221-A--M EC4fANfC'S LIEN ~V'i f~) Tf ~~ ~ ~ ~ Nuff~n and Futon ti We(f, Waltm,, fk. t.;96f
<br />`' ± Lisa claimed by: °------------October 3~-__..-.._._.-.._.__._.,__._.rq~
<br />Lamp, Rynearson ~ Associates, Ine_,-~-~° dgaiart: Cox Construction-Company, tnc. ~-
<br />* ,y~r~~3Z3•W,°Koenig St.,VGrand Island, 4113 E. Highway 3Q, Gra_nd Island, Nebraska
<br />! tam--- He~ska-b$S-bl-- P. O. Box-Z-273.-. ~Qr.----- ~:~•
<br />8/5f$0 ~ IfSurveyiny_Services for Certificate of Surve ~____
<br />`rand Preparation and Submittal of Orawina. ?~ ~) 1 2i5 55
<br />Nebraska ~ '~
<br />Stoic of...._..___........_._..._.._._.......~ st?
<br />lsr,
<br />Hall y !I
<br />.. ------------ ---_... Govt
<br />get, Warren D. -Thompsont Assistant Vice President-Lampt R nearson 1r Associates bseag ~n '
<br />y °°---------------
<br />In ~.Manaq@i- of'C;rand T-sTa^d~--6Pfi.'e-°'--° {
<br />ddy jaarn, as hu oath says that fkt ~orcgatag ttrt~aad arroan: of work, tapa+, sk~ _........_........°-.°°-°-_°°°_..,._-_.° 1
<br />ataterwlr. sad imbraoentratr is truc sad ranrct: that rains irerr done and performed sad furnished by the tttsdersigaed ! ~:_
<br />for t/u said...._Cox-Construction-_Companyz...f.^~.:...,....__.... ' '.
<br />I ''
<br />verbal ~ -
<br />uadsr a' .......-...°--°-'~---°.__......-..._-.-.°.-°:......- cantrgrt.__ .................---.__...__..,.._._. _._._._....-_......------..._.--°-°--°----._- f
<br />for tkr'..__......._.furnishi-"9._..-.._...-...-__.._- .,_.,~t~c_all S..trveyinQ-services and Ereparation-- i
<br />............. .
<br />of the Certificate of Survey i ;I.
<br />aathefollowinylat, purr<x parrrtaf tastd.s~:'..-.The-Easterly 2,60.00 feet of Lot-lt-AMERICAN ~~
<br />----- --- --
<br />LEGION AOOiT16N to the t,ity of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. ~
<br />Tkf:t at tbc;ites ra Font-~,s. ems. Heidi ten-: t~Ko- an_*' aexter4,+s furn..t:r,:..ad ;:9:..~.rd tk~;€ead€r-v~n~-_i(~r~..
<br />£nter~..r'ses:_.€nc_1 2722.5..._LCC::si St:.j...G'~nd 3s(aerd~ Nebraska......-wa,r tiu awasr of said prsaeisss' j -
<br />that Cox Construction Corspanyl {nc. was the contractor on said property and-was I
<br />acting for the owner.
<br />Tkat tits dots of tht first itea! ftttairkcd vtwl dcfwned xras__..----___._.-8l5/Et0 -- --' ..^---.... sad thr
<br />date of rhs twt its+n uma.._._._._.____. 8%~l80---._ ....._-__ -....-._ - .. _ _._ -
<br />rl ffaat fnsihtr state tltot said bbor toss performrd on, and ntatrrials wen fxrnishrd (or, dsliversd at, sad tttsd is
<br />+~ laa(diwg ar pre+wtiacs oa awd btsnn'ett the dater spsrified.
<br />~,, Tkor the prirss rhasgtd thsrcftrr ass fnir aad rsataaahlr, uru{ that tksrr u ttott~ doe on said accoaat tht stau of ~:
<br />tsttndred €i fteen b S5i 100-------------------------^------------------- DolGsrs, that said' '.
<br />R,gynp, Rynearsor+. & Associates Inc, ,
<br />.__.._.-...__........__ --__._....-..._ - __.t..._ ..................._......._.__ _ _....
<br />:.?..-...__ ................._........,,...-._ ,......._....-...._.. -... _...._...... _,...rlaitns v iisn on thr said prrmisss for the frt! atwoantt of ` .
<br />w~d arroaad, to-wit: T#sI snrw of ~.. _Zl`u..5r~.--.-"-~_'.'.'-.-'.---.-. -toyrthcr witk intrrsst tkareon of t/v lsgol rely'.
<br />fro+a eSs......~lst---„-.day of.......OUOber ........................°..._.._.._.___._..._.._-.._., t¢..$Q._,., and ftathsr afrmwt says ,cot.
<br />Larrgt, Rynearso S A seciates~ Inc. i
<br />~(F~,~~~~ii ,, ... ......................_._....-.._
<br />~pAltlOtoYr-1Raa~ra.r.d. .__.-. _ .............._ _.........---»_._._ ,
<br />--. j O~LOLJdJ~N _wm~i-or.7..u.:..incg.ey!ayf~.,,_.n»,t.2,yan.c-. Y.i_~e.rres,venc :. rwnager or......
<br />~` Gr~nd Islam Qt:~rc ~~~
<br />s.~~~ si two rltatribsd is toy presence swvnt to sfaars ma elhtt -......3 ~ S.t.._
<br />'~ ~, ~ _Qctober .........................._,...-......h............p.,.a.....,,.... t¢;,.?84,....
<br />......._.. i7.ts.r'Si...-.~..c.... ''aacf~.~:Ee~ac'»'tsv-------•..
<br />1 4 des texeax aide Eur iA4tntr_t } Votary Prbtit.
<br />c
<br />~ lS:i'A`i'B Ot.. Nebraska
<br />_, ...-__ _...... _.-..,_....... i Entrre..i an teumarical rsretn: atnt 81n1 foe xtxved
<br />i ~.,~~, tla 1 1 t o
<br />_ .... 1 in tler Resister of Thaaia lltYice gat aaui i.:aunly tttc
<br />1 __.-_..__dtfy al..-..... .._-__,._._, _ ... ....-. F9.. ._....... at .... _..._... ... .... a'cLw t-ax~._... minut.a: ._ M-.
<br />trd txitoaLd ~ 1~eit._.___.._..-.._.-.,_.-. .. _.__d....._.-_.....___ _..._ _ _ _st ia6e_.__._...__ __..... .
<br />._....._ _ - .. .. 1~. cam' F~~~b `
<br />F3p -_ L7atntty -
<br />