~-- 0 Ci ~ 1,`.? 3
<br />Vxtvna+t CoveFi,krs. Sottower and Lerldcr covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. ~a.~mem of Prlarfpal and Interest. Harrower chaff promptly pay when dur the principal of and intereu +n the
<br />indthtednrss evidenced 6y the Note, prepayment and kale charges as pravidttf in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />as soy Fr:turt Adtiancc5 scented by if:ts f3eed of l rust.
<br />2. Fuss (ar Tanta sad Iuseratare. Su6Tect to nppticable law nr in a written waiver by tender, Batrower shall pay
<br />to Lendrr on the day monthly installments of principal amt interc,t an: payxhle under the NWe, un[ii the tiotr is paid in felt,
<br />a sum {hercir. "Funds") squat to one-tw'ckfth of the yearly taxes and acsessmems which may attain priority over this
<br />[}fed ut Tns¢, and ground rents oa the Property, if any, plus ane•tweifth of yearly premium instaltmcnts for hazard insurance.
<br />pins ane~txxtlth of yeaely prcmi+tm installments Cor mortgage insurance, if any, aft as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tittle to time by Lendrr on the oasis of assessrntnts and hdts and rcasonabie cstimaics [hereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an lnstdution the deposits ar accounts of which are insured or guararteed.by a Federal or
<br />state agency {inthWing Lender if Lendrr is such art institution}. I.cttder shalt apply tht Fttnds to pay said rates. assessmena,
<br />msurarlte premiums soot ground rents. !..ender may trot charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and cetmpiling said assessments and hitis, unless tender pay, Borrower interest nn the Funds and appticablc law
<br />(retools tender to make such a charge. Bnrntwcr and Lent.4r may agree itt writing ar the time of ezecatian of this
<br />Decd of Tnrxt that interest an the Fluids shall he paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or appticabk taw
<br />requires such mtcrtst to be paid: Ixnder shell not Fx`. required ar pay $ormwcr any imcrest or earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Botmwer, without charge, an anmtat accounting of the Funds showtrg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. Tht Funds arc pledged as additional xtxruity for the wens secured
<br />by [h1s Decd of Tnlst.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by tender, tagNher with the future monthly instaitrnrnts of Fltnds payable prior to
<br />zhe due dates of laces. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount rrquired to pay sold taxes,
<br />assrssntents, insurance premiums •rnd ground rents ac Ihry fall dur. such excess shall hc. at &>rntwer's aptittn, either
<br />promptly repaid to Harrower ar crcditcd to Borrower nn month}}' instailmcnts of Funds If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shalt not he sufficient nt pap lases. assescntents. inserrancr premiums and grntmd rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shack pay to Lender any antoltnt rxcrssary to :Hake up the deficiency wnhtn ?9 days from the date neticc is mailed
<br />by Lendrr to Bormwxr requestin; payment thereof.
<br />ilpun pa:rmrnt in tuft ,st ski asuflc s,~c:urrd 4ty th,s Drecl ::f T~tst, t ender shatC promptly rcturtG to Borrower any Funds
<br />htld by i.en~r'. It tender paragra~th Its hereof ihr Property' ~s sold or ells /'„¢'r¢I'wt^rly is ufh~crwisr a.yuircd by Lendrr. l.cnltcr
<br />shalt apply, no later than imrnedratrly prior tt* the saki M' the Prnpati.ri'y are its acquistoon by I..rnckr.. any Funck held by
<br />I..rndrr at the limo of apphtatien as a crtdit agarast the sums stturrd h} ¢iais f)r.cd a>f ~Crust-
<br />7. App[icatiaa of Payter!xla. L=niels alapitc~abtit Lau- provrdt.a rttltHltrwvstr, ail paymrrns rtt+:otrrd by tender under the
<br />Note and paragra hs I and ? hereof shall tr apppfred by i.cndr.r first rn ~,(naymrrrtt of arriounrs payabes: to Lender by Borrower
<br />und'e'r pxragraptt ~ tterrof, then ttr inleresfnay'ahit cm ttltt Nalr. itw;n ro ¢}ar taeintipal art the !Date. and then to interest and
<br />pnns.ipa! oft an}+ Future Advam:ra.
