<br />t
<br />~--~} ~ 38
<br />Tender's svritfen agreement or appfitable law. Borrower shall ply the amount of all martgtrge insurance premiums in the
<br />mamter pfavided under paragraph 2 haregf.
<br />Any arttounas disFmrsed by Lender pursuant to thin paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shelf btcome additional
<br />indehredrtess of Borrower secured try this Mortgage. Unkas Borrower and Lender agree to ofher terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shat! be' payable upon notice from Lender to Bom?wer regttestittg paytneni thereof, and shalt hear interest from the
<br />dtde of dishttrsetnettt at the nee payable- fmm tune to tit'nt on rxttstantling principal under the Nate unless payment of
<br />interest at sorb rate woaM he contrary to applicable taw. in which event such attigitnFS shall bear imerest at the highest rate
<br />permisaBsle amder applicable taw. Nothing cmttaimd in this paragraph 7 shalt requite Lender to incur any expenx or take
<br />any-action h¢t'inrnder.
<br />8. ftsapettlQn. Lender may make ar settee iq be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower tsaHice prior to env sucfi inspection specifying reasonable cattle therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Cordetnatldria. The pracecds of any award nr claim far damages, direct or consequential, in connectitrn with any
<br />tgnderttnatign nr ottser faking of the Property. ar part thereof, or for camveyanee in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigned
<br />end shalt he paid to Lender.
<br />Tn the event aE a karat taking of cite Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. lrs the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lander
<br />s,therwfse agree in writing, there sh~11 be applied to the sums scouted by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amaun[ of the sums secured txy this Mnrtaage immediately prior rq the date of
<br />taking txarc to the fair market value of the Propem• tmmediatey prior ui the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid tq Bgrruwer.
<br />Tf the Property ix abandoned by Borrower, ar if. abet notice by ],tnder to Botnawer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award qr set#le a eisim tar damagts, Borrower fails tq r=spond tq T.ender within 30 days after the data such notice is
<br />mai{ed, Lender is antharittd to cgltect attd apply the proceeds, at ! cnder's option, a#eher tq re(toratian or repair of the
<br />T:oprrry er in rite sems secured f±y this :Aangage.
<br />Unkeas Lender and Borrower Mhttwise agree in writing, any such a1~~lriicarinn of proceedv to principal shalt not extend
<br />orpostpone the dtte date of the manthfy installments referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hetrnf or change rho amount of
<br />sucSn installments.
<br />ll/. Borrower Not Rekaaed. Ea-tenaton of the time d~or payment nr~ modiflca[ion of atnoniratign of the sums secured
<br />h!y this Mortgage granted by Lender to any strccecsnr rn inicrest. of Borrower shah not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />rho liability of the original Burrower and Burzosver's succasgrs m inicrest. Lender shall nru be required t<? commence
<br />prq(7~dings against such stscsessar or refuse to extend time far payntan6 ur cxfnerwise me?dify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by Elvis Mortgage by reason of any demand made by tht origi oat Borrower and Borrower"s successors in interest.
<br />11. Far4sar~ee bJ [.cinder Net a Waiver. Arty fonc~arancc by I.endtr in esercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded hp appkicah}r, taw, shall not tx a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />71te procurement qt irauzanct or Che payment of texts or ofher tiers nr :barges by Lender shall not he a waiver of 1_endtr's
<br />right to a:.ce]tratt the maturity of fie indebtedtress secured by thie Mgngage.
<br />lE. keaardia C~ralalyra. All remedies pwvided ire this h{nngage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />rtmcdr• amder this Mortgagt nr afforded by law nr equin•, and may txe rxercisrd cnncvrrentiv. independenNy or successively.
<br />i3. Saceeeaaaa aed Aariltns Brawl; .Padnl and Several I.Iability; Captiatas lire cnvenanu and +;greements herein
<br />cgntanxd shall hind, :rid the rights hereunder shaA inure to. rho resptetive sueccason and assigns r,f t seder and Borrower.
<br />subs t "-`~ prevT~~s of paragraph k7 hereef. •Akk covenama and agreements of Btxrax-er .=-hail #?c ;.sent nd se+zral.
