<br />53 A-REAL ESTATE-MORTGAdE-Wtth Tax Ciarrse- fReviseA-78&'21- TLs Hutas® Geasrat aaaAU Hww: Leaaola; Xe6r
<br />J_7
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<br />Ff13OW ALL MEfi HY-T73ESE-'PRESEIiTB:-THAT Elmer-L. IKbrhain arid-Sheryl-Sue Morhain, HusbatadJ ,
<br />-and Wife, as Io~t tenants with right of survivorship, each in their-own rights and=as
<br />spouse of the other (Mortgagor )
<br />~ Hall- C,ountY; aril State of - Nebraska.. - , in-consideration of svm of .
<br />~~Forty Thousand and-no/loo °------------ --°--------_______~--- ----_-,-- ImLLABS `
<br />~- in hand paid, do haneby-SELL-and-CONVEY unto Camtttercial- National' Hank- & Trust Ca'. -
<br />OfrlarL8a6ee ) '
<br />of hall. County, and State of Nebraska the tallowiag.deecribed pxemieea
<br />': sihratsd' in Hall County, and Sfate of Nebraska to-wit:- _
<br />Int Six (6) in Wolfe's Second Subdivision in the City of Grand. Island., Hall'Cotmtyr-
<br />Nebraska.
<br />7n the event the title to said-'real estate is transferred, or rnntractad to be trans- ~ ~;
<br />'tarred, from the underlaid for any reason or by any tttethod whatsoever, the entire 14
<br />principal sum and accrued interest shall at once becot~ due and payahle,at the election # .{
<br />cf the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as ~;
<br />above •,stated in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise-the ? `-
<br />-same in the event of any subsequer-tt transfer. ~{
<br />~~~ "f"h 'a~ptttinn 6eing,'i tta aarnvey; lperrtry„fuu r~>inalute~fitye Ea k"off ~si;inq"~,~e ~p.ddcF,udin~'all Ikh'a ~,i ~~68,btiailp~ I[ame?rke~pd atjbd dower. ~ ~ it
<br />TDHAVF, AND TD HOLD the premises above described, with all il[e appurtenantta tt[ereuato belonging unto the!
<br />said mortgagee azd w its heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and three presents are upon. the a=preea~ i{
<br />- - condiriars t.,at it toe aforesaid mortgagor their heirs, exeCUfoce, adminisiratora or asaiKve shell pay or cause to 6a € i
<br />- - ~ paid to the said murk, ogee its heirs. executors, administrators or assigns, the sum of Forty Thousand and j ~~`
<br />r' no/100 ------°-°---------------~-------------"------------- Dollars payable m [ollows, to•wiE: ~ ii
<br />- ~ ~itxXK xx~t i {;
<br />~?~#.+lX~t ttst+scxk 1tk~ef
<br />li~lelac txtemf xXt9c
<br />~~
<br />' ~' th- tY'r rTst :~tt€.r, -r[s' y'~:x:Kr~s7~. '..vyafs:C3' ~"~sdi arc's rti'~~i~t,at cu~ iltr it-tm. r sad -eiiieci'~ eafi '~:
<br />,..,
<br />:su~':a3tF;~t ar notes. of sa~.d ~1.: `.. „~lor~t~~xn anc~. ~rtka~yl, S,)=Main dateel' ' j;
<br />,~ -R~i aaY art. f3tiC)i GVt~ rar (lU tt9a ~ay.,Y~ trritat:]I~Ya'.. :;IFS %i![!RJ mrax;~3~e:sa,[p rz~~!ei~4ieE~'-off eaZteFit~3d
<br />'. ~~ ......r -- -- ------ ~a>v'i she :tit .ax s ~r:il 3.g~1t€istta ~ ~ "~.~ # read ~. -•,~,a::taa~,
<br />rsiY :,~ c? ~H~in'y!r_[f tc+.itxf 1tx~r tkf4s-. kr'Le:tk~ - r !k_:e nuYr whfi'4: P~-:a~a~ e:.~~ ~ s~'+.t€.w-h_: -ri i ~~-~a•,~•~,~ ~
<br />-i
<br />- ~ drl"truluent, and keep the tw~tdmge on said pz.miees iflaured for the nom si F 210.000.00 toss, if say, paye6le tp ~
<br />tare [~ zm~rt;agea. ttxzu th«se. pr~aata ur tx roid. athrrwu~e Eo ha azfd Terrain in full lord.
<br />I'P i3 FC?I2TH.)aR AGREF:ll t t3 That if the seat rxwr4iagar shalt fail fo paY such taus nr prveura such insurentx, the '
<br />said mortgagee may pay such tame and Pnrure such insurance: arrd the sum so ~vaeK,ed, with interest at 15.0 Per crest :~
<br />sErali ba peal by said narrtgager, sad this rncrtgage shall eLrad as a<curity for the name, f21 'I'heE a tailure to p8Y any of saml
<br />t j - marrry, aifhrr princippl ar Interest whrn the same tx?4t~mas clue, or a failure to cwnply with say of the foregoing agreemetrta. .
<br />~- ~ shall reuse titr ~whnle sure ,d miutey hrrpin scxvred to bsa unr 1 ur arul [v7{acub4r at once at the opEioa of the t[wrtLa[;eo.
<br />Meet this 31st daY r,4 Ootober t+d F30
<br />r,
<br />, ~ ?
<br />E SYfm"t>~- 1. +'m7£Ita ink
<br />..! i ..: ~
<br />.,, ~ -
<br />ii ... t .. aheryX ~`ue MorftB.tri. . ::... .. ............
<br />'. 5'7rJi`T'1; ea. ...._..._~4/~tF'_rlS~.,fd.. ....... , C'.>•iaty of .. .- Hall ............ ..
<br />- ... liwfarx, me, a.n[datrv p~Nie yuatifiset fat' raid cuuaty, personally carom!
<br />*fssrhaln and Sheryl Sue 29carhain
<br />vn to oe peasww whn giEned the furagoiag ittaExumeat and ackauwlcr#Yed ttte aYrcutiam
<br />E f ¢y{=,p set arxl drret.
<br />S~
<br />. ~. 1V12r+eN n4Y hand ata~ ~lellatl1 seal ap OCtob~z_ 3l r ,Lr~.. ~]`p~ F1
<br />,~+fv 4grrtBr~saioa rxpirett ... ........ l+~:.~ ~.-..- - fA ~.~.. 7~`.~^-,~,'~1~- (.~~ ., _._ -_ Noes. 3~ot.t>~,
<br />- - - T T -_._ _.
<br />
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<br />Etrtarasl an numrzic3l index nmd filed tar retrx>rd
<br />in the RogisEer of ilaada f?Ifrce at said County the
<br />