<br />+f, C6at~~l Liam. Borrower shaft 'pay al} taste., di3e'~sllnao-iuu .un,t ntlyt it +^hagges, finds dtnnt ugtx~[iG+vs mtriihutabic zo
<br />the I~rttpen,y whickt rtaay strain a priority over tFts Qec.d of 'T'rust, and' Itaistlhnld payments ac ground rtnis, if any, in the
<br />rnaltnrt provi~d under ptvrgzaph 2 hereof or. it teat pact iu such manner, Icy Bcurower making payment. wlxn due, dtrettly
<br />to the payer thereof. Berrrawtr shall promptly furnish to Lcndcr ail tt/xttes of amntmts due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />event Borrower shalt make payaxnt dtrettly, Barn>wer xhall pnxnptlp lurntsh to I_rnder tmtpts evidcncmg such payments.
<br />&ttmwer sitali promptly thuhat~t any Nett +shich has pnonty ovrr [his IJrtd nk Trust: pras•tdrd. that Borrower shaft not tic
<br />rtqutrrd za cis. barge any such Iron ~+.~ fonµ as l3arrvwtr shaft agree nr writing to the payuunt of the ubltgautrn soeurcd Icy
<br />'.tuft hen m x manner atceyCablr ar Lendrr, or shalt en gaol! (anh comes! etch Iron hy, or dtfmut enhuccntrn[ of such hen m.
<br />rz~t ..~-r,.d~nas w~hi::h talxrraar to preratt i}:t entorcertttnt of [M; her. yr terietntre of the Yntprrty ar any Hart thereof.
<br />~. !latt>r+~0as+nrytsrt. 13txrtawcr shad keep the improvcmcnts now tarsung or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />aga#mt loss by Fire. haaards tnttuded uriFtm zhe term "eatendtd .,vvcrage". an,l such other haranls as tender may require
<br />and trf asset atasntnsa aad fee stab periods as Lender may require: prnvnlrai, that k~rntltt +haB nsxt tryutrr tftal ter amoorst of
<br />~h arxr~ -->~ tft*t s,~+.:tr .,{ cmera;tr tertzrired to fay ihr 5urtyw, aa7s,-tr'd ht Yh+s Qty -~ ~t ftttst
<br />Tltt insura¢tt.t catner praredtng the insurance shall be shower! he 41 th rtawer su6~t+:z a, s}rpnrat hs- k ender pn,vufed.
<br />that saµ~ a~mval shalt rat he unrrasoslattty wlthhetd AB prernhttns stn insur:rrtte pohcirs nhatl F,r Maid in the manner
<br />pr5tw'idr+d undo! pwragtaelt 2 hsstxr!' os, 1f cwt pard in ausM ntantitr, try H'e¢rr'eiwer tnaktng paentetx, utltlt dot. dirrt;tly to the
<br />ittaa¢a'wliic,F ~xxiaf-
<br />?wlI insvraa~-s: t*tighara aMI tariiew~li tly€n4t hlfaif ~ in tsxnt a#,'~Ctl:t=[afalu tax ~t enciar and rfsafi utrlede mata~ard rnnttgagr
<br />tw'k8' to F°:~: L"t. alai ¢n (:#m feral"slat+k !~ I tdtr ten IC' h'#I §.f+.r 'Ili '.~h n ti4'.t I ?t { .lis.xE'. altd ern„wal: thtrrot.
<br />3,rs aefz.,,..et ,.toll et.vntx}y tyrntstt z.e tr_ _}er a.i renru.,. n,>er~ea s id { Fl t yr et t t ,~a€rl ux ntturti3- I i the tvsmt of loss,
<br />Bortoupar sha - give ~snpt zluiicrc to flat cornea s carrier .,nd t tnc`x l,arndcr rn.aa nt,tkt p c . ,,, i.m, i r rt nt,tttr promptly
<br />;erress~r.
