s 3
<br />-' j 43-A-R£AL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax CiaWe (Revtrzd 5982) tisitman anG Fett¢n 8 W¢N, Walt¢n, Ne fs2r&1
<br />K.~tOW ALL 1MSN BY THESE PRESE?v-T3: Ti-IAT C°r7C Investments
<br />{Mortgagaz )
<br />~ ~ Hall County, and State o£ Nebraska , in txirteideration of the sum of
<br />~ Thirty-Eight Thousand and no{100 ----------------°---------------'° _ I%1LLAR9
<br />j in hang paid, do hereby SELL and IX-iNYEY unto Commercial National Bank & Trust Co.
<br />f {Mortgages )
<br />of Hall ConnEy, and State of Nebraska the following deacn'bett presrlaes
<br />i situated in Hall Cwnty, arm State of Nebraska to-wit:
<br />Lot Threw I3} in Block Seven {7) in Claussen Coruttry View Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Ha 11 Cotssrty, Nebraska.
<br />Fn the event the title to said real estate is tr asferred, or contracted to be trans-
<br />ferred, from the underlaid far any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire
<br />principal sum and accrual interest shall at once become due and payable at the election
<br />of the holder herecf. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as
<br />above stated in one instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise
<br />the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />j "]:'toe intention being u~r ennre°eY hnrretry r~tn rshaolute title in fee 5ci ~ntple including ali thn riKhES~ nF hamaeetvad. a~md daw^rrr, j
<br />TO ~H:AYE ANU Tt;} ftf3LD tkce. t:+remi+arn nbnve dascribrd, with all dhe appatrtenanres thereunkp tw~~langi'ng ua#rr the.
<br />said nrortgaRee arrd to its heirs axrd asetgns, forever, provided alwnys, and these presents nm upon the ezpresa
<br />{ condition that if the afn:esatd mortgagor ttre>_r heirs, executore. ndminlstratnrs or asstgns shell pay or cause to be
<br />paid io 2he said moRgs:,t~ its heir, extrutnrs, sdministretors or assigns, the sum of Thirty-Eight ~
<br />i The ttsand and no/100 ----------'----------'---°--------------- Ikfllars. Payable ns tollnws, to-wit: x
<br />e
<br />6~a~ss~sAe xt~:tlt xxk~ !
<br />~ [~gliaomcwxthe }A>exsat xxx5c +
<br />tsa~cs~tltt~ :glut ~,~
<br />'4t4tlaxat4e#CNye >ti»[,gR XXfi~ 3
<br />1$CdlgShiiq%IQk~ :t~iyE}tlt xx:,gt
<br />t
<br />- t ari'ktt iarl'~er/`a5t dakracrrr atJCM;XXX7CJC~CNENAt7fiClt,'718t'~piit, PaY+thire ]t.~iCpYl'OCq~' udl ae'wnrding to that Lunar rmd effect of i
<br />1'a'.e',rk;+via larau'nia~-xf+ry cxcrte a6`sa~"r rrr?r~mrF of sai3 cv4~ Ttxve=~:;Tmt°ar t.s 7ttLt5 CJC 4.71?~er, ;[~3, t7;i~il ti `ar as
<br />:'sttl;63 '<;t3 F~..„ a-t "k<,J r.t:T.- `a.a}` Ua c. 2:::r t:.rtne .~:.-> rime: fnc.54.i, i..,s; , rrt"r,ewe l ol. +: Xt,°.sn;1,€_!r't :i,n writing
<br />{ 'j)~~~s~~~~~g~sgpl[gy +, 1 s a i I y e ri tsx s uraR nnaaanmat+tw Ns n xi npon , nnl reutr mst+rk ~ d a3t othrr uitxas,
<br />rxr-%xaa a3.K1' it,~x.E:.-r,.m sa;-...+m- , t:;~ o..t..sa~.. .,. _,>~ r,_~4+. ,....h th;® r,,.ri'.j(ag,• .~ g.xn r r.<u n•, 3~i -re. .,r wur _ ~_ ~,.•rn.ea
<br />- ~ h5q~ietit, new w ~: c ,.a.....tfi ... s~Y.'a : xsx-n .rxstYa-rte `~P ~ wi x of ~ _ nx33. r un7. pnY3irlt io
<br />the said mnrtgag,ee. xthen thrna^ presents tc. fx ve.td, rrtherwisr tantat and r.nuar:x inx fu71 fore e.
<br />I'f 18 6UR2'ti@:H .4t;REF:YJ U} That :f the seal urortgn got shah fail to pay such tnxrs nr Pnanrrc sych insuranru, ihn 3
<br />said moriga5ea maY PaS ~r'h taxes :rrrd Prt>tvre aurh msuran cat and the sum su n+lvanaed, wr[h intrreal ut 1A. i0 per Bent ~
<br />I shtilt ba twrd hY raid mo;igngur, anti this mortgage shall stand as s+xuritY for the same. (2t "fhnt a failure to pay any of Haiti ;'
<br />_~ moroeY• r'ithrr pnnrrlwi „r inu=rest when the lama: bea~omea due. car n taikure to ~rmp17 wiEh arty o[ the foregoing agrnemenfa, '
<br />shall cauwr the whcr3e sum ,xf mrrney Pn^re•+n rcun-rf to irecunae due and rol!<v:4ble at once at the option +,f thr mortgagee.
<br />cuigrud this .t$th day of iJt:r=alxr !9 dtJ
<br />1
<br />In trrea<^ncE Of t:.3v'C: t':v<. c:tme:n t;., .
<br />{ _
<br />j Rl ~ t, it t ~n
<br />' ~ .. ~ ilk
<br />-, f "
<br />aw .~a n ~ 1T .
<br />i
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<br />- f~~'i'ATts f?T. 7; brasxct .. l:.suuty or ti 31
<br />•'~ ~ ~~ - , __'~. ._ z ~--- !... ~:.-a_- r=~~-tv, ter<-. -61 -._ - nt--'- - _ -
<br />':J~cwn to W-xx or t r rr' ~,V6o stgned tfw fvrtiguirztt insirutnenk ;rod twice uA:,dg.al the x•x,x~uhurt
<br />,r[s-d KpFtl~p art And deed.
<br />~$ Wit:resa my jsetxd nctariai seal on. :J~ Cv:ttt'-? _ . 15 +s tl
<br />i j;
<br />1 ', My s~ expirra: ^` S 39 ~ -. _+~..! 'r-_~; ~ 1 { ~:~.~ NutatY 1'u#t1tc. ;
<br />i til'A`i'E iJF.. _.._ - - - ! &nterect orr mrsnerr.rn! index and flirml far rerwal ~~'
<br />1 + sir
<br />' 1 r`yap~-y _ - - - - - in ttse FtrgiAttrr of I)eue:r. t~yfitc- cf wad t'rurn[Y the :
<br />-~ .. dtty rrf. t9.. at. o"deck ant .minute+x ht,.
<br />arui X@c4rr3tnt to t3t«th.vf.. at page..
<br />iteg ,+i It€+ads
<br />'tT i}~rvt:r~iv
<br />