8f~^~-t~El~i~~i5 ~EtJ -ENO NIQRTfiAGi:
<br />I
<br />H!G)~EL 5_ gt#>l;;t fL CLAUQ#A' 0'NE f LL., husband and w i to betel n cal i ed -the
<br />P~rtgaggr whet7res" cute o~ t~lCe, is cons€deration of SIXTY THQUSAND-AND MIE)/tOd--------- -
<br />- - -- ---- --efloitars fawned-to said Mortgagor, does marFg~gs
<br />ftt~H{~1~4FEf~RAL-SAVi:~iGS Attu Lt}Ii;f AS54CtAT14tti, its successors-and assigns; ;he tollbwing
<br />ct®scrif;ed real: estate in HALL County, sdebraska:
<br />-THE 4rtESTERLY OtdE-TNtRti tl(3) OF 10T Nt). THREE t3) AND ALL DF LDT AYJ: F()i1R t4) IN Blt?CK
<br />ElGtii'Y-t)NE G8t) FN THE t3R1GiNAL TQWN t#~W CtTY) t)F CiRAiJO lSCAND, HAIL CC)l1NTY, NE9RASKA: -
<br />and all easetnen#s and app:;rtenartcas together with alI buildirgs, improvertsents, fixtures
<br />- - ~RurT~rrc~.~~s er1,x or ~attcr erected 'liter Win, ~~cPud i na all apparatus, equl Runt,
<br />fixtures ;or ariticles, whether in singPe ::nits cr centrt3i'ly cantral'led, used'ta suRRiy
<br />ttaaT, ~a5!+ di,r-cans;tEoning, watzr, light, power, rQfriyrratpon, ventilation ar other
<br />~ Set'vtt,„a ',,i ~1~, any other #h;n+~, rcw or her eatt2i' #hatein i~r r,fRra°cln, th€~ '*urni!5hing o4'
<br />wfiictx b^,r' lassars ts~ leasSees for an, unturnishe~i butl,ttntt'+.>lmilar tql the orts na+a o here-
<br />', a#'ter ors, said', ~rremisas is-.:ustamary art appropriate, irws~'1~tdinc}, but' n>3t 'i irhited' to, Screens,
<br />I t~>adow ~$W'~~>:1ZS~,,' storm dtxars and windrnas,, :_arpetPng arrd ot'har, fii~or ~;coJer~~ings; slcreen ~;doors,
<br />iiFdr i rrys e c:, f !i ~t'~-i n dishwashers, staves,, rrpf r igaratorF, I~hp w,aj•e'r, heatgrs~~ and a I'~i rrene,~ral s
<br />or z-e"ptacgmerts thereat tai! of witieh are intended to be and are hereby declared to be a
<br />{Dart ©#-said real estate uhethc.r physically attach<,d thereto r~r not.7 The Association
<br />i s~. h@re3?y autr~pa#ed ra Yha ri,thts o. al( :*rortgagces, (ienhat dots and owners paid off by
<br />- the p-rocaeus ~+a ttte iwan hereby :,ecure6.
<br />TO HAtic Ar,G Tv !JflID rte said prapt'rty, with >aid tui ic:in_r,5, improvements, fixtures,
<br />d;}l3u C't@h3n~£+5, apRaratu~_- an4 ~;,rJui},rnt7nt, unto ~~aid tss<,cijtian, its ;uccassors t:nd ~ssi,.ins,
<br />taraver .
<br />MNSr'tgagor rercby ;'aven,3nts wi?n .3aii: ?+ssaciaricn, i' uccassnrt> arty ns5i<}ns, that
<br />?~_rt>g$e~r.",la': is :a+:'#u~ °=aiz4J :a said pr'amises, rh.=r r~hvy~ srraa frrtf vx encumbrance=, Ytr:d
<br />that t~.;r`tr~~.r ,.... v.c_;-r' warratrt and i'e^end #n. 'i18c^x *; ~•iid premisES yrjai,nst the
<br />- - .h ~. ~. s;,.. -`:'t :. i..t1f~'tC..: 5.''t itre; ,Yr^ie,n.-. -_+ .. .:,-. --Ei,_.. `[*d by .mint r,yrtq~car
<br />#[~ T:~.• ... rlt .... , '_! w. ,., u' ~ ,<r t;;: i tt: ~ rr ~ i,."i. l y,Y l ', ~1m i.S r, ,;~ ~1DriJF• r
<br />-.,, _ - .1 ,--~, __ - , - i'x a 1- ,._ -:i:,t - t~l t =c.y. -, iE? i t_
<br />_+
<br />,'~. Tlteatto3Gnr nert~'rf hail i;avu tht, „prior; Sp acc.:=icrarc3 tnt; r:,rrur-ity of~rhti note
<br />- fcrr wiaieh tnis r~xrrtc}ayes i3 divan aq sa~r,rit~, st .yrtq tip nftpr the IOth _IuEen
<br />yr~'+t' a#ter f i rat c}i ~+i llC tnt"5 ~t~der^; i fined :3f thts #nen '::wnt2r n# ,'ttt; prsr,i Se5 deSCr i odd hG+rf31 r1
<br />~ written t,c;ticv thrye ntCrn=h ~; in rdvance of its intent *c ao ssi, :any prepayment of
<br />rrrt'tsetgtat rrat$~Dy v7r`u~ u# the exrr+iisa of trs opt{on sraV{ be u,ithaul` prepayment
<br />Rt`~#miutti, fa) Any additiouai auvances rr~srle by ,*he i'tssc~ciatiorl tv P+lortgvg:?r, nr 4iarttTac)or's
<br />`~uc+:BSSO_r in tltSe, #ar any LturR~~S~, at the t?ptiotl ~1? ?he ,tsso:iatian, at any tuna betere
<br />t~#tee re,l~~ arz?1 CBt+cel[atian of this "dcrrtGax~e, but at nc, tires shat I this ^k;rtgage seGUre
<br />3d~r,anC~ on acG+-?uni of said ,arigir,ar nott+ and' such ad~ititaaas advancer in a curt in excess
<br />;St ~~y_7.?it~!'~AIW? Ate"r_€.Ji2LIC5ti__~~________,.,__---- -,r-...___~-Collars; 4rresvided that n[7ihin~
<br />tsayr~in contt+jned 5itatl tae c+snsiJar'rd as #intiting th® ,:mount that shaft be sinCUrcd herttpy
<br />rth~t~ »d'Fanc~s? tG ;:rtrta~;f the s~c.ur+ty or r,: acc.ordetnG~t wi#h cr;~vert;~ni:, ::4~rti°at;,€~~ .., 'his
<br />~+t` ty~rF7a.
