<br />~tJ"`~ ~ } ~ t ~ ~ €~
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />The undersigned, Gary L. Bluhm and Louis Stukenholta, herein-
<br />after called the Subdividers, as owners of a tract of land comprising
<br />a Bart of the East Half 0f the Northeast Quarter {E1NEy} of Secti°n
<br />One (1}, Township Eleven {11) North, Range Ten (10} West of the 6th
<br />P.u., in riall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the East line of said
<br />ivs~riheast Quuarter (ivx } , said pcint baing, one thousand
<br />or=e hundred sixteen and thirty-six hundredths (1„116.36}
<br />feet North 0f the Sautheast corner of said Northeast
<br />Quarter {NEB}; thence northerlq along the East line of
<br />said Northeast Quarter {NEB) a distance of tw° hundred
<br />thirty-five {235) feet; thence deflecting, Left 90° 00'
<br />and running westerly a distance of three txundred seventy
<br />and seventy-two hundredths {370.72) feet,; thence deflecting
<br />left 900 00' and running southerly a distance of two
<br />hundred thirty-five (235) feet; thence deflecting left
<br />40° 00' and running easterly a distance of three
<br />hundred seventy and seventy-two hundredths (370.72}
<br />feet to the place of beginning, and containing 2.000
<br />acres, mare or Tess:
<br />desire t0 have subdivided as a subdivision the aiv0ve described tract
<br />of land outside the corporate limits but within t~fiio miles of the City
<br />Cif C:i ~Ilt? 1~1~ r.. ~sr z - 'k: _ nC: i~ %f Sitc_h
<br />- - ~t~, ~~_~ __~ ~~?Y „`3t:m,t t~ .. .~;! iCv Ci: ii %2tV
<br />„-. ~,... ~,..~ ~_ a 4.v~ - --- at:~=rF;tt~ map ...... ptati ~.~ .,,,~„
<br />praposed subdivision t<? be :mown as BLU`1t~1 SUBDIVISION, designating
<br />explicitly the land t0 be laid out anti particularly describing the
<br />Lots, streets, and easements belonging to such subdivision, with lots
<br />z3esignated by numbers, streets br nataes, and zasements tay dimensions,
<br />and propose to cause the plat of such subdivision when finally :•approved
<br />by the Reginnal FLannin~; Commission and the City Council t~, be :.icknuwl-
<br />edged by such owners, cerCified as to accuracy .,f 5urvev by :a registered
<br />Land surveyor, and to contain a dedieaLion of the streeCS to the use
<br />r,f nc~, „r,1; t.,,--.._ ~? t - _ .... ... arcs i,:rlex , ~. , z
<br />public utilitiers. In considerati~~n ~,f the acceptance : f r.he pl::tt. ~,t`
<br />said BL(iHM StIBDIVISIOP~t, t:hr~ S:;bdivider:a te.reby ~c~nsent and aF;ree wiCh
<br />the City c>f Grans; _;;1and, ?debra;~ka, that. te:ey c;ri11 ~,zsrat':. :.r ;~r~tvtdt
<br />at their expense ttte t011;~wing impr«vement~:
<br />1. I'~vi 'Che Subdividers tk„rea nc>e 4r nrc~[t,_;t anti .,,;vini,
<br />c,r repaving ~'st' webb Road where it ,-_hufs paid .-aao{i~.~_,__...
<br />
<br />