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<br />58-A~'r~REAi ESTATE MORTGAGE , »'p,)-With Tax Clause tfvtfman antl Fettan 8 Wslf, Waltan fte. 684tx1 ~ ~~~
<br />~~...A a,J ~t~~fv t3
<br />i XNOW AI,L ivfEN BX THESE PRESENTS: That wiltgen Corpora*_ion #2
<br />--' a carparstion organized amt existing under and by virtue of rho faros aa£ the State of Nebraska fn r _ '; - -
<br />! ~_
<br />-, consideretian of the nun of Forty Thousand and noj100 --------------------------------- f~1I:LAIitJ' `
<br />~33. k
<br />itn harsd paid, does hereby SELL and CDi+2VE t unta Commereial National Bank & 'Trust Co. , Grand -
<br />~' island
<br />of Hall County. State of N[al5raska the following describedpremisea siEUated
<br />in Hall Caunty. and State of Nebraska , to-wet: ~ ;~,
<br />i :'
<br />1 ~ ;
<br />~ 9i
<br />Lot Six SS} in Kirkpatrick Subdivision City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.-
<br />!- s
<br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be trans- ? !
<br />~ ferred from the undersigned for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire ! '
<br />principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the-eleotioi'i- ..
<br />of the holder hereof. failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title asI
<br />alwve stated in one instance shall net cons*_itute a waivez of the right to exercise the
<br />snare in tFte event of any subsequent transfer. ~ ;€
<br />!l ,.
<br />ii
<br />;' ~ ~Ilre int,!r,k;Gkcrn t~rein{t ta> evanwgy ho',relxy zm ertraalnfe title iu fe. rre sitxrFde..
<br />j TiJ S;i',AG"l': A.II'W11) '~C47 HdlL9:A Eh~ tarrrmkw~ ~ahoea du;~scrihnrt. with ttfi the app~umteaancea dhcx~~aasntu 4te3onSing ~tudo.thla '~gaid
<br />Wilt,trn Corpcarataon: ~2
<br />ranr~t en:a ILt,a~ ln.rsilrc end, rtter~i{rnatl farrevrr nnrwBrimr,! ultlw~ay~re, Hurd eher~~ prwxcnnrvt a:re ugxTln the nxgbrrnra ~anditirnn ihatl if:}„¢te !
<br />~ _' wa'rtl Ftsilt_c;;tua Corg:roration }k2
<br />i
<br />ar sign-v nJaut!G ):~,ry; yr m~arma: t~a, i;w,~ pa~~~irtl #~rctl tCno na ~dt E:•'Cx~~:z'a~ia.:1. .Q S.h:r<r~na:i bank & 7~r'~iti~st. L.41].. itla gg
<br />' 4 i
<br />- ` hritx, ezectrwrs, adm.::tserat. rs r. ana:,-,na, t::e gum of E'c rty Thousand and no/100 ---^--'-__ Dollars, payable as j '!
<br />rOFFawS, i0 wnt: ! -
<br />~~g
<br />i 1~$At3C)flFfr}$1f }~ ,Ynint
<br />r- 1~~ )fC1.Y3{4C :Ch's
<br />~'- i` rL1t71LOFt ?r#lt}L[ ~~,.7~~rtp ,
<br />wq~th i'ntlomaii tl.iat!svran 1A~C,iat.iflK pay~a}zGu ]Nlrlpp9dlil7t a>=v~.x>rcfing tar thr tenor and effec6
<br />'t tkxar Frn,rrar~:n k'safie ox wf;W:It~,lxtEitut~tt~ytt£;>~tetf ncate~s~ of sas.d Wtti:gen Corpora- ; -
<br />r' loxt !~.` "~. Its 'Ar;tah's.ut:e c,r tzt3tes ,may t:5e, z'rntla I:.:istce to r,:urte ux;zd'i.i''i,mtt. retir:.yta_C :sr €xtended '.
