z` ~ iQ3E--8tlpVYVORBtif? WARflAM4V DEEO ~ FWffmsrt and Felton & Woif, lYalton, Ne s84fi1 -` # -
<br />it
<br />'` BI30~9ALLMSNBYTHESISPBEBENTS,ThatWer William 3, Lawton and Marcia J. Lawton. 1 _
<br />each in his and her own right and as spouse o£ each outer, ( t
<br />,herein caned the grantor whethor oae or more;
<br />in consideration of Seventy-five Thousand Nine Hundred & no/100ths Dollars
<br />(575,900.00)
<br />received from grantees, dcea grant, bargain, cell convey aad confirm unto Thomas E. Pickett -and
<br />Jo A. Pickett, husband and wife,
<br />as joint tenants with right tsf survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described rest property in
<br />I:all Connty, Nebraska
<br />Lots One {1) and Two (2) in Lawton's Subdivision, Hall Countyr Nebraska
<br />I' STAMP TAX
<br />OCT 3 } STATEMEh1T A~ACHEp !
<br />1'o have cad W hold the above described premixes together with all tenements, hereditaments and appnr- j
<br />tenaneea thereto brlatxgirtg unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of khe survivor of {
<br />them farever.
<br />s
<br />Aral grantor dose hereby socenavtt with the ltrnrters and with thric assigns and witl} the heirs aad assigns
<br />i of the scrr-ix~irr of them that grantor is lnwfulff wined ++` void premtars _ that. they are free fram rncumbranee f
<br />i except easements and restrictions of record
<br />that grant(}I has (!i6rlif nghi RSStI lasc lilt as iharllT is C117'.i T'k'"l' the aB axY; al[d thRi t*rant07 warren tS and S4d1 defend
<br />ai t
<br />the title-, to said )=rr•tnis~-:• st;.ttrn P_e :aw[vi riam~ at a31 prrrsona n-htttursorr~rY.
<br />!
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<br />~ tt 1R tIL 3}itFitttpft of all art}r'k 1}er?tl} t}}at FJS the 1`VPOt t!f ll1P 1}Pt}lh of 4'1t~ItYr of the grantee's, t~le entire
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<br />j frg rR'-Rti'.in. tiffs t~ t.., r-x1 aatsEt=
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<br />I =.hsl1 ;•at :_. !}tr SklrYil ttt~ ",+. YtttS tJ,'ht.
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<br />W1I~ lam J.~Lawtan
<br />i~ ~ ..........................a ..... Marcia J. Gawton !
<br />~
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<br />j ... .... .~ .. ..... ... .. .
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<br />j ST.~1TG~ i~, l+hp
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<br />' is .rQiri rarnry, hr.snq.tity ~omc fYi 11 lam J . l,awtan and
<br />*
<br />°' F Marcia J. Lawton, each ir. his and her own
<br />_. _.
<br />'- ~
<br />,, s right and as spouse cf each other,
<br />_
<br />S Jo wa ktwu+n to br t&a utrnfitat +:ers~n or rn:Wns ic~h o..< narnf• is yr narnts ar.+
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<br />- ($l<ahl.)y.~ ajjrrd to Jhz fnrz,7vinrd instrsuvanJ and ee-5netided?+°d the rrr-ti7ion Fhzrel,f tr) htt r
<br />_ ; ~,,,~~~ ltis, fiRr ur Jkeir uulastm~y urt and de€d.
<br />r~i~:_ _ #3'`i1nPSS tttV Jltxar~ snit 'v`uJarutl r-a'Ut 7hC t. t'tnd 1~tar l3J nrNrt , tvtiJtan.
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<br />stared on 4umerioal index and filed fur record in the ltsgiater of lleods f)ffiee of said (`aunty tho
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