r __ _y. --_~~.
<br />i.. 496dh-fir Wwrfntp. DMi (INvisM~ tfH} C~~"~+~i`~ 4. t `.~ } ~+)..,0 17e Sulu timed ~ea~lr 8m.w,.-Close xUbe.
<br />r i O
<br />r
<br />llk3~IibL-1k 'TLst 4'E~di~tP?s ai- SA4I4 GNY OF ~RANU ICU, to
<br />s-ati~t arm sad esiakiag wader ecd Iz~ ofrine at the ls~esof:tl~ 8tata of NSBRASI~,-
<br />iuaaraseaffof -2~3 'L#I~JSi-~ IIIt3Ki' IiCi F'IItR'Y AFtt9 ?dOf].00 DOISr18S
<br />reaekvtad Eros grstua; does grant; bargasn, saki eosroey and confirm nnW
<br />al. 31kH$~B
<br />herein rolled tha I,rantae whethar ass nr more, Ute fallowing dsacribed task Ps'oPerty in
<br />FIiI3, Cunniq, NASA
<br />S:t1T T~k?-A'ZfT$ (25)r A3ktk0 FOS3REH 311H1kSVISIflkd IIJ'ildlP CI?'Y QP` AIIIA, F€ALL.CQIINTF,
<br />1~6~IKA OClGGlV1k:N'i'ARY
<br />~~;~~ STAMP' TAX
<br />l ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~
<br />;,
<br />,_
<br />i
<br />1'0 lapcr anti to Eruid the xbova rlsaerib+ed premixse taROtl:cr with akl teaemenb, heretlitsments and appar•
<br />,~•rr~~e~ ria•r.P~tr_, hetQn_ea~ uittn t}ca y;renee~ e2i to ¢rantre'x heirs and paxiAne forever.
<br />Anal chi greutur for :tscif rand its succeasoss siseec herQby easenant with the grswtae and with grantee's
<br />ire-rte rkMSti sasiti!ris chat ;;rancor is Is~rrfukly seiseal aiE spill Irretuisss; that they ass area Pram cnettmbranoe
<br />ttastp~ ~x'..tl anti restri~titarm ' o~ rg~lt'fi'
<br />t#t ~ra:~:3lzrr :.e.~ t:_ iFIY: r:~l lot~-f::I artthorilr F~ cottre! the srs.pte; ~.ud that gracttEir wsrranta and wikI .lefead ',
<br />e ~ l:s ~~, z~ is ;sratoi rsgtt:ctal. ills Ipw*+.i c~ins~ r~( :ill ',Iaer~t:as wkiynrer.
<br />,~ ~ ...-,ter '- •_
<br />~ ,g ~ ar r- ~ j,_ ,,erg ~', .~: ~rr~~`ixta a ao he a:sed >~i =' its a~
<br />r i l;ea4t;d,~trer zn, I981;Y _
<br /># - `~~~ J...SI~~'~:Si- CANT , fry, CaftA ~ . j}~
<br />r
<br />I ~ 1 1t~, ~ k ( ire
<br />~ ° :~r ~` ~ 'fi'r . ..~ ~..~....~~ , ~-. eidant ~
<br />7 `^~^~
<br />~lpt a i~ot$ry ~ulrlie .luaiilisci is xaixl ccruttty, perstrn;alky came
<br />- ~ .(~ I''reaidest of j
<br />~'- Ct5E6k..Ll#IFt~3 :tiE?161 't~Apk€1 }u'I~k1tRk , a curpankioa j
<br />i kr ~.ayt #@ 1 t~::r :e i,,r irl.~ra sad itkeotical Ir«s+wu who>yigneal tihe loregariug inatsam§ee. wall at;knowlydget# the
<br />•{itM ~vt t~, t,}, tAa +:alLUtary a,Et and tleeek sa aur?h arlfia'es null the vui4lrttary ~{(ct pad deed E,f sprrl ~Furpa~ '
<br />t ~nq and ttrt gee wrta.ratt- seal w~ thercta affixed by ita authtierity,
<br />' e...~ ~~ ---.- `soak so tit -ter rti .. 19tF4
<br />KId ~~~ :,,-H ~ ~ ~ ,, ,.. ,:. M.} Nsesry l'ubkte j
<br />A ~. Apgt-13,ttRdwl ~y eosnmapstra ~excztr~ ~t~~ { ~ .: ~G I9. ~rf~ I
<br />• ~
<br />yea's`- i)~ , . < , _ , .. ..
<br />r~~ '
<br />i ""=shy _ .. , ~ .... i
<br />t~,.nsd atN atusatrs~aal iztdrrx sustk liked far ncard in the
<br />R~istes +af khaeda C)lfisa rrf said (`txxnty the
<br />j ,.... ..,.rlsy.k: ..... ......... ..I+d..., .,at,, ... .,,`s~Ioehatul... ....mianree ...... .. .uf.,?
<br />tsk ~ cp Mask> ..... ..... .....of.......,..,...... ,.att~ase. ........-._
<br />t~,es. of IJ, ells
<br />lly Ki>ytrtity
<br />