br />~ ~~ s .. , .
<br />. i r~r K. She`l`ler
<br />a7'A8'~~~+~"t€~,~ ter. t3arfus 31st. ,t,,,rr 0ctoher t~80
<br />tutu, }
<br />ttu twdnsibned, x No[aty txubiiv in and f~ weld County, perrorrallycarrat
<br />William Aa Shaffer and Elinor K. Shaffer, each in his and her own ri~cht, and as s#tots~e
<br />t3f Mach other w are peratmauy wa to
<br />ate tnax t>ma itlaxw[v„a3 praawt whore weans S are a{liamd [a the aYmva utatrumtr+t as «wrt~w ? wed the
<br />Y rt.tratty
<br />~t as msa[uatea[ Into their vulvatnv a~ sad east. -'~~ .-"`
<br />5A`S1tFF Ir[y turf N._r~r~ the darn arm. .. _ ,.' ~,:-.: _ ~ .
<br />~r"rs_r~_ ~ ~ -...i r~.
<br />axva:ars at •- '` ~ NnuuY ~#fliC. - .
<br />'""'' ~ ! '7ev'~ :, ,~'r7' , !t 3. t'y ~r cr trebraaia
<br />~s~. ~ t ~_ v_~~"b3
<br />