<br />Unkss tets~r and Hortown otherwrst agrrc in urtung. utsut.rtt,e pre+..rda ,hs}i tx aftpi,rJ ux reatoraturn yr rxpatr nt
<br />rho Pruptrty datnaged, provided such testotsurre+ axt rep,nt ,s t°°+.:tu=nu..rifv teasttsfe sod the ++:,. t,ruy :+t }his Ikr,i vt Trust n
<br />trot tlttrtdty tropaurd. CF such restorarttm a#t rtpa~t rs n,++ c.:on.,ntiially Iravhic a+r :t ihr acturety ,.1 the+ Chard c+t I toil watuid
<br />h+: tmpartrd. flit ::nttrarxe ptetttrds shall ttr applsed to the sum, cr.:trcd h: ehts IL'td ,~f i azsi, w~zh zhe rs.e+a, et any. paeJ
<br />to harrower. 1f the Prc+ptttc is abxmh.+ned by Fktrrau~er', ax if ttosn`uez land, zo irafwtnci ur L.rndtr s+nhui ip da>s froru zhe
<br />bate notice is mailed by I.en~r to Barrowet that the tnstu once :sexier +ttfrrs to scitfc a tl,zun ter ,n,:nan.:r hcntfttt+. I ender
<br />is authorized to catlrrt and apply the instuans~ prtxreds at I enders .gturn a+r htr to rr+tatr.,tuxr nr report of rho ProfnaYy
<br />or to nc~ sztms srtwrd by this Derd of Trtnt.
<br />Unksa t.ertdet acrd Batxnwtr txhtrw rzr aart< tt :srurng, a +ut-h sppft.atwrt ,+ , r+,.-trds ta, pr,<w:ia.,l ,haii n:>t e+cend
<br />ar tfN~+ttn tTtr dtx Halt a€ file n>t>,tihly zttst<I?mrrtL ecfrrrr t,x Eu pare~raph- --d ' nerroF nt .hug!. the arntxtnt of
<br />stir. mt¢atknttnrs [f tintkr paragtstdt fti Ixrrut ttx Prc,pc t ttytt cal ,. E.r de- -f raght. !stir :cud - flea e,t of Hs rt:rutr
<br />to ant} to any insurance pgtrtzrs an n anti to the pnM-eras txec.+i re nit--c~ fro rz da was ut the Pr.ptrty prior tt the >:dr
<br />or atgiasdrran shall pass to f.axlts e,s [he esrrn[ ai the runts stcure.i by zats i3er:l nt t Hai emoted:atefti ptec.r e,: such ttft a=r
<br />atq~wssii[at.
<br />ir, beasts aHtta sad hfaiatcattaeQ of Property: ixasebutds; t'wsdnldaiuttss; Ylaaued tnia Ikrektpasrrur. Cktrt,,., rr
<br />s#takl hti:p tic I'ta*t~tt, ira tta-at t4pa~, stxd sqa a+;, ~, :..•t,z .+3sz. -., l't•+n.t at-- _ -~a I~z:~i v,•r -_it, ...e t'-„ttt'rt'<
<br />•lnd~ shss~f cootpty will: shx ptovis;rn5 c-t sae- lra;t tt thojl7ted ,+t I r=4t ,. an a ft:tah idr ~Itethu Ihe:i .+} t crt s unu ut a
<br />trrn~trr~ntiutr, t_r a piannztt .xent .~rs~tk'trn,,nt. h,-frrowcr sisrii tn:8aanr edi . t Bvrrou et, ,,~:igazr,+,,, u;taat the ,fe: L.rruhvn
<br />sae coo'.nanzs crroti)n~ ar !M1»tmmg the a3nd?rn. ntunr ar pluneneat null dcslrktprnenz tf:c i,}-four. .+rat rc~ufau;.ne tarn
<br />411/1dtNttitlt/!m a3 ptani~`tt iililt drvrkpmenl, and tanliti l{C:ti d,a titrlttll4 I1 a `!:ifa,lnlttnem ale p}a:itled 4I:It de,t'fc`;++lna iFt
<br />t li}~t dk r-Yt4utra h1' tt4 rt trwri .slid reittrdpat tar^~tt }Ft t' wild ih!s fktd t`t Itttct- the it+l ttt,n}[s and :#gt et'eiietitl ., inch rIIICY
<br />p-. ~ ;!~ _=_s ¢ >> -Bait v~:.-,° ,.- _.' -._~.-~.-za,a (~, - ;s' ~ -. ~ -.{ a , ..a .+ t]~'e' - a - u~ :r - --„~,
<br />r. a mot- ..,t.- -
<br />I~ i4 isas3.•t'a Yar'rrlirr. fi t3... ,..,.. c, ;+c. ,. ,nr .he e.[.<,,.~.:.E, ,:ant;,•° .,
<br />thsstrof Trust. rt u , .taztttrt of pf rkc,'dtitg ;s ;a+rttttte+r..J wfuch etwi,•t..t;(: tie<is i Ott fer'+ :+rte+est n •tx~ Pn.fx;rty.
