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<br />s~xz~s cis ~~;a cro:~ _f ..........._.~.,....._ ...............................:
<br />~ilad fur record amt a in N~eriesl Ind .c
<br />sad reearded in Deed ...._._......_....,_,....., Page ._.._..._ ...................
<br />~ Cenn#y (~erlc or Deputy County Ctetk or ° i
<br />~ of Deeds Deputy Aeffiister o! Deods ~/y~ ~s
<br />SJ ~%-E~ J~D$'
<br />~AR`~;Ai'~~Y I)~
<br />cuss tt. k~s~ars» and ixtatu- at. ~xrsrBtts>~,
<br />Hvsbntid and tFifa , hsrein called the grantor whtrthas oaa or ttnrei
<br />y is wnatderatfott of ata~ no>:.zut {Sl.ool Ate ar~ast c~ ai~a vlwttmar.~ coxsin~ta~tc~
<br />tteehed Lrom araatte. doss grant, bargain, aell,.emavey and monfirut onto HJiRRIESTE S. PRANCiB
<br />hszAtn called the grantee whether mne or metre, the fotlowing, described real. paroperfvt m
<br />..............H.a..~.?~.,..._...._....... County,. Alebraskas
<br />I.at &3x ffi).,,Black Ten {10y,, CoS~.ega Alddilk:
<br />to. West Iaarri~ C'rand' Islartid; FPall County,
<br />- ttattzaska.
<br />g,G~~
<br />P~
<br />~tP,~~~,~~~
<br />To have and t~ hold thg above dosoribed premises together with
<br />.ott
<br />STAMP 7Ax
<br />// tICT 31 1980
<br />ttl tonetnents, he
<br />ant', apgui~tenancea thereto belonging unto the grantoe anKl to pteaacee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />9utd the grua~or dads hereby ocveaatet with the granGe~, ,wind with. grantiee'a heirs sad aastigna
<br />tlRa# gsgatvr ~ lawtvliy soitwd' of said premiers; khat they sre fri~rk frame ancnmbrance
<br />- that grantor hoe good right east lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and wits
<br />dafead the title to said gsemiaea against the IawlStl claims of all persona whomsoever.
<br />Dated August 3I , 19 7g,
<br />7 ~' e
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<br />,. ~ . Cmt~ttx mt .......,lfA~ .........................................
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<br />- ~I ifi - _ wV -
<br />~i _, _ -Before rue, a nokary pn6iic ~luelified for ++aid county, pnrsonnliy came
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<br />'~, ~, ~= °~ Ct3tt'FLa-1~.-G'i3Ri~6T8rg>3!e and I,ZNDR M. f~7RI$'PEtt513Dis
<br />- -~'~ '. ~- listpbat;$ astd ti3Ye:,
<br />~, .., v
<br />knsrvrn tv me ko be the idexrtiaal person oe persooa who sigamd the
<br />fmregeing instrumont s~sd acknowledged the ezeeution thereof to be his,
<br />her or their voluntary ant sad deed. ,/
<br />vvitne~ my hand suit n r' »s~l .......~.F..,......~...15.zk1..........
<br />i sa~p~~= .......~ .~~y'~~. t...! ... ... ,» .............. Notary Atbiia
<br />1 ~ bg!lRT,r~laaxn~t~~ -~ _
<br />1Nt'+rre.lw.sns,~ l~} totnaxisaisa osgire~s ...~~ -`-~ ~
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<br />-et'uA >fi ,+wra4 6y IiWttu~a Mate bar A~csattun rww s w.u sa>, s.ie.w., +uw.:
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