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<br />-~ - t.i-5l}RYtVORSMi- WARRANTY DEL-0 h Feltcw 4 ~YeK ~+faM'. Liecde, !&la-- -
<br />f:Cr~~~7
<br />4ieL~n, IC PattiatsD~s and ISdreen P. Pattersan, Husband and Ida-re each in hie and
<br />'hez av~right ands a"s mouse sf each other , begin called the grantor whetttar sae-or mare,
<br />t~onaideratioa-sf.- Forty Nine Thousand Five Hundred and noI1D0 D4f.LARS
<br />t~eived from grstttees, does grant, bargain, sail convey and confirm Hato
<br />-- H,ichael J. Flaherty and Linda it. Flaherty, Husband aad Wife
<br />as jo#nt tensata with tight of anrvivorsbip, and not as tamnis in Gammon, the fotiowiag de~,rihsd real
<br />}Sropettg tn ..»....,~8.};} .................».......,...»»........... Wnnty, Nebraska:
<br />- The Sauth Twenty (S20) Feet of Lot Six [F) sad a11. of-iat
<br />Eight G~,), a,~l,l in 81ac~k 'two' (Z,), Cth1le~,e Rctditian, to West'
<br />Latart, ~n Adtl'!i,diart to ['h~a City of u;t^aad T~1'and, HaI'7. Cauttty;
<br />Neibxaiak'a.
<br />~E~l~ASEiA flktlMEP~T~R1f
<br />5TAM9P'~A7C
<br />rti~Sl [~C~;;'119~8G1,',
<br />~a~ftEAT'~ jAT+'~"~% "' yk~'
<br />`i`o hate and to hold thG above dancribed premiaex together with sli tenements, hereditamenta
<br />- and appnrtenaneex thereto balangiag nnto t.hG grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br />of the snrr.-ivor of them forever.
<br />And granter does he?'rFrg eovenans tvitlc the Kssnt~*~t and whit thou asgigna aqd with the ttezrs
<br />,, ata~F r~si~i,gzta of rise atzrvicor of :heal that grantor i,:t lttty°fttllt h+~itteri of said ltram.iar,.s; that they are lees fram
<br />' eniittinbrpw~fl ~ '
<br />6~xeept Easemen[s and Rehit.ttct:lrnnC3 w',tE' tiapCorcl„
<br />Nliktt wxr~,ntar lass go+a i rigk.t ttatii iaafnl +iu,tiioriky is +;tntz'we;r lira; ,ruart+ :tatl that F;raxticrr warrants attd will
<br />r~lrl~ Isti klio C~Fle ~,, mid pte'sn]aAe s~;itet the tatrrk~i +:laiFns 4tf ail paz^soas wltatstsaaver.
<br />it "ia tiha intention Gf all partitix hereto lltat to the e~a~ettt of the death _t citi:er of the :grantees,
<br />fire entire fee siayale title to the real estate snail vest in the nrviving graniee. - -
<br />1)sted Oetuber~~U 19 80
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<br />-, g+.~~~ - - ... ...,....~..».,..,,...«.,«,..,
<br />Ore san, a aotarl public qualified for said eawtty, peraouz+lip +~nen,~
<br />`lelvin K. Patterson and Dur.een F. Patterrian, Husband and Wife
<br />iEnowrt io trey to he. the ideutiasi person or pprxGnx }t~ho xigned tine f~~regt~ing inatrnmant and sGknavrledgad
<br />iha lt%dankion khetrto! to Fur Itts, her rr their valtttttarp set, and deed.
<br />~$iatem my Maud attd notarial seal on ................~}e•t•fritver••.:l•(3 ........................+ i3.....~.~.....
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