'r, '431,aL Ih. he es ~rl ;'3v ~aas.'M ar~> made La Lhc rt3rtgagbrs ~r tbe:r succasscrs ir. 2stersst for tai:kr ar 4
<br />~r$ 1.2sa ss@r-.LSe- <.d-. ers#~E'+4 dc~1~1 Re ;+bo? ~r acy pa-S rt 1238 rr.,^,rtgng8d 'cerissw cr A,r;y easesrent cnereln, Lhe~sal.A
<br />a,~~,s ar?a hereby~.eaai;~ed -to tAe ttat'tga~ee, -the !lorGgagee is he2'abY ~_ lzha; i~sd Lb c,13=et. receive. said receipt
<br />t2~3re £~f-seld to-.nPpy -the same.>n 1;es=t of ar~>. S.Ne3tedreaS: maturz4 ar urmaturetl, szcrsred by this mor'tgsge.
<br />=7i '!'hat 1&':-::~s8 °stK.t. rcrtt,38vLUa der.;.u1G '^ She fayLROnL .at-saki prinetP-: suet. or pf ant Instaiimant thereof, or
<br />:,' a:*rt.kaLLe;"eat t:Bere~n at the-.tine the same SAaI! be dub-, ar-wS tY respect Lo any cnvenanc ar-canditlan here-
<br />' ^F. then, at cts cpLSar of "'^~*dr~ee, Lhe enLFrs ndBbGednesa sec+.h•ed ts8rzbv ahail to;-trnaith become-dc~ au4 payable,
<br />j a.I'. haft" 111LareaG aG the-d6tauit -rate dasCrii',tBQ kn satd note, and the rsdrLgagee may Immediately tareeiase this
<br />xeart, ar puisue ~ ai.Ter aFaiiaitle legal remedy.
<br />- ({i} -'Ptont: 113 ttse gv8st> actia:?- ;S. brauty1.t to fPraclcSe this ~cr:3g8'=, C-he t!erLgaaee ::Dail be entitled Co krametliata
<br />'eSSj~t-at the ~+art~1€8: ~:smF3es, and the naurt *>ay a4yrwiri 7 r?rel.var-to GaKe passzssiod of saki Premises, altn
<br />ig~ s3sual. pause -=a.- rfl .e+rers ?r..liee ^a,4aa. -
<br />iti.) ihat fat tss- or -vaisy aS t{-drtgag~e to rtaBrCl sB ar>y ~f 'Le rlrgitts rr Prlvtigge, ahali not be construed as a
<br />rsaivel= therea ~t}af any xct .af.ndrtaa~yes vts2v#cg ~,7: :Peeltle _'e.ault et riartgagars-shall nett II8 construzd ns a
<br />r.~iv8:"~pf ~Siy [.t,^? default- Ck 1ta. CBSe 3f ;P.faLLlt STi t1}B p.%yR.enL US any 9:•rwrtlzatlen in32a11manLS ar SntBraSC,
<br />3~;~ -Or iA Casa rt yY4~!'nt... f +Sart~';gee if :xny lien, ~rldgmel:L, C.ad, ?R.t:r X:`.GP, CaBL OP 3'T'.PenSe, Ga' rE?i*.S, 1883 ar Charges,
<br />ice- 381d rrtdrtg8 st al-t 'aa,.rz- ..he v Ie>;e ai h~ut See;arFZig Lh° wRa2 in3ahtedness due ar[d payable. td fnreciase on
<br />sdbaPrt at -nu?h specific -eYs,;1S fa arl asltr p, arm ir. ,?tact _G 'acts foraalasurz ^raceeding3 may ba had add
<br />tTte land described Tareir, ;asy ~~ :. ~ ...,.h„,.c. ~o cne >uF^id ',>~_ht.~re~s .*.ereby secured. anC *.hls mart3age shall
<br />T'~' rantl:rae. aS' to k#en `as atsY t3*p~paFd :al?usce.
<br />. ~.>ut-t L#2 rT4rtc16gee ,-,ay ~atzr it ~!cter 9'h8 [.+at,;ri 4Y of zed rna8w +x;;d reamatt22e -a1d indeneedness, raiesae
<br />is'~ .13h211 LY_ary '=a; £) l.abiz tParz ::,. ~t;~ :a-t exsy C; ~c =hr k t rn:~t itortlcds at th8 Praperty cavered'harBby:
<br />Witham. at*ee - ng thfl ,sr r1 :3• nr ref car rr;o r., ab 111 Ly •." nc~^.. ~ay~tca :r nny a*_her t;3r tY fci^ cne Drgytnent, at seid
<br />ic?debLarb7ass, Ali ::act; nzteasisns, ^eia^~-,nr. r.3. rz<:ex;~1~. xn:: rewabrt. aaL ion:: to br secured hereby.
<br />SS ^rgA-far s ecsv ); str n --r+ wean r. a tl ~. ~ Rei^ twi - ... gel rer a zntatives rust assigns,
<br />hera4 ~~ xz z r r 1:n t;r the race sanured
<br />Y ~~ [ 4 '.a e t.P }~? 2. ~',zscrlbed herein, Lhe
<br />tp^•r gsfiq.e say .~s .._r ~>e ...e, :rv^c,.,3La .r "..lr, ud ,. ayab,z :.nA ::ay Prareed Sn the en-
<br />~, ~[ ~n wJyrr ~ ,.-, {~I 1`s:-Yt.Y t^ n~,ts e :..i sl Rve~ .'e Mart~agse nil ',
<br />•~ G 114' IV T. Y `uU' ]S1CQr &'yp h31, £Sa~.
<br />n'.r „rc^ t;f ~ x z, 5•a /.i tf ~.. ;,ue ,i ~..r-!_ :+rre. ?..~ •..C:cf xhnv8 land
<br />nor ~ r A n ~'~'~, II w lil d. nl i.1 c7 I st - s u a a L A'S.L se1„ure4 sareby:.'r'.
<br />• o v*i. r -:e- s t ~ h r r- a IPx.•. kziBrest igyorail'
<br />-~ [+ s I 1'i 7 ~~ -n E a d ws. „I t ~', Ist ,~. .u alth 4nst. ^8l ~41cz'~
<br />' ir^~tC ~) q C ''~h"_,~.~.. Y'?li0 ~ k' @•'i1114 { 8. . 1' r ~' Y~'G)1",t~J},g y+ Of A a~d Fen G~, ~~
<br />w• Y=. ~'>-v - ~~ yF•iY ,f ':. 2._19;'
<br />~ '.. , C ' "! ;~ y:11 Ii: ' :.Ix tk'Tl. ",?~ ~,Lne i]OrC:--.
<br />-~ ar girl I s ~~l. +' t u r p tl•nn. sl lar['sn~~s~ -t. ~ x ';aid real,
<br />s_s.._ .l. .: ~r .zl ~ - lit ,>_ aaa,=' ^-r=4. 1sN., -,.a4tYx:.ee shad'
<br />t t ls? ( k~a ~ E - - _ Axe=: - i,x ; .~ , . - .. ' ,a
<br />~+ar.,. .::3 est ,.sc, .-.-virt°sr, .a. ,r ._, .s ., ., ., .. "?,'ut.; - ..du~nd
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