<br />t~rt?vi d>aq, nalvat"trale5;+, these }Sre~Sertts era vpeut #ha #olicwi net conditlans; tt,at wn~srea,,
<br />firS+AS sx~i~i Mgr#>gegur i~. a ir~tr~est° of Sai;S Ausa~:iati~n, has uxecut+ad z: nc>{«~ in 'h~r_Iti !o suit;
<br />Asg<~s~;iitt€rin tcx repay az,nt ~r# +~+rtiny, wiTh ir=tE,trt~5t, ii+ [T3yrne)t3ts as ~>ef f~~r th ., a;c
<br />-it}Sta, artU sstt't ~tt:~. ail :~ddi#ianal advances, wit'r, int r 3_:t, 3ncj h:!t ~„}t~t~d t? .,raid. ~.;y t"n.~
<br />r~ifi7F.r#iatl grid #y-fraaa pi sd v association, rsttd a r..~, )nz} rt;,,)ur'.tti.jns lacit~ft'r; ~y ,rs
<br />tuarti_o6 .:iretars; and agreed and dx> h~retly ac}r~tec
<br />_1 . TIC} ~~Ythh i rscltat~t~dnets5 .hslrer3y •~aGGrH}# ~r'cvr~ t ty ,in s7 i n t ; l cce:L7 t i in~i w i ' h f ht;
<br />#€:nms Ott the ators~saie) Pr+~nl'rs5<ary irft;t8 and any e?thnr not€a ur at;~':+t:rr~,=rt*; "ctr ;td~ai ti;;nai
<br />Wc. as-T#t'cuiu8c4 her~6.. a:.~ f thi R~#rr#;ja4+~ r=d #Eirther ;.tgrrcrs rrat .tt i'n~a t a .a;,t;;;r~
<br />- ~.~~: ; tt tfra-ti'me :+# payr~erat r,t tett~;. inc;~it+tH(fri's~~ Ptt'af.atiy 546urart, sr art+,, pcei°t '-, thcera-
<br />`{fir i~ ~tt'a3ttk&Lt «C t^art~wr~~d, aad arty r»rti^n of ~thrs pr~tnf~aas hare;itt dc35~riCttd iraY.
<br />»iTh+'~t.nt~tE~+s; tee-re#+?~R3d #tran #.~a+a !san ~ar.G,o; witixrut trti4et;3'rr,;7 c+r atfrsc:l!r~ -rle t,tra~;naf
<br />i ill k #?y ~Y3 t"he irtgttf~r:r hrtra.r E, for rhea ,~tiymf#r, t v+ ; a t ,E i rtcl~G txlFtr;es°:',+>~n ; i~rc, n t ::._i
<br />u:`~1.%~cF~-aazld .; Yi,~t ~--a:~i~r:LjKi . ;fl,&,.Girrleer;=hits u:t Said w~ra!iti sr::s ~,;h811 rEfirr<f+.:B, .redo;. it i:r .>the;t-wi~; si
<br />nR93e~+=t-~ +atdy ~~'iS:t4-"~?t!°4ii1Zb! t i:3D;. i-} :Y_ 45r tr`ti4. i {tr: Ct~r~tsv =.:r fsb tf3Ci.
<br />- h~i f•,+''-a r3 e4~d r~53?'~+pS Y~]+H r.c~1_', `.tom nTe=~~3~~ ih. ~r'~#u let 'n;i~~ic' +."a :r"t ~->fi ,yr1~~
<br />l.;r,ral r~1 '.r a'9~~5 dat&~ :`ri~r t{~ _~yesi`5 *tc*m *t:a ~~t? tt~-t ~:3! *y n v av apt ._, ti41
<br />r .a ~ }t`' _3sr[--i~ #€~~+ ~a€~ :;{ ._ . - :tfi _ tR~, ... --rte. ~ .- U-
<br />g1RFJaaR:. .. ?n .u&cxy ~. ,.t-4 r3rd,y. .,r. i ht; tn~. ut~.'' ~ :~,}. y; .,e .f C ,"r.;;~. ., ., Yr?t s _-..is .'-~'._ thc?oe-
<br />~37zi. ,>. t5tj }:f't`uf3iNy+iR~k.t-fst?. .='rk ,t=ia~a;Y[.,,afa; tsi 6p s cCi r9 r,;,a~a •^.9}c:ii -_ ~~x., f, -.,~ ~ ~_.. ..,~.
<br />