<br />
<br />ORDINANCE F9. 6634
<br />An ordinance creating dater :Hain Gistrict No. 351 in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska; defining the boundaries of the district; pro riding foz the laying of a water
<br />main in said district; providing for plans and specifications and securing bids;~pre-
<br />viding for the assessment o; special taxes foz constructing such water a{ai.t3; and
<br />providing the effective date hereof.
<br />SECTION 1. Hater Main District .:o. 351 in the City of Grand Zsland, Nebraska,
<br />is hereby created for the laying of a six-inch water main in Curtis Street from ttze
<br />existing water gain in Jnhn Street north to Louise Street, west to the east right-o£-
<br />uay lira of the St. Joe 8zanch of the t;nian Pacific Railroad, north to the existing
<br />xater main in Koenig St r9set.
<br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of such water main District sF3a11 be as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the ;1nrt?t line oaf Louise Street, said
<br />poiz3[ boing 322.5 feet Eastn•'; the East right-of-vav lire of
<br />Che St. Jae drench of the L'p?fi: [hence running South cn the
<br />North prolanga[iar. of t;:e East line of rurcis Street and on the
<br />East Iine ~f Curtts Street far ., ,..stance „f 391 feet to the
<br />South Line ,vf .;ahn Street; ehence A:-ern ing `lest on [he South
<br />line of Johr. Street far a distance of st.cty {60) feet to the West
<br />21ne of Curtis S[rnec; thence rut:n inG ^.c~rth vn the °dest line
<br />of Curtis Street far a aistance of Zf.1.S feet theaar running
<br />Vest an a line paralicl .a ar.d i«?.5 fee: }op~h of Che South
<br />11ne n£ -- r;e -_regt --- - -,._ - - - > =eez to
<br />..` -, _ - ^he East
<br />right-of-waY line of the3SC. 'aeu8zac3ct: ~;c~tt;e lrt'RR; tbencc
<br />a' rvnn iug F+arth nn t~{e Ens c. i2ntcz v~{y iine: of tYe St. _toe r3 rsneh
<br />_ of the L'PfiR far s l.,tance14 ~ ier.t to the So ih line of
<br />~, c- Louise Street, then e runnlnF Wrsr ,r3 the Wert {roian[~atinn of
<br />~'1 ,._ _ ~hR JOidth ilAC' ^- ~•-~:1~6 :. rC~t .'.r ,. ..- t.'iXt2~ i iitY l]~i
<br />J+ - _T~t; fh~3:`.i z'E.z1 -"_ is ., ~ .3i R,1 LQ1 yf an"u1 Slat`.' 1~i
<br />~ - f°2a -'>t ui` the GaSt~r t¢?!t..pC ;vaY .3.[49? o!' ,. !te `.... _'ae .~h-.
<br />j - of thsi i:P RR fore a distance cf 1!C1 ['r•r"t tbr.r3ae _ _ Eds.
<br />8 di.^.@ f.N rpentii 'li i.ar - the e:a- r, T iFCh t'of vat linE f the
<br />- J,z~ __ r.;,= ~:,v ._ - _•_ - __` - -v* set to
<br />ttte East rigor-of-way 1l re .,f c~e~iiC~~J ae Branch ,Vf~the ~'F'RR:
<br />thence rt3+.n ir.,, nvrt':e:~::eriv an the nar[harly lire ui rtoer.i~
<br />:3C Ye~C foz- a distance o€ ;2,b'i feet; ehence runninK Scut:: .:n
<br />a 1}ne ,7 aY a1ieL La .ind )4.:4 feeC .'~.a#L s!L [he v3S[ r3,J,ht-ft-
<br />way line of the St. .lee iiranch of the L'F RR for a distance .!f
<br />92.x3 feat to the n,;rcheriy ii. re of Louise Street; ehence
<br />running i.ast an the :torch line of i,ouise S[ree[ for a di.tanca
<br />of Z6$.36 feet .n *_he no int of 'eK_inning, all as shrrwn cn the
<br />plat marked Exhibit ". 3tLachedhereto and lncvrpvrated herein
<br />y reference.
<br />SECTION 3. Said it;provements shah be made in accordance with ~,iae{s and
<br />apecificetions prepared by the Eng><neer fr,r [he City who shall estimate the cost
<br />therao£, a.3±d s;t6mit tk:e =ama [q :.he City Cc-unei{. and ,pun approval ,.i _.,t same, Lids
<br />for Che cans[ruetion o[ .°,vch water c:.in shall be r. aic9:n and contracts entered iota in
<br />the mat9n®t prayi3iei by law,
<br />aa~rlnu ^•h~ _ _ ,
<br />_. ___ °_ _",._.-- ._r -~- _FF r:;=~~--a:~:rct 3. tie ~a~Ea ~, xi,5~
<br />S~ p.op~r[y wr~;in suv3. u1.>Li:ict .abue[ir„g upo.^.°he ;tr~et wherein :;ugh w;dter :na ir. 3!tas
<br />risen so placed to th9a exre3lt of 4€zis•~fits to su+:h pr<,perty, by raascn _ such impravernent,
<br />