<br />~~~r~~!q SHBRT l''ORM i;'
<br />Loan Number_---__----- _' 1_____Ib_,
<br />PR®P€RTY iMPROYEMBtVT aiaee fro.
<br />FORM No. 271 iRty. lSi7T
<br />$~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ r'I'~ KNOW ALL MEN RY THESE PRESENTS
<br />TI.yAZ+•.Ra~mond E; ••Lunkwitz and Joy A_• Lunkw•itz~• husband and w~fg=••3s~}~],yr,•„s•.in
<br />[heir own right,
<br />` heaeinafter called Mortgagors, in twnsideratioa of the sum of.._NINE. THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND
<br />($ 9 , 400.60 )DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby aclarowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and CONVEY as absolute title, iarluding all the rights at homestead sad inhsrltaaoe, unto FIRST
<br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following descr'ihod real estate, situated ia..._Hall•.•_.•••^...-° •°
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />Lots Eighteen flu) and nineteen il'~l in Hawthorne ?lace
<br />bciL'£, a thdivision of ?art of the ?tosthwest ~aarter
<br />~'n'W-w1 of bection ~;eray =~ ~~-1, Township Eleven (ll)
<br />Yorth, Range _line ;9) West oY the SistY: ?rincipal Meridian,
<br />(;rand ;eland, Aall County, Ve'orask.s.
<br />TO HAtrE AND TO HOLD the real cetate shave dt~rihed, with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />'~ ttrtty the said Mortgagee, f~r~ver, pprovided always, and this marigage is upon the eaprssa can-
<br />tf-itfon that if the s~ar.~aid l4fo_rtgago_ra, their 1}sira, e>ESCUtara, administrataPs ar agstigna shall pay or cause
<br />to bs paid to the said lvlortgages, its sucrr~ssors or assigns, tkto pr~mtxpal srmt hereinatwve set forth, all
<br />a~rrv~tg to tics tsnar and sriect a# a certain installment Hots of sRid Marigagor$ bearing even date wifh
<br />this mortgage, and shell pay rases and aaeeamnonta levied upon said real estate, and all other rases, levies
<br />and assessments levied upon this mortgage ar the Hate which this mortgage is given to secure, before the
<br />same or say installment thereof becomes delinquent, thou the mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />in full farce.
<br />IT 13 FUR'T'HER AGREED (I) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to pay such tease, the
<br />Mo may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest ahaU be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />and ~nmrtgage shall stand as security for tho same. (2) That Mortgagara covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />that errs lawfully seized of said real estate and urovenant to warrant end defend the said real estate
<br />t e lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. (3) That in C9ae of a foreclosure of this mortgage
<br />~plaintift in auch~procesdinga shall be entitled to to&e on of the premises, protect the same ant
<br />ealls€t #be rests, issi`ss and refits tiersof. (i) That a allure to gay any of said money or any in~tall-
<br />mtmt thereof when t1>e same 6eCOmes due, or a feilurs to comply vnttt any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall cause the whole sum of mossy herein secured to become due and t~llectible at once at the option of
<br />the Mertgagtve.
<br />`~ Signed this....'"a ._...day of....._..`~.::~~x~..~.`~.1'~:...,.1..-._.."._...........,........."...:....,.;, IS..'~;,',:,_..
<br />,~'ti ai~pond E'
<br />i:E. ~- luaiy A Lunnkwitt
<br />.._ Edsll~_._..._.....---cottarY, ~~
<br />Qrs + ...-_~=.:-•_-°.._. day of ..._~: '.: ... aio'~..Y._..., 18: "t::.? batara ale, the undersigned, a Notary I'ablic, in and for
<br />kaynu+nd F„ ].unkwitz and Jud A, l.unkwitz husband Ind wife
<br />aald CaaatY. nmaoattlly wme ..._.._._ ................."._,._.........._......._,._......~..X..........__..._~.............c..............'....--~-_`..°-.._..._....a_.....--
<br />paxsanaUy knovra to tae to !>e the ideutice! petsotta whore aamon ors aiHced to the alcove nr,d foregoing inatrutaenf, se
<br />~, Rrul e9alt ackrwwtedgad said Imtrumeat to ba his nr her voluntary ntk and deed.
<br />Witttow my Read sad asotattat xi ........G.L.~d4'..7slaFtd.._dehxaa&a . _.... _ _.
<br />lea dais Iat aawa ariFfea. ~ ~ A ¢+ _ ~i .. ...... ......
<br /><:r1 ~ n
<br />G., .y,;~•-' .f `'+w_ !ice.
<br />Lt,y eatctaiwtiort asYlrse...:~:.s.:~,
<br />