Sa-A-REAt:'£STATE YdORTf3AGE-(With Tax Glauu) Rev. 78 tWRman and Friton & Wotf. Wafton. ~, b8461
<br />I4N4W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Darryle L. Neighbors and Deborah A. Neighbors,
<br />as htiaband and wife in each his own right and as spouse of the ather
<br />of Ha 11 County, and State of Nebraska , in conaideretion of the stun of
<br />Thirteen Thousand and 001103°`----------------------------^----------------- DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CANVEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK
<br />of Hall CottntY, State of Nebraska the following described premises sitttated,
<br />in HaII County, and State of Nebraska .pit;
<br />Part of Lot Twenty (20) of Geer Subdivision of Lota Six (6}, Seven (7) and Eight (8)
<br />of Garrett'a Subdivision of part of the Esat Half (Eli) of Section Nine (9), in Town-
<br />ship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), Weat of the 6th P.M., Hall Cotitity, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southeast corner
<br />of said Lot Twenty (20), thence running Westerly a distance of Sixty-six (66) Feet;
<br />thence running Northerly parallel to the Easterly boundary line of said Lot Twenty (20);
<br />a distance of One Hundred Forty-two and Two T.enihs Feet (142.2') to the Southerly
<br />houndary line of 20th Street; thence running Easterly along and upon the Southerly
<br />houndary line of 20th Street, a distance of Sixty-six Feet (66'); thence running
<br />Southerly along and upon the Easterly houndary line of Lot Twenty (20), a distance of
<br />One Hundred Forty-two Feet (142') to.the point of beginning, excepting from said
<br />track the Sout:'terly Twenty-five Feet ('S25') thereof.
<br />The ~intsntioa being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee aimpFe, irteluding, all tike rights of homestead.and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AF~D TO HOT.D the premiers e6ove described, with ail tbs appurtenances thtrrettnlo belonging, tmla the said
<br />mortgagtae(s) and Go his, her or their hrin end assigns fozevr7. providrd aiwape, and lhess presents era upon-the ezpraq
<br />omtelitiim that if the eaid rnartgagorta3, his, her or their heirs, executors, admirtiatratore or aeaigna shall pay or cause W tee
<br />pant. #o We said marigegee(s), his, tear or their heirs, rxrctrtora, admiaistratnrs ur ~aetigns, the priaeipal sum of $13, 000.00
<br />psyattltp ae follows, to wit:
<br />Payable in 180 days
<br />with int.nreat sav,rditzg tc, the tenor and s~ert ni the mortgsgo sa written prtuniswry rarte 6uaring even Mate with these peasants E~~
<br />snd~. shalt Pay all taxes end assessrtzents !evicvl upon ,seal real eaalaltr. and nil u.Ytlyer taxer, !aviaq soul saw,+sments lt+vied utwn this ti'
<br />rla. ur tier rtrrt€~ ~wh~-h this nuzrt;,age is give.~ze to ~+u:uze, !zetara the aatr'ur lrrrcxurx~ de!inetuent..uzd ~itrp tlxa Imihtinga <zn ~
<br />»a~f pm?ae n~rei r~ t?.r ;am .,t s 1,000.00 , !+, sf :eay. {ray~~ ±r tt~ ester mom„-~_ axe- t~,~; ~:~ p.-~„t
<br />to ln+ vatid, .lterwiae iu E~ s:x! remain in iu!i frtrcr.
<br />l'T° ~ F'`P:'H.~.P ,'}~',~L`l~ it: 3~ie: +[ ~,:=r pia rra«~ V
<br />€eu shee3 fsii ttz pay xtzch taxies ur pxx~xrrs such insurance, the ~,
<br />s-air ~zr.-.~, i.-iy -b,:,`r is-rc~ nrri 7rmcure aacit in.~t.ran,:e: ao[t t!se sum [vei arivsacctl. wiUvr inierrwt at iv ppr ii-
<br />sent, shall !ze repaid 6y xaid rnortgsgor, attd this murtgsgr steal! stacut as security for khe wme. ('.Y That a failure to pay any f
<br />of east mwtey. either pzinsipat or interest, when the same iree omaw due;, nr a failure to ,wnt:ly with uny of the foregoing ~
<br />atYteedttenta, shat! cause the whofe sum of usxtey herein secured to izcconas due and colieetihie at once at the option of the {
<br />moltgagetr. ~ i
<br />SiErted this 16 day ai October l
<br />In pcaxeuex of .... ....
<br />_. ._..,
<br />i
<br />3t~4'C~ air ..... N~~1~.KR ............. .county of lie 1 t
<br />'2'he tttsegcittg it=atrttinent was acknowledgt~et txfan +tx: `'':te>bce:- !~ !9. H0
<br />w
<br />„_Da:€cy,D~s,l.,._ tlNi~hbars etxl D€)iearah A, Ne~grthi3sr,
<br />-- ---- ~i~IMaIM , , g '.. -~ ... .
<br />~ ~ 7~ r. t'-" ' - -
<br />;3ttnattire of I'rrtxsti 'Pakrt~ Aeknnvrl~gntent
<br />__.Nota~r~ Publiv.,..
<br />`i'itte
<br />'~. ~ - _':,, .' .......- .., ".... - . -~ Y Entered <zn txttntt+rips! index au.t filet! tnr r.mtzxt i
<br />ao.
<br />t~'ittatl' ..... - .~... - ...... ...,.. .. - ~ in the ttagstisr of IDco+ie tldion ++f essl ("+wuty the
<br />,._..,__......dtirp ~-, ... .. .._... .. ...._.-.. _., 1d......., at .. .... _.-..ticlack arrti _.-. mtauttx - M.,
<br />Cta,+ °,.~,"° ',31 t~.3.r-. _ .. . ............___,._c`............. ._...._ ...... at 7ssy>s _ `
<br />
<br />_.. ..... _......., ..- _. _ .. - - . of T_r -''.
<br />By......... -.__ ... ... _ 1TetnttY ,
<br />