?21-A--MBCNANIC'S LIEN QJ1 . ~~ li gL,'~ -f O 1 Ituttman anQ Fallon ; Wcdf, NFa4ten, IIe. =9461 ? i
<br />- c.iii~ t ~ t r} 1 t I;
<br />Lisa ctatmed 6y: ------- --------October..~~z.---------••--•------..._..zq_~:..-- i "I
<br />f:
<br />Laa~a_ttynearson S Associates_._Inc_.-_ Cox,Construction C an lnc._ ~; h
<br />a Agadnst:..... _ ....----.-_-...°_f°Lt_ .1'.z..__
<br />Addru323 W _KoEniQ St.s_Grand islartd~ 4113 E. Hi~hwax 30r Grand lsianiiz Nebraska ~
<br />~9$U_-.- Nebraska ~i P,O.~ Bax 2272 Dr. Cr. , _[
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<br />8!6!80
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<br />ESurvey t n~- Services- tar Locat i n~ North gaunda-ry-•------,------
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<br />fi I €of_ the South 56,8 feet of the North 760.4 feet ~~
<br />of the west one-half of Block 2 PLEASANT HOME '~ [ ___. i
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<br />---------___ ---~ E-----------------------------------------------------------•---------- ~----~ - - 1-----
<br />State of....._._~ebraska .__...-1
<br />Halt ar.
<br />................... __------°-_°-_ Cowtty
<br />A~ante Warren D:•Thampson,- Assistant Vice President-tamp,-Rynearson ti- Associates •9 ~~
<br />_ beat
<br />!nc o tlana et f Grand-~ I sT' n isf-i-•---°-------.......__._..___ ,
<br />dtdy szuont, on his oath rnys that tke fongarwg tt~rmse~ accowtt of mor~,~ab°or, s~l.__._..........._..°.---•-•--- _.-•-°--•-----•_--
<br />materials, and impratrrmentr is trw and comet: that tame werc doer and performed and funeishrd by the anderaigned
<br />for the said.--Cox Cortsiruetion t:omlranY~._.Ine.____-
<br />nnder a` ....._........._ ................_.»....
<br />verb~ } °--------...__.. contract- •- - -.._.......-_...- --- - --
<br />or ehe'..........`'srn i sh i n~ ............._-- .----.-° rv i ces
<br />j ...... ........._...-.--..._----._ t>Ral.1...Surxey-.i~19--$a...--•----......_°--------•--•---°--••-------•-°---
<br />on the joltowing tot, pierr or portal aj lortd, viz:•...7hg, $o~th..$b,_$.,f~et-, of.-,the-..North, 160.4 feet of the
<br />. .............
<br />an Addition to the City of Grand
<br />West one-ha o g ock 2 PLEASANT HOME SUBDIVISION .. __ _. .......- ... ................................._
<br />1 s iand~. Na.~.).._~oun CYz..ff_eb task a ;_ .................
<br />T#,at a! 'h. r:rs sail ontra,t lr-as ~s :Led l:.•bor tired inatSriais furnished and da.ive-ra$ theratteodar~av i d,.9=..,
<br />Kathleen A. Bartz 1211 _5 ..--L-incoln St.z_Grand 1s1 and, .Nebraska .- t~ anmcs aj.s~d pramises~ ~
<br />...,n.n ................_...-.n..__.,--~ -
<br />That "Ceox Cpgstruc,~ion_-ygmp~Oy,.,_lnc v{as. Che._con;rac,tor on said,-p.rngerty_and wa__s_.,_. _._._
<br />acting for the ora'lbr. ~~ '
<br />.,~
<br />That tha lots of thr jtrsi item fttenirhed rsttd dowered anaz...-_.._..._.816180 ._..-....._...... and she
<br />~Ie of the last ijeen oaor-__...._.._....-...°_.......8/6/80......___.__...-......_
<br />' "' A fwtJur staid that said lalaar mss performed on, and materials ware fernishsd for. delivrrad ot, and wed wt i
<br />btwrdit~ or- ~ratNisee-at and behwew t1K d°trs specijFed,
<br />`~' 7`hgt dtr ~rtitss cht~ged therefor are fair and reaaonabtr, ssrxf that rhrre it now dw on said arcannt ebe rum of
<br />-lhi rty-seven §. _`~IT00_..°-^--^-------^-------------------^^-------------- ))ollars, tlwt saidd• i
<br />lamp, Rynearson G Associates, Inc claims a ttsn on tha raid f•remiser far the jnJl ainottnt of
<br />zpid arcotast, to-mil: T04e s+rw at s_~7.~'-'"'-".-.---.'---.-"""."""togetJtar with intaresl thsraaa at the teg°l sate,
<br />fratn the.....31 s e .___.da o ..._.._... Oc tabs r ........... . . . .... . . 80
<br />y f ... ............. tq......,.. sad fnrthtr aJfcattt soys not.
<br />Lamp, Rynearson. & ssociatesr tnc.
<br />B ......................
<br />~ rtarren D Tha~san, Ass stant Vice Presidentd- Manager oi` the ,
<br />Ihfaianst,tats - ~G ancT...tsT...n ..Uffic --..._ _ ..,. ....
<br />Snbsarrbed is my prasenrs a~ sworn ta~s~dra ms tfiu . - .. - 31st .----- - - -
<br />October $O
<br />day of --- ---__°°-°------ ._._ ............................... ..~ rq ............ ,
<br />(`-:oe t'aa'arse tads-fever ioaErae,~tipas) Notarv t'xblic.
<br />B~9`it'C£ QP i
<br />....-...- .,Nebraskka _._ ....................~ Entered we numerical indas eni filad for na~uni
<br />Ha t l ~ ~'' in ltte ftaaieear ai )Jeedx Otticx of xuui fi.,enty t}m '.~
<br />....._~..._..._.......dUy.aT...,_..,,...,...»_.......,...,-..__...,.... 19t.......... ., at,,._._.,_.. ........, _.......a'¢k>ieic and.-........ _ minuteu .....- _ .. - M,.
<br />rtAd ~ ~ ~aaie..:,..,_;...........•-...__.,__...-.ed........__.....:...._..-... -.. aC gaee..._......,
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