~7t1-.~j(j ~ ~.~~ QUITCZAIM DEED
<br />LEROY E, KRAMER and ARZENE KRAMER, husband and wife,
<br />herein called the Grantor whether one or more, for the following
<br />consideration:
<br />the transfer of assets to Grantee corporation and issu-
<br />ance of stock
<br />recefued from Grantee, does quitclaim, grant, bargain, sell, convey,
<br />and confirm unto
<br />herein called the Grantee whether one or more, the following described
<br />real property in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />A tract of land comorising a part of the Southwest Quarter
<br />of Section Thirty-Three (33), Township Twelve (12) North,
<br />Range Nine (4), West of the 6th F.i~., in Hall County, Ne-
<br />braska, more particularly descr.ihed as follows: Baglinning
<br />at a paint on the East line of the W'~SSd~'~, said paint being
<br />'390.3 FeeC North. of ttae SE earner of said W~iSW'~; thence Wes-
<br />terly parallel to the South line of said Sect,ian 33, a distance
<br />of 1,254.2 Feet to a point bf, Feet least of the West lime of said'
<br />Section 33; thence Northerly parallel to the WlhSt line of said
<br />Section 33, a distance of 4$6.11 Feet; thence Easterly parallel
<br />to the South Line of said Section 33, a distance of 1,25~i,$5
<br />FeeC, to the East line of said W~SW~; thence Southerly along
<br />said East Iine of the W~SW~, a distance of 4$6.11 Feet to the
<br />place of beginning and containing 14.00 acres more ar less, EX-
<br />CEPT a Cract of Land comprising a part of the SW' of Section
<br />33, Tawnship i2 North, Rang4 9, Most of the 6th P.Y., in Ha11
<br />County, Nebraska, ire particularl., described as fallaws: Fir;,t
<br />to ascertain the paint of beginning, start at the SW earner of
<br />said SW~; thence running Nartherly along the West line of said
<br />5~i~w, a distance of 9gG.3 Feat North o£ the Southwest corner of
<br />-~~`~;-- ~~~~" th£-r _ r;s'n??i,°:R ~.~tcrly p~.a,ra.L l~:i %I3s'. aC3 uti"~t line Gf
<br />aai~~i SW4, a distances of 66 Fee k: to the. a~cf•ua1 paint of ha~;n=
<br />Wing; th~nee cantiining c:ttsterly along td~te last d°oscribcd-course
<br />3 c'iistance of 20fS.71 reset; thence running Northerly parallel
<br />to the West line of said SW~ a distance of ZO8.71. Feet; thence
<br />runnfnJ; Westerly parallel to the Sauth line of said SW!~, a dis-
<br />tance of 20$.71 FeeC to a paint 66 Feet L'asC of the SJest line
<br />of said SW$; thence rumiing Southerly parallel to the West Line
<br />of said SW4, a distance of 20$.7I Feet to the ACTUAL point caf
<br />beginning end containing. l.CtO acres, more or less.
<br />To have and to held the above described premises Cogether with
<br />all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thor€'ta belanl;inl; u.~ta
<br />the Grantee and Ca Grantee's successars and assigns forever.
<br />Dated Jc ~, 19f;U.
<br />-~,
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<br />G~ --* A
<br />r~ State Ar ene Kramef
<br />4~ I~$ska )
<br />`"'i ) ss ,
<br />CBUnCy hall )
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<br />Fleforr tii¢, ~ Notary Public dual ifie,d far said caunty, ,~ersanally eamt:
<br />lxRo~r E. Kramer c3etd A~lent i~ram~.r, hnshiand an4 wi£~, ~cnawn t:a me. to be
<br />ttse idetztical pcrsans who signed the foregaing ic~strument and ackt.aw-
<br />lecigec the cx€cutiott thereof to be theia tiialuntary act and deed.
<br />lvitnesw my hand rind n;atarial. seal on oYp~1 ~~~~" a -` :~"~`~i~
<br />,ice +~-+.~.~ l~ ~
<br />Ipta~tsas.rw J ~._ ,
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<br />Mrr coFuntaSi~zx r~tp.rc -s_~ ~~~~*~' Rfst.ux} Punt t_
<br />