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lie-Ree~~der~ <br />MOR1'GAG6 MnrE$age ='e-y`eCOrded ttlt shots CfXSpl.tltettt in 1e~3. deseriptial, <br />MORTCAGi: LOrUQ rlo. L 2 3, 795 <br />g?IOtYALLpi$NtlY'iHpSE+pR~F.iP15~'ttut Donald J. Leifeld, a single person <br />ftiwlp~r, tafsetlter tsro or attsta, is oatriAeratfjoa aP ehs awe d-. <br />Eighty Thousand and Not100_---.- ---- -- ---_---_-_~---_------------- ~~ <br />inrted to and tnort®tsor by Tta p.gniaabb ~~~,.~. aW f^wn AsaeLtion of Ctaad tttatd. Nebta~a, MorttMue, upm 8~ ,8rtaen tff atoelt of <br />acid A&SOCtAT10N, CerNfwte No. L 2~+ "~ . Qo hereby gtsnt, coetey and rooriptla wtW tM aaW A39f)CIAT[ON thte foBonrinj <br />shaaribed real oRffe. sftuated in hail County. hfebratpa: <br />LOTS THIRTEEN (13) AND FIFTEEN (15) iN BLOCK NINE (9) <br />rN UNIVERSITY PLACE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY DF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND SIiE ~ <br />24 IDT PIFiI~~t (I5) B$'IIdiG ~6-HALF {~} OF TRS gACA48U <br />Ptl~ti2Dlt QF PAdSP'I~CT '3"lR1yE'Y ItI BI.Ot~ NINIB {g} I11I [lMI9)~TtT <br />PLttf~, AN A]]DI'lZCRI TCI 'I'l6 CITY l?F fs1tAlFn I.5'LANA, HAIL. <br />tai, 1A. <br />itsgettrc with aft the tenements. hetedstarrtrnt: and appnrtetuntxt thersmmtu beWrt6tn#, usclmhsrt a[tat~ted ilaor covurmda, dt window tt~eerta, <br />wtndow shades, fthssda, sttxm wsadown, arnts~. heatttnt, as ctmdslsoatttg,asxl plumbrrgt atd water eyttgttront atd atxseaaorsea thereto,putstp#,atowa, <br />refri®entura, and ether fixtures and sgtsgmrcnt row or hereafter attacltesf to sx ttxd rn wnrtoctron wtlh raid real mate. <br />And Whereas rite ud sstoatgagor Itas agreed and duet trreby agree that the rtttu[ptgor ilull and wd! pay all taita and asAatweeti btrnd os <br />awoxed upon card premtan and tsptm chic srttxtgaga and the bond secutnf thereby ixli,rc the xame ahatl betnme delioyuent: to ftttttiah apptoswd <br />inwsartce irptm the btsspiie~ oa sad prttttsxs attuted in the stun of 1 BD , DDD. DD parabk to caul ASSOCIATION asd to Jeliwr to wd <br />ASSOCYATI(TN the politxa for sad ttuuraasz: and txu to commst rx pernnt any waale on ur chow sad prs:nutet, <br />In gate W aefaelt :u rice perfsxrtuaer .,f any of the tertm yal nxxWitms W tfux nasctgagc ur the bond seetued hereby. tM klgrttltgpiP sluff, <br />rtx daettattd, ~ rrtti!!€tf to mss fsasc ;_,+~.+9 .,f tFx mcrst~d pestnasts end its rrr~E;q~x hztehy s~tta, irassaf'en and sets to tht <br />rrtortgt~mr. all the rants. revenssn ud ttun,me to tx slcrtvad team the rtnrtgaged gemant dw tts# swat Irma at the trxsr4tdaye tadabtedr'ten chili mecca <br />unpad; and the rxsxtgagee slsakl fvK thz p..wes to ,ppasut am texext .H,geeta kt rmtY r7amsa far tha putptx of repauirsg acid pramabt cad swung <br />1/ta apm arwl ecdhtettag the reau, tcraessen asd erraatsse, and a rmy pxy swt W satd :aaasgtt aY eaparuax .+f sep,trmg seal psesstiwt ~ s <br />ootmssss sid cxpeattty m iarai sn rs»t~ and ttxtsadrctg the veer arxf .ri cofknxtatt scarab tpensttam; the baWase re <br />tasssard the sli~aege =d safe! mouigaxa ttadr:htedtrst; thaa# s'~u of tats rsnxt#a#ne ttwy bs c%erusatt at any tune dosist6 ~~nuunrs of anckr <br />tieawe, srraep,csnw .st atry temptstasy Waere: td the sssae. <br />.•~-a tr~r~,ss. ~.~xc-, :r, .~t~,. _._ _':~sigt3p. i°ttat •# the rani l'e+xtga~v ~P.dd 9s~Ny ~srtf Wean ~~n :x t~tttta tf>Q sstatar€tY ti} said mates by <br />peyrtatstt: pay musNMY do sad ASSt#CIA77t)N .