Q-.~Q~t6S35 a.
<br />a$r T t i~,a i adYartce5, or i n the ev€snt ttre Pkrtgagar should se(i , e1 tfFer cutr-i ght, by [and -
<br />tarttracfi, ny lease fiurchace agfeert+ents, ar otherwise, or title thereto sfi~ould otherwise
<br />became vested 'r`n persons offset than the lAr3rtgagor; then the whale indebtedness herebjr
<br />5ecuted' sfrai ! ttter-supt5i+ ar at any time tfiereaf-tsr, at' the option of the-Association;: became
<br />krrd"cateFy due and ctalleefittite w'tttiout furthE.*r notice and this ftbrt~age may then be fur's- ,.
<br />4:iosed to rez:aver flea sama~ with interest thereon, at I3.5 $•and all reasanabfe costs
<br />and expenses of suit, inetud'rncg abst'r-acti»g or title search fees: Acce lance by t+fiortga e~
<br />of one cr mare instaflraent payments-an .the indebtedness secured heretry~ubs8qusnt to an~;!
<br />sale or eEianga in arnership or poss~:s5'ran of said real estate, or any part -t#eereaY, as
<br />a#iave provided, as to which mortgagee-has not grante$-its written consent, shalt nest "~
<br />constitute a waiver of Mortgagee's option to areslerate the whoYe indeb'~edne~5 hereby ~'
<br />secureui, wry i ~h op t i an may- uz axer•c i sad by N!M3rtgage€? at any. 'h i me. No de i ay or omm(ss i an~~ryf "
<br />Mortgag®e tc exercise any rfglat or option accruing upon any default shall impair any su~}F
<br />right tr option, or she-!! be construed to be a waiver of any such- defaY3it, or~^asf a€quiestertc®
<br />#herein; and every option and rerr~ady given by this Mortgage to the Mdrtgagee-,:.may. be-exercised
<br />:trpm time t~ time a5 often a5 may be deemed expedient to ?+4or#gagee. {
<br />ESrovided furttsar that in the avant of default in-the perfo.r•msnee P'#-any Qf the-terms
<br />anis eonffitions of this Mar#gage, fihe Note secured by fihis Mortgage, or~any other notss,tor
<br />sd» i s "tt;nal- advances , on i'he part of tine Mortgagor, the Assec i at ion >ha I 1 be rent i t f ed to the
<br />immediate possession cf the bremisas atsUVe described, together with all the rent,. revenues-_
<br />end ii prtsme~„ ineiu$ing any land car.trar# payrra~nt5 dc,e the tdartgagor ar any-other incomes of,
<br />-any type wla~at,scever, to be derived the~Efrom,',dnd sal'<f, Associaticsn may', in its discretion,
<br />use th6 rE;n',t5 sc tar as it deemrs necessary fiat the pu',rpasc? at making repairs upon the
<br />~ Grernis2~s; ~n$ far- the payments t,t i,nsi1r23nce premiums ,,, taxes and'. assessma!hts upon said
<br />riremise,#s, an-„; for n~-cess'ary axpensas incur-red in rsn't6n;3 z:aid pr~.mise5 and-col {acting rants
<br />therefN^oin,,'a~td tc apply jan said rdote 8nd nate!s and al}regaments fiur~ future advances, untf!
<br />the indebtedness sae~ured, is fu!!y ~ais,~;.out ;aid A 4tr',i<rrion strati ire no'.case be liable tar
<br />the fal t'ur€ 'ho proccrre trenants, to eat test ri:'n,ts, car Po F:rosecutE actions to recover
<br />possession of said premises.
<br />Executs$ trsis 29th pay ^t OctoGer 1980 .
<br />{
<br />: ~ ~.lau/ a` fill i t _jt~`~~~'
<br />{.
<br />' ~ ~,..I, ` ~ t
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<br />~'AI--t.:~UF t41:~1.?t~~A~iCFl )
<br />t .-
<br />CC?li~TY JF P+.RLL ) aa.
<br />rn khi<, 2~3th uay vt Uc#ab®r 19$x, Gafare rr4, a Notary t'uplic in ;,nt1 for said
<br />County, per,oraftp car;tie the above homed ~fCHA~l `. a'fiEILL ANG CIAUDiA fl'NEtLI, husband
<br />- ._.__ ~°---~-_~.__-_____n_.~.__
<br />and wrfe _ __ __ _ to rt~ wail known tci be the indentit.ai persons whose narc~ s
<br />_'~ar~ ~attixe$ tee the above ?dog+~+age ?~s jrantors_ and _ are sgvc~xal ly adkn:;.wiedc;ad the
<br />.aid iFrstrumant anti tho execution thareai, to be tnairw~;~r,~iuntr~ry act and de$.
<br />WiTNk!i9 my hand zmd Notari~1 &aal, tne- day an$ year iasf abovr's written.
<br />f __,____..,.
<br />'+~'~**^` 'r~Eotary t~ tic _..~..._,6 ->..~._........
<br />-- - _. };., it ,...-
<br />My pis.t.l~sn e~zpires at ttte ~!.~. driy "t ,_ --l~,i".`a*;W.__._,__..~,.__, 1=~~t>
<br />