<br />7']te cat*tiuus and headings of the paragraphs n( this Merigagc are for ~nnvcnicnce Holy and a:e not to !x used to
<br />int~er;?rti nr dennt the prov,se:nss ircrmf.
<br />[~. NaAke. F-xcapt for any ncutce !squired umi~f applKahle taw tr.a k?e given in atu?i her manner, t.x? env notir<e tq
<br />B{~rrrc:eer t:ra.v,~d fqr :::his 41a; (tza~~ tftatJ ~ atven t:v maiiina such notice 6y rertiftsd mart ,tddresssQ t ifarrowtr at
<br />the k av;~ y .r(>_~rts= +t # such :=ttxr address as l4ornowcr Wray des+gnale r?y nonce '.q 1_tnder as prur#rkd herein, and
<br />lei ~t_ _--. ...-.. ..wSt f,., - t.~ ~.,ae~ ;,.~ r ,. ,....:,,t -iyw > 1 y -ie _ a;fvt.- y= s, va rR,.r:n
<br />sealil =defter ~.dir~ s r r+r.trr roar =.',e,igrtaee by n+=lice t,r Bgrrwee as prgvids'd ,~,rcin~ Any notirz pravide.k tr r .n this
<br />"~~ r,...- ~~ ve,,..~,..e .=s... 14;~ der=..~..n...~_........:~r ~..4~ .,, ~__ .,.~ ..,s :nu .A~ _ t....Y een,
<br />.3f 3~ s~srra`~+ `- F~-~_° ~~4+ rose st~Fil~. t, 8 _- •#*. '_ S *~%r+.~ ~p`~„-.~i-F-~ _r-:rn. _ •~*~#t5 €:Sr q.=J-i~£-+
<br />teat arou sk?n-unNOttn elver+aots wuh timtted vanauuns by lunsdreuon h+ eon(uutte a unifomt sr't'unly iastruttsent covering
<br />real ,roprrtv- -this ltongage shall bt gavertsed by the law of tht ~unsd€cugn .n which the Properly is 1tn:ated. in the
<br />ovMt chat xnY fw+r~tuttn ?t cfausr of this Mgngage or the Note crtnflictx witfl applicable law, such conflict stroll not afftet
<br />gtlsat yr4+v;se~~x, of ihos ?.tgrtgags yr the Ngte wh+ch ran tx grvvrt eH~ci without ihz rgnflitung prt viciun, and to this
<br />etxf t!x .-rav.siams t=f the MeriBage and the Ntue are +teciared m ha +cverable.
<br />f6, B4rrew+rr'a Copy, Barxuwer- shat] he furrished a canfotmsd copy ut the Noto aril of this Mortgage at the tune
<br />of ezati; (rtkxs cr attar ruv;cudation heregt.
<br />l7. 'f'ra~sr srf the Pre{paris; Aaswreptirws. It all rsr any part of the Prupsriy err an tnteres4 therein is sgld et transferred
<br />hp Bir.xvver w+tk(qut t.4nder's prior w=elite +, a}ttaeat, excluding rat rho ctYtatigrr v# a #ktr qr ettsumbrsnce subordinate Ea
<br />ttxfs Mcvs't8ag€. ih) the creauon of ;+ purchase nl ~rrcy security ,++terert €or huaasahald appttan€.oa, tcl a trans€er by devine.
<br />descant s+r !+y upt:au(?n of isw uprwt fht death of a =o+nt tznani err (df the ttrant of any ieasenald interest nt three }'can or Less
<br />txx cvntairting an opt]«? to purchaaa. Lcrxftr rosy. ale !.ender"s option, dex:lare all the .sums secured by this htattgage u, tx
<br />+macedtately duo and payable, t.tndrr shalt have warvtd rush ;?puns to aerelerate if, f?ricer to the sale qr transfer, [.erxter
<br />and the: gtrstvi to whom rht larc+{aarey n ts+ ht sold tx trans#errcd troth agrecntem rn wrrhng that the crtdit of leech persrn+
<br />is aatisfac#ory tq T.entf£r atx] that tttc interest paYa@ic on the sours secured by this Mortgage shaft kx at such rate as t ceder
<br />a$a=1 ranltsa°st. kl i_strriar boa wa+v+*d tttc .+ptinrt to ac Ylerate provided in, Ettix paragraph 17, and i# Borrower's xuccessur rn
<br />int~rrrat Iraq cxaa:uted a wrrt#en aa(tntptiam ag#remarrt accepted in wrifurg by ! ~ndrr. Lender shall reTeaae Burrower from a#I
<br />cet~nlitws under shin Mangaee ,and the Note.
