-:~ ~ ?SI.A-~MECNANIC'B LIEN Q~'rai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ Hutfnan asM fdton d Wofi, Walton, ik. 6846[ j
<br />Statr of_.. Nebraska .-_~--
<br />- .. Na 1 1 '~'
<br />A(Ji'mrt' Warren D. Thottipson, Assistant vice President-Lamp, Rynearson i; Associates b ' d {
<br />°_---`-- .............._......_.....Inc'~°6-'HariageTofi°~i`ar5a...f51'~fl"8"D'P'FP~E'--..._.--.._---------------• +ew9 ~ ~
<br />drdy swarm, ore his oath mps that t /wsgotwg urwuard accouter of work. Tabor, skill ...............................°-......_.. _...........
<br />teustsrialt, erred inepra:ttteertett it trot erred correct: that scare toere darer and jerfortned awd funtirlted by thr rtsdsrsigxsd
<br />for the ,aid_... Cox •Cons t roc t i-on-_Compan.Y..t._ I rec.. ........_.._.._......_ .. . ............--- -- ........__._......_....__.._.---.._ c
<br />verbal ........__ i
<br />° ... contract..---
<br />wedlr a _--._ ..........................._._....-.,............_. -................._........._._..--..____......_....._........._...................................
<br />(arthsr....__.--furnishin•~ ,-...,---_--- _ •-__-- c7~..a1.~_surve.Yin.B_services---and.~reparaiion f
<br />~of the Certificare of Survey j
<br />o,,.tita fotloming let puce or /asrel of lead, s+::'.__Lpt 2s .Block 2l GIOVER`_S SUBDIVISION an Addi tton
<br />to the City u{ Grand Island, Nall County, Nebraska.
<br />ack a '
<br />- Fh,:t at he saiw-°s~F~ntrt es er..6s ~d td:.a. aai ¢r~rzir furrera#r.# an:': dst~~srsd ir`tar€rutdtr~l...-.----r.~->...4'i
<br />Y~ t rq i~ n . a ~~t L ice! ~~iea~e { h€~~ens± ~ i f e) , 140E W, Pheon s x S t _..tvat tltr atcntrr o f .raid pret:wrs°
<br />t '.'~S2X..GRi15.S.sxs,~3.on..(+t11AA-dflka•--tnz._..etas,...tlie..contra~.tar.nn...sa.i.d..gr~p~rty...and..was........._.._.. !
<br />~tr.~ for the owner. _ ............._............ - ..._......................._......__......._......._....
<br />.,..o..._ .. ............._,.........._.__.._.................._-..._.. __............. _._.
<br />.,a~..........._ .............. ..........__..._...._....._.._.... ._. ._....._-- ... -- ................_._.__......_...--- _ __ --....................................-..
<br />...t ?`hat the data of the {rat itnw8flkrd erred dslwrrsd atrtt....._..._8/4/80.... ...... and the
<br />dMe aJ thr taut eterir't"~----__....__..._....°.-_.._-°.____......_._......_..-....__.-......... _....._ ,.-'..._...- -._......_. ° ..........................
<br />9
<br /><h} A~iattt jarehar storeE,~rat mid labor mat psrJnrmrd oa. sad materials torte Jurairhrd for, delivered at, sad used at ~
<br />sold btae7diteg u prinriset oa and brkarra the dates spsci~ed. 1
<br />Fhat the prices charprd thertjor are fair sad rsutoaabis, sad that theca a ream des oa mid arcorwt Jhr stern of
<br />sixty-five and noliDfl-----------------,.-_.______--°-'^--'-----`-'-----__~otbrs, that said'
<br />Lang, Rynearson....Associated....i.."..~.r..._ ............................_.-............ {
<br />......................................., ......_,.................. _.... -,..._............- .-ctaimt a lien on the :aid premises for the ftrU atttora! of j
<br />arroteW; to-unit: Fltr swr a( #_....~5.00------.~.-"-.'-_~~"~"_taysther with itrtsrest tltrrrote at tits lsgal raft,
<br />tro+K eh, list Dctober 8fl
<br />. -......day of_-. ...................... ........ .._ .. t9 .. mtd furthrr offtant sa s sot ~,
<br />Lamp, Rynearson ~ ssoctates, Inc. y i
<br />...
<br />~ y .` .... ..... _.........
<br />-- -- t ° - -
<br />~`k°"'t~"' Warren D. Shixt~son, Assistant vice President C Manr,ger•o~
<br />90lWOLJ0ltltottN .............._._.._.....-............
<br />......G.f.and_.1.5.1.a.~- D;Fice;.. _ .___ -.._,_.
<br />~ ~"~ it. t4M 'ttbaeribsd is my praasace an6 stuorw to bt~ars ms this-._..-.31-s ~
<br />day °f -•------- October - - - -....... _.._.., tg_&-~
<br />{ Set s+eyestae ttir~ Fca ~} Nataxy Pxbdtr.
<br />NaDraska Snterx<I un numerical inrlca unEi fl {t~ far r..•orc!
<br />Nall a.
<br />j " .,_ .. ........ ...... _.. ,.._...... _... ..... __....._ ~ is the i2mgiaxce at L3oede llfCree aL said County the !
<br />._...,:,,,..~.,~ °i'.:_ _- ...-.,,_ ..... ..........~,... 38..,,-......, ere _......._.. .......... eCieeit aud...-. . _..... srunuter - _...Ai-,
<br />i rtr! treaaded Izw i!leete..._ ..... . _. . ,. ..:.:_.aL..., _ .. ........ ........at ist6a_..,., ......._-. _. _ _-
<br />- ~~. ~ L= .~~a -
<br />BS., Uptmty
<br />Lira rtaHtaed by- ._._..._.------October- 37_--------------._..__.__._.ry 8fl.W
<br />Lath, Rynearson ~ Associates, Inc. ~q Cox Construction Company, Inc.
<br />