<br />in~la>:itai&, bttt tu# littttted tax, rr5rtntnt dtrnxatr=, itcertrin.~y- xrtJc end t+c+:.etxteni, ttr ,irrsrl.ertrnis ;:r (.:ta>•.-vrn~, ,:I'.-in}q a
<br />iankrupt ter doe=edr~, t}!*rn L~tlsk_r at Lrrsdtt's „puutt, up:trt nt_sttr~c to Fharc+w'e±, nlay tn,tkc zu:h al:ftdatanu`+..}+-='..r„~ .7e:h
<br />.soon artd take su.l: act:aatt as .s ra:':rsxary ft~ p:oltwt teruicr'a +nttt>rst, tnr.•Itldtng, but net }+mtt Yi t+,, s1+,h+,+... r+:.+11 ++1
<br />rr,aswwle}r. -uerney's rr?, atad mitt uf!on lhs' Iho~ttc to :ns.e trpaas It Closter iayu i t - vtK. H un rtw c a: a
<br />netahtion ut inaksag ilw ktan w,.'urs:d 6s- thi> thtd rat ~na.: Bt+r n,wa'+ +h.,tt I s the I+n:e, -n v ns,u+ t I t s-r -- x ,u.h
<br />s
<br />=tthtttatt6t Ln rITB~ UPa I! blK'~l! FiiYtt N^ tlht rr,t!ieltlsst4lt (+,r +lXn +.nnr~t ale t'1 rni++na¢c, +n .awcian~x" w'elh f3~+ri„w eC, . +ad
<br />l.cndat~s wttucn a,gtro;tttttt s+r npp}it':al+t+r t_rw Hnrrvaer shsif L.,y. zh.• .rm.tu+,r . , ,.!! inatrt~U;t: +n,ntart..e pia'n+,uetw ,,~ ihr
<br />nt#nrrr prs+v,dra3 utter para((raplt o 3>°tort.
<br />tiny a+t>nunts diatrasrd icy leznlet kxlrstr.>nt : this p,lragr:,ph s+sh +tncrrst rho-r-o=a ,~,ali a,f.Lrr.`~_+l
<br />aaJr~c~tlt rya z'xr #+.+rrpxr~z sE.::ated by 4hrt !!.._'eu .,C }': uxS ! `slier Hue txwtr stnl (ezt.}rr .t}+,e< t., vthtr t.:rit.s .,1 t+a; irtrnt. ,.t+.h
<br />area-~tzy y~it ~ pay 161c• u,,~rri nt,t,a. r qp ! tnalet [e! Ks'+*t++sva'¢ r¢yus st?zig porn' _ - ek:gro,f ,trd shag S _ >r uztr ic, ,: the
<br />r1at4 .ry ~f-'!esaaClttr+at! sl r#tc~ taco p..s -afro trs~rlt ;i3rr 6:+ tittle n -+-ssgart;Jrq;; rttraa:::tr.. ~~ds°r :t., \a-~ .. „ t*ayrna~n^ ,~; tots t. s.
<br />kt ~+..h r~. _ .,ELF }'e _.-.!3r!' is,. _.<_i+l±' [_ - rt ~t _- +4t... h ~.xEa„n w it - c,i ;Et tFf~ he+~hen¢ refte
<br />gvgtntrv[h:a tx. s'.,r nt*pticnt'3e t'a~s~. ?vt~rha.tc a.: +s~.Er.>.-b in } ,.s..: _'x.rr••+• :shaft .€ytrt=e k. ~,t+clet t~• ;n. ui +,tt a ;x,+,c a,r lake
<br />any a:'a>itn'^'-reufttltr-
<br />st.'eat +i+ ihr Pr $rrt
<br />