<br />- _-- -__ -
<br />83-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-iMtth lax Ciause (Revised 1%2) Tke Hu®asnGeneral 9uyptT Hrxae, Lmmia, ':edrr.
<br />IfN~14 ALL '.I£N BY THE,'aE PRESEiVT'S: THAT C.iC Investments ~~.rr V~f 3~~G
<br />{M4rtgagOr
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in twnaideraGirq of ftai atrm of
<br />Forty Thousand and noj100 -------------..____------_-°---------------------------~I•IpgB"
<br />in hand paid, afo hereby SELL and C6NV£Y unto Cottmlereial National Bank & Trust Co.
<br />{Mortgagee ) -
<br />of Hall C.ongty, and State of Nebraska the folttraittg detxrbed preti>~~
<br />sifttated in Hall Cnunty, and state of Nebraska to-wit;
<br />I,oC Nine (9;, in Martin Subdivision City of Grand Island, ball County, Nebraska.
<br />In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or cont~-acted to be trans-
<br />ferred, frogs the ttndersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire
<br />,principal suet and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the election
<br />of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this ogtion because of transfer of title as
<br />above stated in one instance shall not Constitute a waiver of the right to exercise
<br />the. same in the event of any subsequent *_ransfer.
<br />The i;nte~,niGna kre,inq tc ~arnke:H' k~~ia~ntry qn atrankn a fr~ti nor fee rtim~plat i~aciudin~ qil Ctrs rights of i7tatntitpd and aa+~tr.
<br />TP3 HA VI) A;:I) TtJ Ht)LIJ the prrmtse» atxrve d<5crihed, +;ith akl the appurtenances themnnto belonging unto the I,I
<br />said mortRaxee :uxi to its heirs .tnd assigns. torawe r, pnrvid vi alvnrys, xnd these preaente are ufmn the express 1
<br />conditicm that if tt~e afvresard mnrtxaKnr tlleiT t,cirs. eaecuiura, adminis{raWra or assigns shah pay nr cattsa to In +
<br />1
<br />paid to the sand mvrtgaxee its beer=. ,~xecut,~re, administrators t,r assigns, the Burn ni Forty Thousand and
<br />no/100 ----°-°---------------------------'--------------`----- Tkallars, payable u follows, tawit:
<br />»ta :~.~~ xxS9t i
<br />~ ~ >
<br />Y[I4itGPi~It as~txx xxtt9t i
<br />i,xtm~ta~xam~t r4tgcaAR K,~tc
<br />xx~ic~ >axst~x ~;xirx
<br />~fi ,nthrr~:bt ttr,•ra..=-, 1>~7tRi~at~~i;~?~~iw~~lim¢~lfAgSt S,aynlnie a,{i esne~s~ng ~G the tul~nx ~~ urffe~t o!
<br />aaerii)in trr enissurv z.,tr'eii{~F3N'3i u.: i'.vte: ~:~ Uf a,~;a i:l C:S`TS' SYi ad ..; tr:7i';. d, ~,a,:,esG i3 t..iar ;B, 19Bi) or 36
<br />such nc>r, rtr . r,t+~,s :nay t" t rut:: t,rizz , „ a ,... .:~°,:E e t'i,s:, r..rraw~x~€3c',( e r' -y; 1:a~c.s~ . E. ~,. .:ritir+~ !
<br />~H..,a.~,~.,.k ,,.. ~, s3, L - e xnd . ar.+. ~rara xr•r3e~G u.Iv,n ~vaad nrai. K'sEac;, atni aii er.`nar taxes, j
<br />. •i«s attxi - ens? _ ~ . -! •-.. e+t,:: - _ k- -~. sk.a .-,_ . ~~.. ., .e; t:; ~=ar-r. `~t><= the =~-:.,e ~.
<br />dehnyuent, arui kmir eh+ iweidmgs ,at wid pnvm:s.w :o+u rwi L~r the sum ,d P~ $0 r 000. Cii lass, if any, payable ter
<br />the said m!~atgagee~, thrn tinese pn•sf:n tx rn Iv~ vu:d, ,<ih.=rwise tc t;.• and n=nua:n :r, tali (errs.
<br />IT is FL`RTtf Eft AGRFa-,f) itt -1'hsi d inr real snoregs>zor ahsll fait to pay such taxes or pnxarro ouch insurance, the
<br />saui anautgugre ma}' pay suc1: is:es ;md pnnure such m:,uran ce, and the rtum .wr advanced, with interest at 14. SOpet cent 1i1
<br />shalt tre peat 6y aai<i rn+rrtaagur, taaai ±hs s»uttgage ~teaH stand as notvrity foe the some. (Tj "Phat a faiharo b Iraq any of tatid 1
<br />mantey, either priruefsaE or interval when tha• rrmv Ixa„mare du r. <,r x failure n, «,mpiy with anY of the foregoing agraemegts, E
<br />anal) tvux the uhote gun: <rf money M_r>'m secured to bee erne Niue arnd rrilaxtitrle ae nnce at the option of the rnurt{fage~. 1
<br />i
<br />3ig;pad Chas .'.fiUl day ,>f uc toner Ifi 8i:
<br />Fn f•ra•aence er! 4`YiC'.; Yn Ve;:7Yiita;ttt`; _
<br />Gay _ .. - ...._ ~
<br />y I t'•~n~tu !
<br />f.i1 rATif_t le't' -_• f
<br />~ ~~~ t'' ~ .
<br />~ ~..~.-..•.,-e--.... -- .....-.
<br />F~_A`IT.s't?l: H~,fil.'8-~~tr7. ='r,s:;t.. „t cii 1. i.
<br />~t,.i~nre ~, a na,za _ f:ts~ia• 4vafified fir st~t .trty surralt_ _~:_.::. .- .. _-. i.,. -._i'tcttart, ._!- N)t: t,.: i„t ,
<br />~~
<br />"_• -. d 'tVilliam F. c'a.mpiaeli
<br />1~t4wn to d ~. r,r r~r•rseonu who argnexl iba. forc-gauag instrcmrnt a.txf acftnuw'
<br />r~p$€~ to ~ vi ace arui ti3rctiE ,aaigeai the RaPrtStitm
<br />nraLUiat seai on 'Jc toner '.H t~!3il ....
<br />:iTAT. {JIr.
<br />~~ ~.
<br />~rattgtY _- ,
<br />_.-. rirp cd.. kJ
<br />aruf ratsaniax's in i`tuwit, .-rf .
<br />a!
<br />F;nteteii ~,., nugrerit•l index auai fileal f.rr nsorni ~`
<br />en the Ragvrter of T>sKVia f?t}Sas of rwai i`tpauty the
<br />a'.^torh au±al.. ruiuuita . Ef.,
<br />at F-fie . .
<br />Fly [kl,aey .
<br />