- - - ttit~sutns secured by this t3eee#-of'Frust shalt cotxtimre u6smpaired. Upon Bach payment anti curt lay Borrower, this Deed ati
<br />T'ritst and tiatvbtigaiitat4 scarfed hter'irysiaai} rtrirairn info}# fMCa' and cifect as ifna acctftr0tionttad occurred. a
<br />~.- Atariyttnent of Rcats;,Apfrokt7rnru€o! Recdvtn; i.tndty in Possessiu[t. As additional seeur}tyhtreunder. Bttrtowcr
<br />isert5y assigns to l.etxfer the rents of"sire Preptrty. prowidcd that liortowtr sltail; pritx to aectkt'atian under paragraph ! t[
<br />_ itelnaf ar .ai+'atidaamcnf-of the Prct~eity; have the t9_$ht [o collier-and retain sstch rent;-asthey. laecomt dve attd payable.
<br />[±pon accekratictt attdef partigtaph i~ hereof or alsandvwtntcnt of ttie Property, i.ender, in person, by agent nr y
<br />- jstelicially s titeti rtrCistY, shah tx tntititd tmttittr open, to-t ptsssession of sttd managt the Properly aml w collect the
<br />wetiis of t#re~riy incitu}engg ttatsxe past acne. All rents catittits# by i.t~trrkr ar t#ie-rtxx~ivar abaft lac apfirtied first to payment
<br />-. of-tilt-co#ts oi' mana»tntru of thr Property and-cotiection of rents, ixfttding, but norlittsited ~ta, recttves?s #etts, premiums
<br />- ~--oti,re<'Claif'x ixisttis ett$ rtasr+ttal+k a{#ortrcy?a feQU atsd tt.en to the- atams setttrtd by-this-~-ihed of Tretst. Lander -and the
<br />- .radeiver shah bt 1}abk-tb xcoiutt anty for titrs3e-t~.'tsts-actually received.- -
<br />Ik Fikrae ,kd+lrtrcea. t)port t~t of Bartowtr, i:e[tder. at Lender's option, psiar to foil tetonveyance ta€-the Ptx[}~rty
<br />izy Trustee [o t~orrawer, may make uttue Aidvansxs to t3orroaver. SttcFi l:mnr+rAdvances, with intercsf tiicrean, shall in
<br />xatxalratisy this of 7nrst wfitn evitlertctd by pprraenisaory Hexes oaring char said notes arc secured hereby, A[ rto time shall
<br />ritti principal arnoitnt of the itttklned'tttsx secareit by this Deed of Trust, not including sums advantsd'de rsg4
<br />to prat~t rise stxurity of this Deed of Trust. eacettd tMe original amount of the Note pies t15 S S~ !
<br />3~. Nevanregtesee. Upttn paytrunt of aft sttttts seavared hY this Deed of Trost, Lender-shah rtgtkst Tttrstee tci reconvey
<br />file Ara+itetty anti sAatl strrrtnder this Decd of Trust and a}} Hates cvi~ncing irttkbttdtfess secured by this Daesl of Trtts:
<br />nt tfv.ttte. Ttvuee sisal! r+crutvev the Property without warramy and-without rhatge to the perawt or pesBOns legally
<br />- ernes f~eto Such ptrsaa or prisons-sirail pay a6 cocci of recordation, if any. - -
<br />~3s ~ Tttttlet+. Lender, m Lenders option, may from time-to-titre retnovt Trustee and a~p~[nt a successor
<br />trirstte w aey T:tun~ apyn~rt~td hereunder M' an ing1stmant tteorded in the county in width this ~ of T-nat is recorded.
<br />{dt"lzitexrt comsyantx of the Fraperry, the sure~sar irtueee shaA 5tozcetd ID a}I [he tick. poorer' and dtu~s strt[ferred npnn
<br />- tits Trus~te betebn an$ by applrcabk law.
<br />~4.~int hr fVaMtts. 6ortnwer rsgtrtsis that copies of the tuxta of dtfauh and nrxiee of sak be sem to ®orrowtr's
<br />adil:~- is the israperty Andras.
<br />- -
<br />~rwi~ wt+€ae~r>=. txtrrvwar itas eacce[ea tills iscrt ta[-trust
<br />~r r ,---~ ~~ J` ,r°
<br />Ste tl .T ... HucXhes. ~~/~~. • -',-conowsr.
<br />i ~ v f,5
<br />t+tarLt~xt~, K... Hu hes -aches.
<br />tizA28 oa' '~lsa~st~i[xd
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<br />COg1rfY ~ £ta ; i i
<br />T±te -'_=x~:tsq i[tsz=rat Sias acknuseledgssl txfera t~ chia 2Bth ,dsY of.
<br />Orlober. ., kq,~0 ~, 3tt3ghan J: eiughes apd Marrlr?ne K., HugY}e~ ."~. .
<br />Grand Ssland, by
<br />itiYt:taosr [~ natty utd rtotat~tal asst at.. . . (,
<br />~, i~,~S' tifd[ige:~s Cho data 8lCiMtteid.. ~r
<br />~..
<br />_---~t 6"t~i557.t731 SSjTiFE9:
<br />"^'•+T
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<br />'+erttti, ktl;e!,
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<br />~is+a x~[a`a~r[~~ as chs ?~+irt~~ tst the ttetQ -c ++~__ aetur•ct !+v *_his wed cf trust.
<br />- Sea:ti. xtat+a -oc twcsa. tzYy$t. }4aX with ail otst~.r in.tepts,~}..ta*saa ~ieG+di~Gt by tiS~st o.aeai .+C Tr!tati
<br />i~i~fa #t {i~iei -a. ~u:i. to;; .~r~ harzey :iir~~iu.d ca caate;ei aa1r3 nave cat nctau xnci this
<br />GRt<d GJ" TritaG, which are dsl f+scred tt~x+ztiy, an3 to reconvsy, Ni trinut w,arraney, a:l titan
<br />rswat;,a htalsl u~ }asi u:,der tale ~~~ ~,[ :t~ubt tc; tt+~ ;aaxaor csr ptrasana itya~.y e;ctzr.i+vd
<br />tslsswict„6„ -
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