+f the yam spsulted tat tiw Iksnd r,e:uwed haweby ns tatsrey auxl fxxtu:pal s»t sax! doss. un to tsefora <br />tlse TYY~snttet-h+bj cd e~ card e..sly maat.h. uaW wd beau ss t Wry pad: {uy dl iaxsa ad ayasasoents itwest agaotai seed psasstuea assd tru thin Murstat/a <br />aad~tarared thueby, hsfaxa .felrnytaatssy; fspntals appuwd tstaw,ntx tgxxt the buddtnga t'twsaun m the true of f I$D , QDQ . QQ paYabk <br />m IATIiy.V: repay us trd ASSY)(tA7`NMl sgsssa denntsd a0 ntuaay by x pad ter stxh taxer. aneamtarut and myuanuc Wtth mtmey at <br />the ta~sruum tape! rate thertmn ftttm Bats at paymaat all of wltx'ls MaMtyagtsr hereby agrees to pay, patent rMt wawa un satd prtntgett. keep and twmply <br />web aYifa apserasnts sssQ cunsitNass „i the dead foe S 80 ,DDD. OU tlsr d+l' yswn by the wxl Mortgagor to tad ASYOC'fAT!(kV, and wmply <br />W~,~therpttiremaau of yea C's»xttttwtsut ,ad Nyd.awst>t cad ASS(X:iATION; then theca prcaeata sdtil bawtrr Wulf atd vod, utherwue they <br />epaB rsmatu ro ItsU kxsx _,,ad map fie nxeclared at tlac upttun ul tht saxi ASS(fC'U'TIUN attar tadtue foe three ttwntha to make any of sad <br />IMyaapYt .u pe tluan nx+atln m asxart m nr-taq saxf srxsnthly to peep atd cungdy wsth the agreetsunta and curddpna ui cad tlond; <br />and Msxtysgw agree to true a rsuetxt app,unted fottltwsih m stn:h forse:k:stxe prsxaeduys. <br />I t thus b any .itaaga sn ,aaswshp W the rod etaa/e rstsrtg#r,d Mraia, by nle us rrtlrrwas, tfw the antae rt:taatrting tntlaptedst#ta irvaby <br />saswtsd ahall. a the option .>I"TM liywapde tltttidmg rwf lJOw Aarucialirtn of 4rtmd 1Yaod, Nabraalta, baratta~t umnedtatnly dw ens! payable antbout <br />fta litcs sswta, aed tic amuttat rrariaugt 3tr ttetles ravel Dtwd, acrd any wher Goad foe any additprtW adtxtrttxa made tlterwustdor, that. from tM <br />data of r,,sazre .>! sad s>irtuu, bass utterep at tht rtLaaoxi Iep1 rtric, awf dtr muatgatl, gray then ba ftrracltrad to wtrfy lha amttnut slue on cad <br />psxsd, ysd any tNttet btxa/ fck addaxatd advaaaxxs, tasge/Mt wstb afl war pstd by sad 'Tito 1!t{muWe NtWdistd cad i.tun AtyssiatMta of f:rtttd talmd, <br />P48rtrka dos wauratxx, tease fad eatearsa:rsta, arxi a§nsaetmg extsafatn Jurgq, with matey tlrrstcsn, tram dau of payttteai at the trtaxisnum <br />kgaf nM. <br />M ~s<ntdwf m tlas Bond aawtsi hsse.9y, wilds rhea msrt~.t reatataa sn stiesi iha toarigagaa ttry itawftas adwroa addµiottaf wma to efts <br />raa,ptwa ut nest tlawtl, tfra arayaa.n satusr,ysts m tttaaseat, wlti~ tuna airB be wttltut the aesway of !hit ttttrsigtlta the xma w tM fttada origmafly <br />nrtxtretl thereby, tfx carat tuttutttu ut gtraapd daps nut to eaaaad a aey tetra the artgtaal atttnttnt ut ttda nrxtgap. <br />ia~tc.F.i~a ss Lit :~}~.- ~~rryiHmu~P' n, ft. _y i;i1 <br />$fA7lr.$i~ 1Yb(IRA$XA, ~ :. {Ar ilwa 1 ! tIi d#3' of St;pietlttt@t' I9 !3U . ttatws ra, <br />fX]SA3FY Od% 14A1d. <br />tM uasdatt~tsed, a Notuy ptr4ltc m cad fat cad C ~?mtY. {+erxmaBY taaae <br />Donald J. Leifeld, a single person <br />who 1 5 peraunalfy xttuwa w <br />as to ix rite ttbatttralpatsuu wtwvt aasat i S af(pgd trx tlar abuse tmtrtay#et as nwa~gsrt and he <br />assns- t!e# szid t~r~as:u ttz be h 1 5 ~csiiaai~y aru s~i dsaai. .7 <br />lYt'fR415 ~ head ansf I'+utanai Se+d the ~ atn€asasd - - <br />Lis frr a t' - i r.` .' _.._'. _ _,,. <br />~+~-+• c f <br />~- <br />S _ U#t1U: °'9it#T 4 a•.. , Se - ~ ~va' ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ _ _~u~-.-ter' <br />»:+ma xr 4 t ' <br />