•.t-SURVN0R5NiP WARRANTY DEED Frimn L Wd£ Gemparry, Li,r-dA. Fb6r.
<br />~Q~''" t)Ci~2`'9
<br />`~ James 8. Perkins and: Janice K. Perkins, Husband and Wife, each in his sad h~-own:
<br />;right and as spouse of esett .other ,herein called the grantor whether ohs ar mara;
<br />conaideration,of '~t~ttty Four Thousand sad no/100 DOLLARS
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and con4irm unto
<br />Dwight W. Stumbough and Janice Brumbaugh, Husbanddand Wife
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the foIlosdng doaeribed teat
<br />property in ............k[>?k.~ ......................................... C,onnty, Nebraska:
<br />Lots Three (3) and Four (4), in Block Three (3), Original-
<br />Town of Cairo, Hall County, i3ehraska. ~ -
<br />r~e®izas~+ '~oc~~l~n~rt
<br />s~ra~ Tnx
<br />~~~ N IJ'~ - ~ 19$U
<br />ter,, ,:,t;,,t.'sYS ~~ tP~ ~~'-1.'~'-~-
<br />'i'o have and fo hold the above describe±l t.reauaes tr,t;ether t+ith all tenements, hereditsments
<br />and appurtenances thereto be2cngiag unto the Krantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br />of the snrvnor of them forever.
<br />Arid grantor does hereby covenant Evith the grantees and vrith their assigns and with the heirs
<br />:srtd a~ik~z.a of the sun~ivoz of them that grantor is is+vPn?!± .:ci4s~d of 4eid prewtses; that they are free frem
<br />rnaambranae E+xcepk Eas~aents and Restrictions of Record.
<br />1s.Fi'~ gt~ws td'ir has ~a~xi ri*ht .zttd taxftt2 antherity n _. nvri. , . . and 'hat Kzantor tearran~ xud ~-^.1
<br />t9tr4tand tlae i.itia to wa,id prenuaea against the isw4ul claims of a[1 Etrtraons w~hotrmsoever.
<br />iLt. is the iurenti~on of ail parties hereto that to the rr:nn¢ of the death rnF either of the ~rsntaerf,
<br />th+. entire- fee sixp2e title tst Lice real eatato alsall vest ~:: the xun-irirg grantee.
<br />Hated ~~.v, 3 is Bo
<br />_ . y.... .. .. .
<br />HTATiL Old .....liahzasaa ................................,.. C'„nat~ ,.f .. .. p.a.t.}..............,..................._»...»:
<br />Mars mB, a noPery j.+utiuC que2ified for saiS ~~vunty, kicitioua22y centr
<br />Jaatow R, Perkins and ,~anice ~. Perkins, Husband and irife
<br />to+~iu-n to ma t+t be the identiaai pereu,n ur peesonfi whn signed the foregoing instrument anel adknow°iedgeti
<br />the oiseutiot: thereof to he his, hoe or their cotuntnn ncr. utui deed.
<br />'Witness wy hand axtd ntrtariai acsi rtty~ .S,t.,u~'"`~' ~ .. ..... ... .. ......... 19.....s~.i1....,.
<br />~~% .__,
<br />~IOM~ ...: ~c / .`..~,,,~/~cpuG'~-~': ... tiatary F'ublm
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<br />~~~"+~ A~a~1(~'! lfv +amn,issitan . tl?titts ,1`,'„ ~ai!~.atl~._... -.C ....._. l~i...1...'. .. .
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