<br />tf ].er~€r asvrsises at+ch exirua to aaakxarc. Ltndar stroll maht Baurowor notice of accekratian in acmrdanct with
<br />whirwfi :r€wvr = „} a~ ,!v= -ur:~ar'1.art.1 dam '.t 9anrner fails : > pay s~;:~ ,+ams pro?r : khe czpiratur, ; +trk k: tart+af,
<br />Letsdar may, •-'i€totrt furit?er Qgt~a• ur +:etxand au ibrrower, ,nvc?(.o ran} tcnaedi€a ptrmr(itd+hv t?aragraplt 1g ~htras?[.
<br />Neva-L €tt€~sxaa(C_gva;aattYa. ttarr_r ar+:,t ].,ender fur#lrer erwonaot oral agree a.s ta?#lawa:
<br />l~ A,tca1 ~~ pith as paavidsd its pwansrepA t'1 hava+af. report fAernarer'a hrttu.6 of ruy rnvitarnt or
<br />rl{wsarreM oaf ~rnrrwvir ie th6 S9ury;tgs, lnriudalg fha curaawa(s to pry Khen dwr my suwtai zeeuaad by this Mw~s.
<br />f.. pttiw m - + ~ stela"! to Berrewrr ar? provided In prra~rapti iA harm! sptcifyis~n fit fhs btrtath;
<br />f~l t6e acslen tartmitad sa ewe awrh tr(aparist k3) r (ISky rsai 6dr 4Mtr lit day4 !teat the dale it14 trsntiev; M mxtlat! is 8errowar,
<br />6y wlia$ aawt+a trasasm aawst !e ctasdt and tat thaq faYwe to care wrch hrorah as w asters the dr/r zpevl6ad is tits nwlre
<br />euayy (eaah ~ rc#'>~ ut Ilex aarw rtarrwad by fhb ~, f:wcriasare fN' Jttdiekrd prsxerdiayl pull aaia of the Ptrrprrty.
<br />`f7~ ataa43 !antler lafrs~ Barmwrr of the r~ to arbzatrtre miter ave+xlartetksa atce] the riyh! to aavwt is tba foratltw+asrx
<br />prtaessdfarp, tht naa~ttaftasrris ref a ttsitra+sl w arty arbor dafaaar of Btatrowm b rcasbraiitar tad fmreieswrs. if the breach
<br />is asst celled ua .w haNure tae dates sp. a fa list aallvR l•eoltat rt Ixrdw'a oplitwt tarty dsc+rrs tell of Ihs aaeaa zaewrsl by
<br />~s m iw t ~ aaA payabtr wNAaa( far(6ar tka((atd awl aa(y fareaiuws by iaaYrtW pra+ra+Rditte, t.eadsr
<br />slug ha r W aalisra is >AZeb pra(rrtrdla8 aN sspsaaa >rf forashgaaa, Jaeltrdleq, 9wt ~ iMdlai ta, at~a of dacwmeNary
<br />svi~6Eastt. 'aata acwd is attgao. a.
<br />__a ~ ~ Et' - -_ - - -gl~ec.€~;xrg, -'tom ~>~'R-n - RSt:~ .~t« y. P} .n:. ;Hi riFaed.
<br />krtxrr~r -re` have iii r=te €.= h?;+~ any t a;--£~uinp~ `~Bkrre f+ i cnt~r~tr+ enr -rti t x.rn.ge7rryap¢ riisrontinttett r[ any timt•
<br />