.... _ . __~_. __~v
<br />t~#--SUSDVIYQRSHFP VbA1tAAN?Y DEED _~-_8 ~...,~ ; I ~ ( l ~ ~ ~ tiutfman anA Felton & Woif, Watton, IIn. 68461
<br />RNC3W ALL BEN BY THTsSIti PRESEA?TS, That William T. Detweiler and Frances Ann
<br />Detweiler, husband and wife, each in his own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />in eonaideration of
<br />herein Balled the grantor whether one or mare,
<br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, se11 convey and ronfirm unto Ila1•xyle L. Neighbors and
<br />Deborah A. Neighbors, htuband attd wife,
<br />ae joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real property in
<br />,. Hall County,
<br />Part of Lot Twenty (20) of Geer Subdivision of Lots Six (6), Seven (7} anal Eight
<br />of GarretL's Stddivision of part of the East Half (E'~) of Section Nine (9), in
<br />Township Eleven (11) Nort~i, Range Nina (9), ltiest of the 6th P.M., Hall Cotmty,
<br />Nebraska, nipx°e particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
<br />Southeast cortter of said Lot Twenty (20),thence rtulning Westerly a distance of
<br />Sixty-six (fib) Feet; thence mining Narthariy parallel to the Easterly boundary
<br />lute of said Lat 'Itrenty (ZO}, a distance of Qne iltmdred. Forty-two and Twa Tenths
<br />Fit (142.2') to the Southerly boundary line of 20th Street; thence mm~ing
<br />Easterly along and upon the Southerly botmdary line of 20th Street, a distance
<br />of .sixty-six Feetj~(66' } ; thencee}rt.tlltling Southerly along and upon the Easterly r~
<br />point ~~~e 'f~~('153` ~t'~~'o~$~t 1I~~ tF~"$t(~LS))t~tteY'
<br />a ~ ho e s e Baer a premtsea oge er wtt a teneme ts, ereditamen an apptu-
<br />teaaneea thereto belonging aura the grantees and to their assigns, oz to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of
<br />them forever_
<br />And grantor does hereby covenant with the gn+utees snd with their assiga+s and with the heirs and assigns
<br />oP the survivor of them that grantor is la~rfully sei.4ed of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance
<br />that #rn~+tor has tttw+_1 right atuJ. htwfnl authority to e++nvey the saura~ ant that iCrarttor warrant.. sad will defend
<br />the title to said prvmisea against the lawful claims of all treraona whotnsacver.
<br />It is tho iuU!ntiort of all poetics berets ttaat in the event of the death of eutiaer of 'the grantees, the entire
<br />fee si#t]'ale title tu;r the real estate slsall vest in the surviving grautett.
<br />~ttnrtr'~;i% n nor -- a sir$si ~~ ~~~,'
<br />i _ F s I , ~` - r-
<br />.........................
<br />S•I'1lTE QF .:1LAS#.~ ..... . ....... ... . County of ... F4`th l ....................
<br />The foregoing tnaertvment was acknowledged beforo me ....t;ktober....... X5 ...............19 ..$Q.
<br />t,y , }Vllljalps")'.., .S)e~tre~) er ,and Frances Attu tletxailer, husbaztt3 and wi£e, each in his ot.~tt
<br />ri~,)tt anti as spot><4e of the other.
<br />,,;=°'s ,may
<br />Sigtwtures of F'eraan Taking Aeknowledgntant
<br />. _ . - - -ica.._ ' ritln ................ ..... ....... .
<br />;y ! s3TAT1~ C1F .......... ................... +
<br />s} ? tsx.
<br />;-
<br />;. ~ C-ottaty .................................~
<br />entered ott ttwnerieal iutie: ar+d fired fur re~ordtn thv 2legistvr of Deeds i>ffiev of said t;onnty the
<br />.a
<br />...... .....dry of ...................... 19......, at....... o'clock and, .. ......zuinuGSa ......... M.,
<br />,,
<br />i end racordsd iat 1strak ....................af.,..................atpag~..-........
<br />lteg. of 1)eeda
<br />- - li6• .......... .. ........... .... ..IL.pneu
<br />i4 # ~
<br />