<br />'_ n
<br />II. r writ. i~: -, ~ ,,:tea E.....«~; arwl ra,wrounn',e,ar» „wt,:9 rrr.i .,stale ana a..4 0" err tasee,
<br />'.~'rr r., .. ,. ~;at.~ .mot.. irr~~,.,,* and ~t.Rtt r.ar ...! - ut,t,a at„id
<br />•~-:IS~ aE*!i .II-~w~..jnfr :r'~~ ~l,E,t:, t-rnnrige-.;.a- ~-,r crr<. t .,,c ,r-hit;:h dtlt~ et3s,irTnme :;: «;=s~rn zr :,.~r:rrr.~ !x:+v,rN t#:G ~ta:v Rt<ermc~
<br />v w _ ~ ~ ~ r ]l it ('. 1 ! ,. „ ..., t3. t ~~
<br />I r~ ---Et Y..gtt, aukf ~SS?N~-M tlLi' ~d.4'l 1 k 4~ i. t Biel 3 -vM kplla~ r:tlY11-Y F C:.Y E9M1?.' WUlktr '. [ ~" ~t # I{,. !,.,5W. 31' „..y,
<br />~ ~ I.v.uss 4 kk iw ~ete_ t ta.,, eti .uya .,,,Y':.,.tl. A tFie i
<br />tm.at,m-., .~+ . a.,$. ta. E_ ~en r r~ sr.r9r, ;:t rz ra r r,....
<br />t'~ fffi" qSi F"t,tfil S'~~'3~t~;;12 €i''.:Ll,. tfi} 'i~tatyrf liza guard rraor•etlaH;ar wtutll irr~:pol is, !raS rr xrcto IP~axnn :or Sencw.nrx: Hoch liaaaarauce, Iha [ -
<br />:itt n:ortga~,e~ -;.,sY t,_>- -c..^:^. ta.-.::x a:,ci g.rctlra ~e+ :ac'r, ir.+.ura:t ez,, and tFx sum so at#sa:torzi, with u.ir-rr;+t ;;E i 3.75 Star ! -
<br />S crat shn1F Fx repaid by an+d rnvrtgnxur, sttd ftria rnvriguge sfiaH stand as security far s+Ema. (°} '1~6at a FaiFurc lu pay tmY of
<br />- ? Held rra>nay, eitFsEr priucs!xsF ur :ntnrest wFrfn thz Herne Mxx>zne dun ur a faflura Ga cnmpfy with any of rho tnregaing nHree~ !
<br />i mentn, shall raruee the whale. etuu at nxutray henvn +.ecunKF to bectxae due arxF cvllectihle at on,.•c at the aptian of Uae rtsortgagee. ~ ;
<br />.` ~ IP3 WCl'NBBS wHB:Rlri)F.:F,a .aid Wiltgen Corporation a2 Presizrent and '
<br />hex hereuzttu csausw_s3 its >txrtevratc seas to t.c at5xert aura tlta>ie ;.rt-:H-nt, rte F~ signrd by its tI7.C~ Pr~s7.uent '
<br />this 28th day of Isuclust tv AO ' '
<br />. Eigrxc+i, xealud caul tlt><liver+r;l is iasrsenae of Wiltrlen ~%otQOra t}cn g2 ~,
<br />' ~
<br />r ~_
<br />} 7~t~5 ~ W~t~t ar~si~~nt ,
<br />j -'~a of ''~Wi1 •en -`!i<... `'rrrr3aid~trit ,
<br />"F'hr turekrtin~ tnzatrvrnent was ncknuwledged hef'ore Lne ,~~,~.iG;-ry:,4~~r`-:~. t.-F, .. . iy :f .~_,~
<br />t
<br />PJy . ~.Rrf ,E - ~ i L t L.~~Ir~N
<br />x '
<br />Sri.- w Fr e.i.- ~#-:-.
<br />5 qty
<br />', J _ j~.F
<br />~ ~;i~iatu~ tS'}ct~ n 'i nftitsf; r~c~rtr3wlE=d~ment
<br />S'~`A'~A; 43t?"_ __- _ - -. - .. Entertwl an nennt•nyrt nrdux dnd ft1e.1 for record i
<br />qs.
<br />`~'cttLrSiy rn th«; ftcgi'atrr ut i)+.+eds tittitx ui rood C':ntney thn ;
<br />- +33y ctf. 45 at. ,i cicrir arid. mmut~ - IN.,
<br />r_~riat to t4~L _ry. ai y'-.:Fe.
<br />f3e~. '~~ fiA;
<br />Fay. Ik*¢x;ty ,
<br />~.
<br />