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~3#~-~ ~- ~~~'E3 <br />e. idd practice or use shall be permitted on the c~tdaninium property <br />or in any suite or garage which sha11 be an antxryance to other owners or residents <br />or the area or which shall interfere-with their peaceful use and c-njo~rnrent of <br />theft property. All portions of ttr?property and of the suites arx9 garages shall <br />be kept clean and sanitary arx3 no use thereof shall be made which oanstitutes a <br />violation of aray laws, zoning ordinances, governmental regulations or regulations <br />df the AS5dCl.atiGY1. <br />f. Owners representing seventy-five percent (75~) or rroze of the <br />total basic value of the cond<minium, as reflected in Article VS of this Master <br />!'Teed, may at any time in writing duly acknowledged and recorded effect an <br />amer><bnent to this Master Deed and to the By-Laws and plans attached hereto; <br />provided that such modification sha11 not be binding upon arty existing first <br />mortgage holders of record unless said modification has the aSproval of more than <br />fifty percent (50B), in number, of-the first mrrtgagees of record utxxa the date <br />ctf adoptikxt of said modification. <br />'This L~:..:rini;.°n proper`- regisrr rTiay ~ teaTitina`c~' or° waived <br />only in accordance with the prcxrisions applicable thereto as provided in the <br />By-Laws .attached hereto as $khitait "I3". <br />h. HouseJtald pet., within the t~~ttds~ninium will be subject to regulation, <br />restriction, exclusion and special assessment as may !x determined b}= the <br />Association from tit[;P to time. Awnings, outside T.~r. antt.nna, storage of boats, <br />catr~ters,, trailers or similar 'stems sha?1 all be svlrject tr,> regulations, restriction, <br />exclusiois and special assessment try the Asscciation. Uses df the ecamss~n elmients <br />for other than recreational purposes is prohibited. 2'he keeping of livestock. <br />or p~^t..lltr~i, upon fire cc~mrdn elements or in arty is prohibited, All poultry <br />upon the cenmon elements or in arr}• unit .s prohibited. All garage doors must <br />re;~ain closed at all tines except when cars are entering ar exiting the garage <br />space. Individual garbage cans or trash recepticles are to be permitted outside <br />only in areas designatEd therefor tr,--~ the Association. Outside use or storage <br />kaf barberxne grills will be sutrject tka regui.atian, restriction ar exclusion by <br />the. fiatiort. Autiu<r~ile raarikirxi will ~ suta,;jg~ct to reti7ulation and restriction <br />try the As„~ciatian. <br />'~ l I I . ~~rr~T~ 't`.?L~i 1Ti=~t3. <br />I]ev~el r c~Y1M'~7 1 -7iy® ~r;'n ,. tit..'' t~6 t ~ ~ - <br />-`-~'P-'- .. .h~ Ha=., i...Aknty ci^,srs~`~r !:~~ <br />tEae creation of the ccxx3prnniupn crcxr~rty ranimti s~ that „ach :xtit€~ <~r garar~te, <br />ircludir~3 the urtflzvik]ek9 interest in the care±c~ri elements appurtenant. thereto, <br />shall De deemed a parcel and subject to sepaeate assessment and taxation. <br />IX. REiERVATitk7 IN nE,'VEIIJpER. <br />Developer reserves the right to establish easemenr_s, reservations, <br />et~cceptions and axciusiorrs consistent wit„h the cdr~ariinium ownership of the <br />property regime arr3 For the best interests of all the aordk~sninium suite ar <br />gd;a9e a~nees, ir~luding Developer, in order to serve the entire corK9ar*.riniutn <br />pce~ierty regime, artri t~ supplement er a:~rd thus ~iaratian ar the attak.h~, <br />gy_[,aws until Mat+ 1, 1981, ar until Deti~elc~ar releases carrtrol of the Association, <br />whik:hever first cx;curs; provided arty such supplement ar amendment shall he <br />apisro+red all existirtq First mortgage hal.ders of rt~kxtrd, in writing. <br />X. EA.Sf2~4F.YPF,. <br />tents arr`* her~v r€~ •>~a _ .x+ _ <br />-sf r- a 3 a";.t~' r ~~:.:.~ r~,v, r~ +,r ~ _~;h <br />mar ~XF a ^~xxlt~ainiuK; s;;ite or garac~ ~ r ~.nk.°c?actm-~nt if <rny Mart «, ~r <br />oiniss+t~ suite or garage erteroaches upc}n any ether :quite or ~tarayn ar' the <br />c~,'eott elements dr if arty aexth et~rvak:hment shall hereafter c~c~ar clue tee nc~: <br />seticling or shifting ttf a tntildirxl ar £ctr any other mason, or iE such t3uildirx7 <br />is repaared or rebuilt after dotage e>r destruct.icxt. The As:xx:iation shall lave <br />an-;3~fl~tt in and upt.>s't eat suite or ixarage far the performarx;e of_ repairs upcx~ <br />fire mart elements acrd for ~tietgFntat repairs to any part of the cK~rxikxnirrium <br />*`rt5'- <br />_,i,.. <br />