SZ-A--RiAL E&FA7£ M6RTGR6£-(With Tax C#avse} gev, fgt. 1~~'i ~ f ~ _~ t ~ t€uffman and FHion 8 Wo!!. Waitnn, Ne. b845:
<br />XNi}t1r ALL MEN HY'THESE PRESENTS: Teat Duane D. Larson and Beverly A. Larson, as
<br />lluaband and crife in each his own right and as spcuae of the other
<br />of Hall Covntp, azzd State of Nebraska , in consideration of the strut of ~~~,
<br />Fifteen Thousand-and 00/100°---------`°--------------------°--------------------DOLLARS'
<br />in haadpaid, dohereby SELL and (X?NYEY unto FT4E POINTS BANK
<br />of Hall Covnty. State of Nebraska the following deaeribed premises situated '
<br />Ha1T ~aznty, zttd-State of Nebraska to-wit: '
<br />Part- of Lot TsaQttty-two (22) of Geer Subdivision of Lots Si.x C6), Seven (7) and Eight (8)
<br />>f Garrett'a Subdivision of past of the Eaet Half (E'~) of Section Nine (9), in Township
<br />:levee (11) North, Range Nine (4), (lest of the 6th P.N., Hall County, Nebraska, more par-
<br />.icularly described as follows: Beginning at a paint on the Southwest corner of said LoC '
<br />Twenty-two (22); thence running Northerly along and apse the Westerly boundary line of
<br />said Lot"Twenty-two (22), a distance of One Hundred Forty-two and Six Tenths Feet (142.6`}
<br />~henee running Easterly along and upon the Southerly haundary line of 2Dth Street a distazj
<br />if Sixty-six Feet (66') to the Easterly boundary line of said Lot Twenty-two (22); thence'
<br />iautherly along and upon ttte Easterly boundary line of Lot Twenty-two (22}, a distance of
<br />kte Rundred Forty-twa and Four Tenths Feet (142.4'); thence running Westerly along. and
<br />tpon the Southerly boundary iine of Lot Twenty-two (22), a distance of Sixty-six Feet (66''
<br />:o the actttai goint o£ beginning, excepting from sai<! tract the Southerly Twenty-five
<br />;525') Feet thereof.
<br />T}€o l,isfeeation being. to rvnvey hear€>y nn altaolute title in Teo airnpie, inciudzng aU the rights of homestead arzd dnwea
<br />TO HASTE AN'D TO HOLD the €tremiaee atwve desrribezi, with a€E Uzc, aptaurtenanres ihezeztnta hafonging, unto the. said
<br />zrtortgattemta} aced to his, h«r ar their heirs azzd assigns forewrs, prrnida!d always, and ttutaA presents are ut,an the ezpreae
<br />aaz~l'ltiuaz 4ha! if the. waid zaortgagur€x}, his, her ar heir heirs, rxoesrtzxra.. actznitz,iatmtors «r assigns aha€€ pay or cause. to he
<br />pnai, ten ~lhe,aaid martgsy,~ee(s}, his, her or their heirs, exe~vtnrs,. adatinistraGtrs nr ztffi4gns, tha principal sum of $ 15 ,DOD . DD
<br />t'+a'YU3zie~ae fezliowa, va wit: ,
<br />Payable is 4D days
<br />usih i%z%e~~zz!ak ~-r.3urg :sr t2zr t«„vr aroi rr7€r% :,t cbe cn.,.[sattor. .r:r,€%r~zt trrnmtcry meta tranwt rv«a date with these presents i
<br />and ahaipl pay ,y{ UuP's a>iq a+st~mi~ra ievtevi a€>va Dui road a~~s care, euad aaiN ntrdp«ir tatkew, imv,ra amt 8uyw,arknrarra icvud open this
<br />',t%xerrg~a,4;~~«ri ,.. ,~ra• w -n ,t„a mc.risrFe is given in v.~aar, ix,rorr the Santa IL~erx.,~tmas da~~~+ni, ~~+> rip Ot~ huiidutr~ nn ;
<br />asici ga%~uarvx,iwe,t -a~a:rrrw =ar :it? ?um a?i .3l ~ ,ODD . DD i:spa„ i5 say, rsyat=dw i:, trte ~ t i rx,rt,~a:~a.•-•. ihFn 6isr-se n_ teasers
<br />~ he talp n..~ ~~ ;v x- s.~i :: :at-t n:r fm_€1 :t:n~
<br />.,+~ f~€°~a a~s~x aifi~4: - { -~_ if ,ni. ...:.,rt~~eesr ,;j,~ii t~k? :ep 6a-"~ ~._., n.u_~_, ~- i ~- ~ ~;r ,... q-r~E. ..,
<br />~,.~~~ ~. ~ ~ : t ;~:=rte ~-~t ~-~-~ -Rr -~ sr~ .e z... ~ ~ ~ _, ....~, s. .,. _ _ _
<br />c+en€, rdtatl he re€aaid t,y ~si,t tuunaagur, uui thin nwrttta>%e nhai4 ztand us .+~~c~unti tar tl,r~n~satr~i~n; R-1'hst n {aihtrr t,, pay any
<br />eil aygf tra,nrv, «ifhet 1-»un~,tmi ru ttr[rrFat, when :hr rwzee ir,+c w„e.~ du«, ,~r a i;+~.:ur.• a,r r,:xtrpiy ~,+nt, ;isty ~:C the fnregr,ing ,
<br />agtaenarais. shall qus,r t}zr wMete sum +_,[ money I,errtu sttiurrd to Fx~wzn« dun :uui ,,~ii,.a~tchis =t .-txx~ .,t t[s ayrii ,rr of the ,
<br />3iyne+! then 16 day of October tU 3f} .~
<br />In pr~mJ~ of n.. ~1~.G~Y.IV1~~~~ -.
<br />~~~~~~.' ~~~' ~ . ~~;1`~ mil' •~ta.,: ~" ~iti
<br />t
<br />5'!h.{R'T~ (?F' .. , . , NEBBASitA Ha 1 1.
<br />.......,. ... ,Ctounty oC
<br />'~ fpm tcnutaent wac acicnawiacfgc i heCc~re uie ~ cgh~x 1 t3 fu ~u
<br />-~
<br />`-,~ „Ituatx~, ~,,, ,T.~t;~cltt„ tt}si , !k vc~r ly A. l,ar sort
<br />{--
<br />-, -. -- ~ ~i~tutt:,arm Per~yn Ta~trsg c~ritrt~wiH€tt~n's
<br />Piatazy Public
<br />'1`€tte
<br />BTA'l'F, 9&'. ...~ .. -..._ .... . .. .. ..... .... .. _ j ksiared +mt nuu euicxat nalat :x.av9 h7est Tsx rax;ord
<br />~,
<br />- 'may .- - .. ..... .. in °•~ }tagzstkr ul }-irtxs C1¢~x r=E watt! 4'<>.uaty th€
<br />at . . -.., . ti cloe,$ sari mi+*uita ~i.,
<br />ids.. .. .. ~~.. __ .,.._. -, _. -,. at ; Via.
<br />ftaKt. of l:Mrartia '
<br />HY- l~,ary
<br />